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package txtparser

import (

// OverrideTuningSheets defines saptunes override directory
const OverrideTuningSheets = "/etc/saptune/override/"

var saptuneSectionDir = system.SaptuneSectionDir

// counter to control the warning message for the use of old style
// version section
var oldStyleCnt = map[string]int{"file": 0}

// counter to control the error message of missing or wrong version section
var missVersionCnt = map[string]int{"file": 0}

// StoreSectionInfo stores INIFile section information to section directory
func StoreSectionInfo(obj *INIFile, file, ID string, overwriteExisting bool) error {
    iniFileName := ""
    if file == "run" {
        iniFileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", saptuneSectionDir, ID)
    } else if file == "ovw" {
        iniFileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", saptuneSectionDir, ID)
    } else {
        iniFileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.sections", saptuneSectionDir, ID)
    content, err := json.Marshal(obj)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err = os.MkdirAll(saptuneSectionDir, 0755); err != nil {
        return err
    if _, err := os.Stat(iniFileName); os.IsNotExist(err) || overwriteExisting {
        return os.WriteFile(iniFileName, content, 0644)
    return nil

// GetSectionInfo reads content of stored INIFile information.
// Return the content as INIFile
func GetSectionInfo(initype, ID string, fileSelect bool) (*INIFile, error) {
    iniFileName := ""
    if fileSelect {
        iniFileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.sections", saptuneSectionDir, ID)
    } else if initype == "ovw" {
        iniFileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", saptuneSectionDir, ID)
    } else {
        iniFileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", saptuneSectionDir, ID)
    iniConf := &INIFile{
        AllValues: make([]INIEntry, 0, 64),
        KeyValue:  make(map[string]map[string]INIEntry),

    content, err := os.ReadFile(iniFileName)
    if err == nil {
        // do not remove section runtime file, but remove section
        // saved state file after reading
        if fileSelect {
            // remove section saved state file after reading
            err = os.Remove(iniFileName)
        if len(content) != 0 {
            err = json.Unmarshal(content, &iniConf)
    return iniConf, err

// GetOverrides is looking for an override file and parse the content
func GetOverrides(filetype, ID string) (bool, *INIFile) {
    override := false
    ow, err := GetSectionInfo(filetype, ID, false)
    if err != nil {
        // Parse the override file
        ow, err = ParseINIFile(path.Join(OverrideTuningSheets, ID), false)
        if err == nil {
            // write section data to section runtime file
            _ = StoreSectionInfo(ow, filetype, ID, true)
            override = true
    } else {
        override = true
    return override, ow

// readVersionSection read content of [version] section from config file
func readVersionSection(fileName string) ([]string, bool, error) {
    skipSection := false
    staging := false
    chkVersEntries := map[string]bool{"missing": false, "found": false, "isNew": false, "isOld": false, "skip": false, "mandVers": false, "mandDate": false, "mandDesc": false, "mandRefs": false}
    vsection := []string{}
    fName := filepath.Base(fileName)
    if strings.Contains(filepath.Dir(fileName), "/staging/") {
        staging = true
    versRun := fmt.Sprintf("%s/", saptuneSectionDir, fName)
    // if processing a note from the staging area, read from staging file
    // and NOT from the stored 'run' file
    if _, err := os.Stat(versRun); err == nil && !staging {
        return getVersionRunInfo(versRun)
    content, err := os.ReadFile(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        return vsection, chkVersEntries["isNew"], err
    for _, line := range strings.Split(string(content), "\n") {
        line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
        if len(line) == 0 {
            // skip empty lines
        if line[0] != '[' && skipSection {
            // skip all lines from a non-valid section
        if line[0] == '[' {
            if chkVersEntries["found"] {
                // stop reading beyond section [version]
            if skipSection {
                skipSection = false
            if line[1:len(line)-1] != "version" {
                // skip whole section
                skipSection = true
            // found section [version]
            chkVersEntries["found"] = true
        chkVersEntriesSyntax(line, chkVersEntries)
        if chkVersEntries["skip"] {
            // Skip comments. But include old style version header
            chkVersEntries["skip"] = false
        vsection = append(vsection, line)

    err = chkVersEntriesResult(fileName, chkVersEntries)
    // if processing a note from the staging area do NOT store the version
    // info in the 'run' file to not override the section info from the
    // working area
    if !chkVersEntries["missing"] && !staging {
        err = storeVersionRunInfo(versRun, vsection, chkVersEntries["isNew"])
    return vsection, chkVersEntries["isNew"], err

