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Test Coverage
package helm

import (
    appsv1 ""
    v1 ""

// NodeStatus represents the status of a node in the graph
type NodeStatus string

const (
    // NodeOK indicates OK Status
    NodeOK NodeStatus = "ok"
    // NodeWarn indicates Warning Status
    NodeWarn NodeStatus = "warn"
    // NodeError indicates Error Status
    NodeError NodeStatus = "error"
    // NodeUnknown indicates status is unknown
    NodeUnknown NodeStatus = "unknown"
    // NodeNone indicates node has no status
    NodeNone NodeStatus = "none"

func mapDeploymentStatus(replicas, ready, available, unavailable int32) NodeStatus {
    if replicas == ready {
        return NodeOK

    if unavailable > 0 {
        return NodeError

    if replicas != unavailable {
        return NodeWarn

    return NodeWarn

func mapReplicaSetStatus(status appsv1.ReplicaSetStatus) NodeStatus {
    if status.Replicas == status.ReadyReplicas {
        return NodeOK

    if status.Replicas != status.AvailableReplicas {
        return NodeError

    return NodeWarn

func mapContainerStatus(status v1.PodStatus, name string) NodeStatus {
    for _, cstat := range status.ContainerStatuses {
        if cstat.Name == name {
            if cstat.Ready {
                return NodeOK
            } else {
                // Could be a pod that has completed
                if cstat.State.Terminated != nil {
                    if cstat.State.Terminated.ExitCode == 0 && cstat.State.Terminated.Reason == "Completed" {
                        return NodeOK
                return NodeWarn
    return NodeError

func mapPodStatus(phase v1.PodPhase) NodeStatus {

    status := NodeUnknown

    switch phase {
    case v1.PodFailed:
        status = NodeError
    case v1.PodRunning:
        status = NodeOK
    case v1.PodSucceeded:
        status = NodeOK
    case v1.PodPending:
        status = NodeWarn
    return status