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package cloudfoundry

import (


    log ""

// Module init will register plugin
func init() {
    interfaces.AddPlugin("cloudfoundry", nil, Init)

// CloudFoundrySpecification - Plugin to support Cloud Foundry endpoint type
type CloudFoundrySpecification struct {
    portalProxy  interfaces.PortalProxy
    endpointType string

const (
    EndpointType  = "cf"

// Init creates a new CloudFoundrySpecification
func Init(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) (interfaces.StratosPlugin, error) {
    return &CloudFoundrySpecification{portalProxy: portalProxy, endpointType: EndpointType}, nil

// GetEndpointPlugin gets the endpoint plugin for this plugin
func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) GetEndpointPlugin() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error) {
    return c, nil

// GetRoutePlugin gets the route plugin for this plugin
func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) GetRoutePlugin() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error) {
    return c, nil

// GetMiddlewarePlugin gets the middleware plugin for this plugin
func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) GetMiddlewarePlugin() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("Not implemented!")

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) GetType() string {
    return EndpointType

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) Register(echoContext echo.Context) error {
    log.Info("CloudFoundry Register...")
    return c.portalProxy.RegisterEndpoint(echoContext, c.Info)

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) Validate(userGUID string, cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, tokenRecord interfaces.TokenRecord) error {
    return nil

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) Connect(ec echo.Context, cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, userId string) (*interfaces.TokenRecord, bool, error) {
    log.Info("CloudFoundry Connect...")

    params := new(interfaces.LoginToCNSIParams)
    err := interfaces.BindOnce(params, ec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, false, err

    connectType := params.ConnectType
    if len(connectType) == 0 {
        connectType = interfaces.AuthConnectTypeCreds

    if connectType != interfaces.AuthConnectTypeCreds {
        return nil, false, errors.New("Only username/password accepted for Cloud Foundry endpoints")
    cfAdmin := false
    tokenRecord, err := c.portalProxy.ConnectOAuth2(ec, cnsiRecord)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, false, err

    userTokenInfo, err := c.portalProxy.GetUserTokenInfo(tokenRecord.AuthToken)
    if err == nil {
        cfAdmin = strings.Contains(strings.Join(userTokenInfo.Scope, ""), c.portalProxy.GetConfig().CFAdminIdentifier)

    return tokenRecord, cfAdmin, nil

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) Init() error {
    // Add login hook to automatically register and connect to the Cloud Foundry when the user logs in
    c.portalProxy.AddLoginHook(0, c.cfLoginHook)
    return nil

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) cfLoginHook(context echo.Context) error {

    cfAPI, cfCnsi, err := c.fetchAutoRegisterEndpoint()
    // CF auto reg url missing, continue as normal
    if cfAPI == "" {
        return nil

    // CF auto reg cnsi entry missing, attempt to register
    if cfCnsi.CNSIType == "" {
        cfEndpointSpec, _ := c.portalProxy.GetEndpointTypeSpec("cf")

        // Allow the auto-registration name to be configured
        autoRegName := c.portalProxy.GetConfig().AutoRegisterCFName
        if len(autoRegName) == 0 {
            autoRegName = "Cloud Foundry"

        log.Infof("Auto-registering cloud foundry endpoint %s as \"%s\"", cfAPI, autoRegName)

        // Auto-register the Cloud Foundry
        cfCnsi, err = c.portalProxy.DoRegisterEndpoint(autoRegName, cfAPI, true, c.portalProxy.GetConfig().CFClient, c.portalProxy.GetConfig().CFClientSecret, false, "", cfEndpointSpec.Info)
        if err != nil {
            log.Errorf("Could not auto-register Cloud Foundry endpoint: %v", err)
            return nil
    } else {
        log.Infof("Found existing cloud foundry endpoint matching %s. Will not auto-register", cfAPI)

    if c.portalProxy.GetConfig().CloudFoundryInfo == nil {
        c.portalProxy.GetConfig().CloudFoundryInfo = &interfaces.CFInfo{}
    c.portalProxy.GetConfig().CloudFoundryInfo.EndpointGUID = cfCnsi.GUID