// getVersionRunInfo reads content of stored version section info from
// saptuneSectionDir (/run/saptune/sections)
func getVersionRunInfo(versRun string) ([]string, bool, error) {
    var dest []string
    var vsection []string
    isNew := true
    content, err := os.ReadFile(versRun)
    if err == nil && len(content) != 0 {
        err = json.Unmarshal(content, &dest)
        vsection = dest[0 : len(dest)-1]
        if dest[len(dest)-1] == "ISNEW=false" {
            isNew = false
    return vsection, isNew, err

// storeVersionRunInfo stores the version section info for re-use
// in saptuneSectionDir (/run/saptune/sections)
func storeVersionRunInfo(versRun string, vsection []string, isNew bool) error {
    var obj []string
    overwriteExisting := true
    if isNew {
        obj = append(vsection, "ISNEW=true")
    } else {
        obj = append(vsection, "ISNEW=false")
    content, err := json.Marshal(obj)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err = os.MkdirAll(saptuneSectionDir, 0755); err != nil {
        return err
    if _, err := os.Stat(versRun); os.IsNotExist(err) || overwriteExisting {
        return os.WriteFile(versRun, content, 0644)
    return nil

// chkVersEntriesSyntax checks the version section for syntax errors like
// missing mandatory fields or completely missing version section
func chkVersEntriesSyntax(line string, chkVents map[string]bool) {
    var old = regexp.MustCompile(`# .*NOTE=.*VERSION=([\w.+-_]+)\s*DATE=(.*)\s*NAME="([^"]*)"`)
    matches := old.FindStringSubmatch(line)
    if len(matches) != 0 {
        chkVents["isOld"] = true
    if !chkVents["isOld"] && strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
        // Skip comments. But include old style version header
        chkVents["skip"] = true
    // check for the mandatory fields in the new style version section
    ents := map[string]string{"version": "mandVers", "date": "mandDate", "reference": "mandRefs", "description": "mandDesc"}
    for key, ent := range ents {
        re := regexp.MustCompile(newStyleVersionSectionEntry(key))
        matches = re.FindStringSubmatch(line)
        if len(matches) > 1 {
            chkVents[ent] = true

// chkVersEntriesResult checks the result of the version section entries check.
// print and return error message
func chkVersEntriesResult(fileName string, chkVents map[string]bool) error {
    var err error
    object := "Note"
    if strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".sol") {
        object = "Solution"
    if !chkVents["mandVers"] && !chkVents["mandDate"] && !chkVents["mandRefs"] && !chkVents["mandDesc"] {
        chkVents["isNew"] = false
    } else {
        chkVents["isNew"] = true
    if (!chkVents["isNew"] && !chkVents["isOld"]) || !chkVents["found"] {
        // missing version section
        chkVents["missing"] = true
        if missVersionCnt[fileName] < 1 {
            err = system.ErrorLog("missing version section in %s definition file '%s'. Please check", object, fileName)
            missVersionCnt[fileName] = missVersionCnt[fileName] + 1
        } else {
            err = fmt.Errorf("1")
    if chkVents["isNew"] && (!chkVents["mandVers"] || !chkVents["mandDate"] || !chkVents["mandRefs"] || !chkVents["mandDesc"]) {
        // wrong version section
        chkVents["missing"] = true
        if missVersionCnt[fileName] < 1 {
            if chkVents["isOld"] {
                // version section mismatch
                system.ErrorLog("version section mismatch in %s definition file '%s' - old and (partial) new style version header found. Please check", object, fileName)
            system.ErrorLog("wrong version section found in %s definition file '%s'. At least one of the mandatory fields is missing. Please check", object, fileName)
            missVersionCnt[fileName] = missVersionCnt[fileName] + 1
    return err

// GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry returns the field 'entryName' from the version
// section of the Note configuration file
func GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(fileName, entryName string) string {
    var re = regexp.MustCompile(`.*(ID\s*=).*`)
    rval := ""
    content, isNewStyle, err := readVersionSection(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    regex := selectVersionExpression(isNewStyle, entryName, fileName)
    re = regexp.MustCompile(regex)
    for _, entryLine := range content {
        matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(entryLine)
        if len(matches) > 1 {
            val := matches[1]
            val = system.StripComment(val, `\s#[^#]|"\s#[^#]`)
            rval = strings.TrimSpace(val)
    return rval

// GetINIFileVersionSectionRefs returns the reference field from the version
// section of the Note configuration file
func GetINIFileVersionSectionRefs(fileName string) []string {
    refs := GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(fileName, "reference")
    rval := strings.Fields(refs)
    return rval

// selectVersionExpression returns the regular expression needed to
// identify a specific version section entry
func selectVersionExpression(newStyle bool, entry, file string) string {
    regex := ""
    if newStyle {
        regex = newStyleVersionSectionEntry(entry)
    } else {
        if oldStyleCnt[file] < 1 {
            object := "Note"
            if strings.HasSuffix(file, ".sol") {
                object = "Solution"
            system.WarningLog("You are still using the old style version section syntax in %s definition file '%s' which is deprecated. Please adapt.", object, file)
            oldStyleCnt[file] = oldStyleCnt[file] + 1
        regex = oldStyleVersionSectionEntry(entry)
    return regex

// newStyleVersionSectionEntry returns the regular expression to retrieve
// the field 'entryName' from the new style version section of the Note
// configuration file
func newStyleVersionSectionEntry(entryName string) string {
    var re = `^\s*TESTID\s*=\s*"?([^\s].*?)"?$`
    switch entryName {
    //case "id":
    //    re = `^\s*ID\s*=\s*"?([^\s].*?)"?$`
    case "version":
        re = `^\s*VERSION\s*=\s*"?([\w.+-_]+)"?.*$`
    case "category":
        re = `^\s*CATEGORY\s*=\s*"?(\w*)"?$`
    case "reference":
        re = `^\s*REFERENCES\s*=\s*"?(.*)"?$`
    case "date":
        re = `^\s*DATE\s*=\s*"?(\d{2}[-./]{1}\d{2}[-./]{1}\d{4}|\d{4}[-./]{1}\d{2}[-./]{1}\d{2})"?.*$`
    case "name", "description":
        re = `^\s*DESCRIPTION\s*=\s*"?(.*)"?$`
    return re

// oldStyleVersionSectionEntry returns the regular expression to retrieve
// the field 'entryName' from the old style version section of the Note
// configuration file
// needed for compatibility reason
func oldStyleVersionSectionEntry(entryName string) string {
    var re = `# .*NOTE=.*TEST=([\w.+-_]+)\s*DATE=.*"`
    switch entryName {
    case "version":
        re = `# .*NOTE=.*VERSION=([\w.+-_]+)\s*DATE=.*"`
    case "category":
        re = `# .*NOTE=.*CATEGORY=(\w*)\s*VERSION=.*"`
    case "reference":
        re = `# .*NOTE=.*REFERENCES="([^"]*)"\s*VERSION=.*"`
    case "date":
        re = `# .*NOTE=.*VERSION=[\w.+-_]+\s*DATE=(.*)\s*NAME=.*"`
    case "name", "description":
        re = `# .*NOTE=.*VERSION=[\w.+-_]+\s*DATE=.*\s*NAME="([^"]*)"`
    return re

// ResetVersionSectCnts resets the counters to control
// the error message of missing or wrong version section
// the warning message for the use of old style version section
// needed for staging to get the Warnings and Errors displayed
func ResetVersionSectCnts(tag string) {
    for key := range oldStyleCnt {
        if strings.Contains(filepath.Dir(key), tag) {
            oldStyleCnt[key] = 0
    for key := range missVersionCnt {
        if strings.Contains(filepath.Dir(key), tag) {
            missVersionCnt[key] = 0