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package txtparser

import (

// Operator definitions
const (
    OperatorLessThan      = "<"
    OperatorLessThanEqual = "<="
    OperatorMoreThan      = ">"
    OperatorMoreThanEqual = ">="
    OperatorEqual         = "="

// Operator is the comparison or assignment operator used in an INI file entry
type Operator string

// RegexKeyOperatorValue breaks up a line into key, operator, value.
var RegexKeyOperatorValue = regexp.MustCompile(`([\w.+_-]+)\s*([<=>]+)\s*["']*(.*?)["']*$`)

// regKey gives the parameter part of the line from the note definition file
var regKey = regexp.MustCompile(`(.*)\s*[<=>]+\s*["']*.*?["']*$`)

// counter to control the [login] section info message
var loginCnt = 0

// counter to control the [block] section detected warning
// and the block device collection
var blckCnt = 0

var blockDev = make([]string, 0, 10)
var excludeDirs = make([]string, 0)

// counter to control the [sysctl] section
var sysctlCnt = 0

// INIEntry contains a single key-value pair in INI file.
type INIEntry struct {
    Section  string
    Key      string
    Operator Operator
    Value    string

// INIFile contains all key-value pairs of an INI file.
type INIFile struct {
    AllValues []INIEntry
    KeyValue  map[string]map[string]INIEntry

// GetINIFileDescriptiveName return the descriptive name of the Note
func GetINIFileDescriptiveName(fileName string) string {
    rval := ""
    desc := GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(fileName, "description")
    vers := GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(fileName, "version")
    refs := GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(fileName, "reference")
    date := GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(fileName, "date")
    if desc == "" && vers == "" && refs == "" && date == "" {
        // no version section found in file
        rval = ""
    } else if refs != "" {
        rval = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\t\t\t%sVersion %s from %s\n\t\t\t%s", desc, "", vers, date, refs)
    } else {
        rval = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\t\t\t%sVersion %s from %s", desc, "", vers, date)
    return rval

// splitLineIntoKOV break apart a line into key, operator, value.
func splitLineIntoKOV(curSection, line string) []string {
    var kov []string
    if curSection == "rpm" {
        kov = splitRPM(line)
    } else if curSection == "ArchX86" || curSection == "ArchPPC64LE" {
        kov = []string{"", "", "", line}
    } else {
        // check for unsupported '/' in the parameter name
        param := regKey.FindStringSubmatch(line)
        if len(param) > 0 && strings.Contains(param[1], "/") {
            system.WarningLog("line '%v' contains an unsupported parameter syntax. Skipping line", line)
            return nil
        kov = RegexKeyOperatorValue.FindStringSubmatch(line)
        if curSection == "grub" || curSection == "sys" || curSection == "service" {
            kov = splitSectLine(curSection, line, kov)
    return kov

// splitRPM split line of section rpm into the needed syntax
func splitRPM(line string) []string {
    var kov []string
    fields := strings.Fields(line)
    kov = nil
    if len(fields) == 3 {
        // old syntax - rpm to check | os version | expected package version
        // kov needs 3 fields (parameter, operator, value)
        // to not get confused let operator empty, it's not needed for rpm check
        // to be compatible to old section definitions without 'tags' we need to check fields[1] for os matching
        if fields[1] == "all" || fields[1] == system.GetOsVers() {
            kov = []string{"rpm", "rpm:" + fields[0], "", fields[2]}
        } else {
            system.InfoLog("in section 'rpm' the line '%v' contains a non-matching os version '%s'. Skipping line", fields, fields[1])
    } else if len(fields) == 2 {
        // new syntax - rpm to check | expected package version
        // os and/or arch are set with section tags
        // kov needs 3 fields (parameter, operator, value)
        // to not get confused let operator empty, it's not needed for rpm check
        kov = []string{"rpm", "rpm:" + fields[0], "", fields[1]}
    } else {
        // wrong syntax
        system.WarningLog("[rpm] section contains a line with wrong syntax - '%v', skipping entry. Please check", fields)
    return kov

// splitSectLine split line of section 'sect' into the needed syntax
func splitSectLine(sect, line string, kov []string) []string {
    if sect == "service" {
        sect = "systemd"
    if len(kov) == 0 {
        // seams to be a single option and not
        // a key=value pair
        if sect == "grub" {
            kov = []string{line, sect + ":" + line, "=", line}
        } else {
            kov = []string{line, sect + ":" + line, "=", "unsupported"}
    } else {
        kov[1] = sect + ":" + kov[1]
    return kov

// ParseINIFile read the content of the configuration file
func ParseINIFile(fileName string, autoCreate bool) (*INIFile, error) {
    content, err := system.ReadConfigFile(fileName, autoCreate)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return ParseINI(string(content)), nil

