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package interfaces

import (


type AuthHandlerFunc func(tokenRec TokenRecord, cnsi CNSIRecord) (*http.Response, error)
type RefreshOAuthTokenFunc func(skipSSLValidation bool, cnsiGUID, userGUID, client, clientSecret, tokenEndpoint string) (t TokenRecord, err error)

type GetUserInfoFromToken func(cnsiGUID string, cfTokenRecord *TokenRecord) (*ConnectedUser, bool)

type AuthFlowHandlerFunc func(cnsiRequest *CNSIRequest, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

type AuthProvider struct {
    Handler  AuthFlowHandlerFunc
    UserInfo GetUserInfoFromToken

// V2Info is the response for the Cloud Foundry /v2/info API
type V2Info struct {
    AuthorizationEndpoint    string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
    TokenEndpoint            string `json:"token_endpoint"`
    DopplerLoggingEndpoint   string `json:"doppler_logging_endpoint"`
    AppSSHEndpoint           string `json:"app_ssh_endpoint"`
    AppSSHHostKeyFingerprint string `json:"app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint"`
    AppSSHOauthCLient        string `json:"app_ssh_oauth_client"`
    APIVersion               string `json:"api_version"`
    RoutingEndpoint          string `json:"routing_endpoint"`
    MinCLIVersion            string `json:"min_cli_version"`
    MinRecommendedCLIVersion string `json:"min_recommended_cli_version"`

type InfoFunc func(apiEndpoint string, skipSSLValidation bool) (CNSIRecord, interface{}, error)

//TODO this could be moved back to cnsis subpackage, and extensions could import it?
type CNSIRecord struct {
    GUID                   string   `json:"guid"`
    Name                   string   `json:"name"`
    CNSIType               string   `json:"cnsi_type"`
    APIEndpoint            *url.URL `json:"api_endpoint"`
    AuthorizationEndpoint  string   `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
    TokenEndpoint          string   `json:"token_endpoint"`
    DopplerLoggingEndpoint string   `json:"doppler_logging_endpoint"`
    SkipSSLValidation      bool     `json:"skip_ssl_validation"`
    ClientId               string   `json:"client_id"`
    ClientSecret           string   `json:"-"`
    SSOAllowed             bool     `json:"sso_allowed"`
    SubType                string   `json:"sub_type"`
    Metadata               string   `json:"metadata"`
    Local                  bool     `json:"local"`

// ConnectedEndpoint
type ConnectedEndpoint struct {
    GUID                   string   `json:"guid"`
    Name                   string   `json:"name"`
    CNSIType               string   `json:"cnsi_type"`
    APIEndpoint            *url.URL `json:"api_endpoint"`
    Account                string   `json:"account"`
    TokenExpiry            int64    `json:"token_expiry"`
    DopplerLoggingEndpoint string   `json:"-"`
    AuthorizationEndpoint  string   `json:"-"`
    SkipSSLValidation      bool     `json:"skip_ssl_validation"`
    TokenMetadata          string   `json:"-"`
    SubType                string   `json:"sub_type"`
    EndpointMetadata       string   `json:"metadata"`
    Local                  bool     `json:"local"`

const (
    // AuthTypeOAuth2 means OAuth2
    AuthTypeOAuth2 = "OAuth2"
    // AuthTypeOIDC means OIDC
    AuthTypeOIDC = "OIDC"
    // AuthTypeHttpBasic means HTTP Basic auth
    AuthTypeHttpBasic = "HttpBasic"
    // AuthTypeBearer is http header auth with bearer prefix
    AuthTypeBearer = "Bearer"
    // AuthTypeToken is http header auth with token prefix
    AuthTypeToken = "Token"

const (
    // AuthConnectTypeCreds means authenticate with username/password credentials
    AuthConnectTypeCreds = "creds"
    // AuthConnectTypeBearer is authentication with an API token  and a auth header prefix of 'bearer'
    AuthConnectTypeBearer = "bearer"
    // AuthConnectTypeToken is authentication with a token and a auth header prefix of 'token'
    AuthConnectTypeToken = "token"
    // AuthConnectTypeNone means no authentication
    AuthConnectTypeNone = "none"

// // Token record for an endpoint (includes the Endpoint GUID)
// type EndpointTokenRecord struct {
//     *TokenRecord
//     EndpointGUID    string
//     EndpointType    string
//     APIEndpint      string
//     LoggingEndpoint string
// }

// BackupTokenRecord used when backing up tokens
type BackupTokenRecord struct {
    TokenRecord  TokenRecord
    UserGUID     string
    EndpointGUID string
    TokenType    string

// TokenRecord repsrents and endpoint or uaa token
type TokenRecord struct {
    TokenGUID      string
    AuthToken      string
    RefreshToken   string
    TokenExpiry    int64
    Disconnected   bool
    AuthType       string
    Metadata       string
    SystemShared   bool
    LinkedGUID     string // Indicates the GUID of the token that this token is linked to (if any)
    Certificate    string
    CertificateKey string

type CFInfo struct {
    EndpointGUID string
    SpaceGUID    string
    AppGUID      string