    log.Infof("Determining if user should auto-connect to %s.", cfAPI)

    userGUID, err := c.portalProxy.GetSessionStringValue(context, "user_id")
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Could not determine user_id from session: %s", err)

    cfTokenRecord, ok := c.portalProxy.GetCNSITokenRecordWithDisconnected(cfCnsi.GUID, userGUID)
    if ok && cfTokenRecord.Disconnected {
        // There exists a record but it's been cleared. This means user has disconnected manually. Don't auto-reconnect
        log.Infof("No, user should not auto-connect to auto-registered cloud foundry %s (previously disconnected). ", cfAPI)
    } else {
        log.Infof("Yes, user should auto-connect to auto-registered cloud foundry %s.", cfAPI)

        // If using SSO login, then copy the tokens, else connect with the same credentials
        if c.portalProxy.GetConfig().SSOLogin {
            log.Info("Auto-connecting to the auto-registered endpoint with the UAA token")
            err = c.portalProxy.DoLoginToCNSIwithConsoleUAAtoken(context, cfCnsi) // no need to login twice
            if err != nil {
                log.Warnf("Could not use console UAA token to login to auto-registered endpoint: %s", err.Error())
                return err
        } else {
            log.Info("Auto-connecting to the auto-registered endpoint with credentials")
            _, err = c.portalProxy.DoLoginToCNSI(context, cfCnsi.GUID, false)
            if err != nil {
                log.Warnf("Could not auto-connect using credentials to auto-registered endpoint: %s", err.Error())
                return err
    return nil

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) fetchAutoRegisterEndpoint() (string, interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
    cfAPI := c.portalProxy.GetConfig().AutoRegisterCFUrl
    cfAPI = strings.TrimRight(cfAPI, "/")

    if cfAPI == "" {
        return "", interfaces.CNSIRecord{}, nil
    // Error is populated if there was an error OR there was no record
    cfCnsi, err := c.portalProxy.GetCNSIRecordByEndpoint(cfAPI)
    return cfAPI, cfCnsi, err

// AddAdminGroupRoutes adds the admin routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) AddAdminGroupRoutes(echoGroup *echo.Group) {
    // no-op

// AddSessionGroupRoutes adds the session routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) AddSessionGroupRoutes(echoGroup *echo.Group) {
    // Firehose Stream
    echoGroup.GET("/:cnsiGuid/firehose", c.firehose)

    // Applications Log Streams
    echoGroup.GET("/:cnsiGuid/apps/:appGuid/stream", c.appStream)

    // Application Stream
    echoGroup.GET("/:cnsiGuid/apps/:appGuid/appFirehose", c.appFirehose)

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) Info(apiEndpoint string, skipSSLValidation bool) (interfaces.CNSIRecord, interface{}, error) {
    var v2InfoResponse interfaces.V2Info
    var newCNSI interfaces.CNSIRecord

    newCNSI.CNSIType = EndpointType

    uri, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return newCNSI, nil, err

    uri.Path = "v2/info"
    h := c.portalProxy.GetHttpClient(skipSSLValidation)

    res, err := h.Get(uri.String())
    if err != nil {
        return newCNSI, nil, err

    if res.StatusCode != 200 {
        buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
        io.Copy(buf, res.Body)
        defer res.Body.Close()

        return newCNSI, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s endpoint returned %d\n%s", uri.String(), res.StatusCode, buf)

    dec := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
    if err = dec.Decode(&v2InfoResponse); err != nil {
        return newCNSI, nil, err

    newCNSI.TokenEndpoint = v2InfoResponse.TokenEndpoint
    newCNSI.AuthorizationEndpoint = v2InfoResponse.AuthorizationEndpoint
    newCNSI.DopplerLoggingEndpoint = v2InfoResponse.DopplerLoggingEndpoint

    return newCNSI, v2InfoResponse, nil

func (c *CloudFoundrySpecification) UpdateMetadata(info *interfaces.Info, userGUID string, echoContext echo.Context) {