// ParseINI parse the content of the configuration file
func ParseINI(input string) *INIFile {
    ret := &INIFile{
        AllValues: make([]INIEntry, 0, 64),
        KeyValue:  make(map[string]map[string]INIEntry),

    reminder := ""
    bdevs := []string{}
    skipSection := false
    next := false
    currentSection := ""
    currentEntriesArray := make([]INIEntry, 0, 8)
    currentEntriesMap := make(map[string]INIEntry)
    for _, line := range strings.Split(input, "\n") {
        line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
        if len(line) == 0 {
            // skip empty lines
        if line[0] != '[' && skipSection {
            // skip all lines from a non-valid section
        if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
            // Skip comments. Need to be done before
            // 'break apart the line into key, operator, value'
            // to support comments like # something (default = 60)
            // without side effects
            if currentSection == "reminder" {
                reminder = reminder + line + "\n"
        // remove trailing comments from line
        line = system.StripComment(line, `\s#[^#]|"\s#[^#]`)

        if line[0] == '[' {
            // Save previous section, if valid
            if currentSection != "" && !skipSection {
                ret.KeyValue[currentSection] = currentEntriesMap
                ret.AllValues = append(ret.AllValues, currentEntriesArray...)

            // Start a new section
            chkOk := true
            if skipSection {
                skipSection = false
            currentSection = line[1 : len(line)-1]
            if currentSection == "" {
                // empty section line [], skip whole section
                system.WarningLog("found empty section definition []. Skipping whole section with all lines till next valid section definition")
                skipSection = true
            sectionFields := strings.Split(currentSection, ":")

            // collect system wide sysctl settings
            if sectionFields[0] == "sysctl" && sysctlCnt == 0 {
                sysctlCnt = sysctlCnt + 1
            // moved block device collection so that the info can be
            // used inside the 'tag' checks
            // blockDev will be set only ONCE per saptune call
            blckCnt, blockDev = blockDevCollect(sectionFields, blockDev, blckCnt)
            // bdevs may be changed by the 'tag' checks (chkSecTags),
            // so reset 'bdevs' back to 'all available'
            // block devices (blockDev)
            bdevs = blockDev

            // len(sectionFields) == 1 - standard syntax [section], no os or arch check needed, chkOk = true
            if len(sectionFields) > 1 {
                // check of section tags needed
                chkOk, bdevs = chkSecTags(sectionFields, bdevs)
            if chkOk {
                currentSection = sectionFields[0]
                currentEntriesArray = make([]INIEntry, 0, 8)
                currentEntriesMap = make(map[string]INIEntry)
            } else {
                // skip non-valid section with all lines
                skipSection = true

        // Break apart a line into key, operator, value.
        kov := splitLineIntoKOV(currentSection, line)
        if kov == nil {
            // Skip comments, empty, and irregular lines.
        // handle UserTaskMax on SLE15
        next, loginCnt = handleUserTaskMax(loginCnt, kov)
        if next {
        // write the filesystem section data
        next, currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap = writeFSSectionData(currentSection, kov, currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap)
        if next {
        // write the limit section data
        next, currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap = writeLimitSectionData(currentSection, kov, currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap)
        if next {
        // write the block section data
        next, currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap = writeBlockSectionData(currentSection, bdevs, kov, currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap)
        if next {
        // handle tunables with more than one value
        currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap = writeMultiValueData(currentSection, kov, currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap)
    // data from all sections collected
    // save reminder section, if available
    if reminder != "" {
        // Save previous section
        if currentSection != "" {
            ret.KeyValue[currentSection] = currentEntriesMap
            ret.AllValues = append(ret.AllValues, currentEntriesArray...)
        // write the reminder section data
        currentEntriesArray, currentEntriesMap, currentSection = writeReminderSectionData(reminder)

    // Save last section
    if currentSection != "" {
        ret.KeyValue[currentSection] = currentEntriesMap
        ret.AllValues = append(ret.AllValues, currentEntriesArray...)
    return ret

// blkInfoNeeded - collect of block device info only needed, if a block
// section exists or if a blk* tag is used in any section
func blkInfoNeeded(sectFields []string) bool {
    found := false
    if sectFields[0] == "block" {
        found = true
    } else {
        tags := []string{"blkvendor", "blkmodel", "blkpat"}
        for _, tag := range tags {
            if isTagAvail(tag, sectFields) {
                found = true
    return found

// blockDevCollect collects the block device infos
// should be done only ONCE because it's time consuming on really large systems
func blockDevCollect(sectFields, bDev []string, bCnt int) (int, []string) {
    // collect the block device infos only ONCE
    if bCnt == 0 && blkInfoNeeded(sectFields) {
        system.NoticeLog("block device related section settings detected: Traversing all block devices can take a considerable amount of time.")
        bCnt = bCnt + 1
        // blockDev all valid block devices of the
        // system regardless of any section tag
        bDev = system.CollectBlockDeviceInfo()
    return bCnt, bDev

