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Test Coverage
package main

import (

    log ""

// Endpoint - This represents the CNSI endpoint
type Endpoint struct {
    GUID     string                    `json:"guid"`
    Name     string                    `json:"name"`
    Version  string                    `json:"version"`
    User     *interfaces.ConnectedUser `json:"user"`
    CNSIType string                    `json:"type"`

func (p *portalProxy) info(c echo.Context) error {

    s, err := p.getInfo(c)
    if err != nil {
        return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, err.Error())

    return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, s)

func (p *portalProxy) getInfo(c echo.Context) (*interfaces.Info, error) {
    // get the version
    versions, err := p.getVersionsData()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.New("Could not find database version")

    // get the user
    userGUID, err := p.GetSessionStringValue(c, "user_id")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.New("Could not find session user_id")

    uaaUser, err := p.StratosAuthService.GetUser(userGUID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.New("Could not load session user data")

    // create initial info struct
    s := &interfaces.Info{
        Versions:     versions,
        User:         uaaUser,
        Endpoints:    make(map[string]map[string]*interfaces.EndpointDetail),
        CloudFoundry: p.Config.CloudFoundryInfo,
        PluginConfig: p.Config.PluginConfig,

    s.Configuration.TechPreview = p.Config.EnableTechPreview
    s.Configuration.ListMaxSize = p.Config.UIListMaxSize
    s.Configuration.ListAllowLoadMaxed = p.Config.UIListAllowLoadMaxed
    s.Configuration.APIKeysEnabled = string(p.Config.APIKeysEnabled)
    s.Configuration.HomeViewShowFavoritesOnly = p.Config.HomeViewShowFavoritesOnly

    // Only add diagnostics information if the user is an admin
    if uaaUser.Admin {
        s.Diagnostics = p.Diagnostics

    // initialize the Endpoints maps
    for _, plugin := range p.Plugins {
        endpointPlugin, err := plugin.GetEndpointPlugin()
        if err != nil {
            // Plugin doesn't implement an Endpoint Plugin interface, skip
        // Empty Type can be used if a plugin just wants to implement UpdateMetadata
        if len(endpointPlugin.GetType()) > 0 {
            s.Endpoints[endpointPlugin.GetType()] = make(map[string]*interfaces.EndpointDetail)

    // get the CNSI Endpoints
    cnsiList, _ := p.buildCNSIList(c)
    for _, cnsi := range cnsiList {
        // Extend the CNSI record
        endpoint := &interfaces.EndpointDetail{
            CNSIRecord:        cnsi,
            EndpointMetadata:  marshalEndpointMetadata(cnsi.Metadata),
            Metadata:          make(map[string]string),
            SystemSharedToken: false,
        // try to get the user info for this cnsi for the user
        cnsiUser, token, ok := p.GetCNSIUserAndToken(cnsi.GUID, userGUID)
        if ok {
            endpoint.User = cnsiUser
            endpoint.TokenMetadata = token.Metadata
            endpoint.SystemSharedToken = token.SystemShared
        cnsiType := cnsi.CNSIType

        _, ok = s.Endpoints[cnsiType]
        if ok {
            s.Endpoints[cnsiType][cnsi.GUID] = endpoint
        } else {
            // definitions of YAML-defined plugins may be removed
            log.Warnf("Unknown endpoint type %q encountered in the DB", cnsiType)

    // Allow plugin to modify the info data
    for _, plugin := range p.Plugins {
        endpointPlugin, err := plugin.GetEndpointPlugin()
        if err == nil {
            endpointPlugin.UpdateMetadata(s, userGUID, c)

    s.Plugins = p.PluginsStatus

    return s, nil

func marshalEndpointMetadata(metadata string) interface{} {
    if len(metadata) > 2 && strings.Index(metadata, "{") == 0 {
        var anyJSON map[string]interface{}
        json.Unmarshal([]byte(metadata), &anyJSON)
        return anyJSON
    } else {
        return metadata