// handleUserTaskMax handles UserTasksMax settings on SLE15
func handleUserTaskMax(lc int, kov []string) (bool, int) {
    // ANGI TODO: needs rework with SLE16, ongoing discussion
    next := false
    if kov[1] == "UserTasksMax" && system.IsSLE15() {
        if lc == 0 {
            system.InfoLog("UserTasksMax setting no longer supported on SLE15 releases. Leaving system's default unchanged.")
        lc = lc + 1
        next = true
    return next, lc

// writeFSSectionData adds the values from the filesystem section to the
// data structures
func writeFSSectionData(curSec string, kov []string, curEntriesArray []INIEntry, curEntriesMap map[string]INIEntry) (bool, []INIEntry, map[string]INIEntry) {
    next := true
    if curSec != "filesystem" {
        return false, curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap

    switch kov[1] {
    case "xfs_options":
        if kov[3] == "" {
            // empty xfs_options - 'untouched'
            key := "xfsopt_*"
            entry := INIEntry{
                Section:  curSec,
                Key:      key,
                Operator: Operator(kov[2]),
                Value:    kov[3],
            curEntriesArray = append(curEntriesArray, entry)
            curEntriesMap[entry.Key] = entry
            return next, curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap
        for _, option := range strings.Split(kov[3], ",") {
            option = strings.TrimSpace(option)
            opt := strings.TrimLeft(option, "+-")
            key := fmt.Sprintf("xfsopt_%s", opt)

            entry := INIEntry{
                Section:  curSec,
                Key:      key,
                Operator: Operator(kov[2]),
                Value:    option,
            curEntriesArray = append(curEntriesArray, entry)
            curEntriesMap[entry.Key] = entry
        system.WarningLog("unsupported parameter name '%s' for section '%s'", kov[1], curSec)
    return next, curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap

// writeLimitSectionData adds the values from the limit section to the
// data structures
func writeLimitSectionData(curSec string, kov []string, curEntriesArray []INIEntry, curEntriesMap map[string]INIEntry) (bool, []INIEntry, map[string]INIEntry) {
    next := true
    if curSec != "limits" {
        return false, curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap
    for _, limits := range strings.Split(kov[3], ",") {
        limits = strings.TrimSpace(limits)
        lim := strings.Fields(limits)
        key := ""
        if len(lim) == 0 {
            // empty LIMITS parameter means
            // override file is setting all limits to 'untouched'
            // or a wrong limits entry in an 'extra' file
            key = fmt.Sprintf("%s_NA", kov[1])
            limits = "NA"
        } else {
            key = fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT_%s_%s_%s", lim[0], lim[1], lim[2])
        entry := INIEntry{
            Section:  curSec,
            Key:      key,
            Operator: Operator(kov[2]),
            Value:    limits,
        curEntriesArray = append(curEntriesArray, entry)
        curEntriesMap[entry.Key] = entry
    return next, curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap

// writeBlockSectionData adds the values from the block section to the
// data structures
func writeBlockSectionData(curSec string, bdevs, kov []string, curEntriesArray []INIEntry, curEntriesMap map[string]INIEntry) (bool, []INIEntry, map[string]INIEntry) {
    next := true
    if curSec != "block" {
        return false, curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap
    // bdevs contains all block devices valid for the
    // current block section regarding to the used tags
    for _, bdev := range bdevs {
        entry := INIEntry{
            Section:  curSec,
            Key:      fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", kov[1], bdev),
            Operator: Operator(kov[2]),
            Value:    kov[3],
        curEntriesArray = append(curEntriesArray, entry)
        curEntriesMap[entry.Key] = entry
    return next, curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap

// writeMultiValueData handles tunables with more than one value
func writeMultiValueData(curSec string, kov []string, curEntriesArray []INIEntry, curEntriesMap map[string]INIEntry) ([]INIEntry, map[string]INIEntry) {
    value := strings.Replace(kov[3], " ", "\t", -1)
    entry := INIEntry{
        Section:  curSec,
        Key:      kov[1],
        Operator: Operator(kov[2]),
        Value:    value,
    curEntriesArray = append(curEntriesArray, entry)
    curEntriesMap[entry.Key] = entry
    return curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap

// writeReminderSectionData adds the values from the reminder section to the
// end of the data structures
func writeReminderSectionData(rem string) ([]INIEntry, map[string]INIEntry, string) {
    // Start the reminder section
    curEntriesArray := make([]INIEntry, 0, 8)
    curEntriesMap := make(map[string]INIEntry)
    curSection := "reminder"

    entry := INIEntry{
        Section:  "reminder",
        Key:      "reminder",
        Operator: "",
        Value:    rem,
    curEntriesArray = append(curEntriesArray, entry)
    curEntriesMap[entry.Key] = entry
    return curEntriesArray, curEntriesMap, curSection

// GetSysctlExcludes gets the content of the /etc/sysconfig/saptune
// variable 'SKIP_SYSCTL_FILES' and provides it as slice
func GetSysctlExcludes(skipFiles string) {
    excludeDirs = strings.Split(skipFiles, ",")