// Structure for optional metadata for an OAuth2 Token
type OAuth2Metadata struct {
    ClientID     string
    ClientSecret string
    IssuerURL    string

type VCapApplicationData struct {
    API           string `json:"cf_api"`
    ApplicationID string `json:"application_id"`
    SpaceID       string `json:"space_id"`

type LoginRes struct {
    Account     string         `json:"account"`
    TokenExpiry int64          `json:"token_expiry"`
    APIEndpoint *url.URL       `json:"api_endpoint"`
    Admin       bool           `json:"admin"`
    User        *ConnectedUser `json:"user"`

type LocalLoginRes struct {
    User *ConnectedUser `json:"user"`

type LoginHookFunc func(c echo.Context) error
type LoginHook struct {
    Priority int
    Function LoginHookFunc

type ProxyRequestInfo struct {
    EndpointGUID string
    URI          *url.URL
    UserGUID     string
    ResultGUID   string
    Headers      http.Header
    Body         []byte
    Method       string

type SessionStorer interface {
    New(r *http.Request, name string) (*sessions.Session, error)
    Get(r *http.Request, name string) (*sessions.Session, error)
    Save(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, session *sessions.Session) error

// ConnectedUser - details about the user connected to a specific service or UAA
type ConnectedUser struct {
    GUID   string   `json:"guid"`
    Name   string   `json:"name"`
    Admin  bool     `json:"admin"`
    Scopes []string `json:"scopes"`

type JWTUserTokenInfo struct {
    UserGUID    string   `json:"user_id"`
    UserName    string   `json:"user_name"`
    TokenExpiry int64    `json:"exp"`
    Scope       []string `json:"scope"`

// Diagnostics - Diagnostic metadata
type Diagnostics struct {
    DeploymentType   string                  `json:"deploymentType"`
    GitClientVersion string                  `json:"gitClientVersion"`
    DBMigrations     []*GooseDBVersionRecord `json:"databaseMigrations"`
    DatabaseBackend  string                  `json:"databaseBackend"`
    HelmName         string                  `json:"helmName,omitempty"`
    HelmRevision     string                  `json:"helmRevision,omitempty"`
    HelmChartVersion string                  `json:"helmChartVersion,omitempty"`
    HelmLastModified string                  `json:"helmLastModified,omitempty"`

// GooseDBVersionRecord - the version record in the database that Goose reads/writes
type GooseDBVersionRecord struct {
    ID        int64  `json:"id"`
    VersionID int64  `json:"version_id"`
    IsApplied bool   `json:"is_applied"`
    Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`

// Info - this represents user specific info
type Info struct {
    Versions      *Versions                             `json:"version"`
    User          *ConnectedUser                        `json:"user"`
    Endpoints     map[string]map[string]*EndpointDetail `json:"endpoints"`
    CloudFoundry  *CFInfo                               `json:"cloud-foundry,omitempty"`
    Plugins       map[string]bool                       `json:"plugins"`
    PluginConfig  map[string]string                     `json:"plugin-config,omitempty"`
    Diagnostics   *Diagnostics                          `json:"diagnostics,omitempty"`
    Configuration struct {
        TechPreview               bool   `json:"enableTechPreview"`
        ListMaxSize               int64  `json:"listMaxSize,omitempty"`
        ListAllowLoadMaxed        bool   `json:"listAllowLoadMaxed,omitempty"`
        APIKeysEnabled            string `json:"APIKeysEnabled"`
        HomeViewShowFavoritesOnly bool   `json:"homeViewShowFavoritesOnly"`
    } `json:"config"`

// EndpointDetail extends CNSI Record and adds the user
type EndpointDetail struct {
    EndpointMetadata  interface{}       `json:"endpoint_metadata,omitempty"`
    User              *ConnectedUser    `json:"user"`
    Metadata          map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    TokenMetadata     string            `json:"-"`
    SystemSharedToken bool              `json:"system_shared_token"`

// Versions - response returned to caller from a getVersions action
type Versions struct {
    ProxyVersion    string `json:"proxy_version"`
    DatabaseVersion int64  `json:"database_version"`

//AuthEndpointType - Restrict the possible values of the configured
type AuthEndpointType string

const (
    //Remote - String representation of remote auth endpoint type
    Remote AuthEndpointType = "remote"
    //Local - String representation of remote auth endpoint type
    Local AuthEndpointType = "local"
    //AuthNone - String representation of no authentication
    AuthNone AuthEndpointType = "none"

//AuthEndpointTypes - Allows lookup of internal string representation by the
//value of the AUTH_ENDPOINT_TYPE env variable
var AuthEndpointTypes = map[string]AuthEndpointType{
    "remote": Remote,
    "local":  Local,
    "none":   AuthNone,

// ConsoleConfig is essential configuration settings
type ConsoleConfig struct {
    UAAEndpoint           *url.URL `json:"uaa_endpoint" configName:"UAA_ENDPOINT"`
    AuthorizationEndpoint *url.URL `json:"authorization_endpoint" configName:"AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT"`
    ConsoleAdminScope     string   `json:"console_admin_scope" configName:"CONSOLE_ADMIN_SCOPE"`
    ConsoleClient         string   `json:"console_client" configName:"CONSOLE_CLIENT"`
    ConsoleClientSecret   string   `json:"console_client_secret" configName:"CONSOLE_CLIENT_SECRET"`
    LocalUser             string   `json:"local_user"`
    LocalUserPassword     string   `json:"local_user_password"`
    LocalUserScope        string   `json:"local_user_scope"`
    AuthEndpointType      string   `json:"auth_endpoint_type" configName:"AUTH_ENDPOINT_TYPE"`
    SkipSSLValidation     bool     `json:"skip_ssl_validation" configName:"SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION"`
    UseSSO                bool     `json:"use_sso" configName:"SSO_LOGIN"`

const defaultAdminScope = "stratos.admin"

// IsSetupComplete indicates if we have enough config
func (consoleConfig *ConsoleConfig) IsSetupComplete() bool {

    // No auth, then setup is complete
    if AuthEndpointTypes[consoleConfig.AuthEndpointType] == AuthNone {
        return true

    // Local user - check setup complete
    if AuthEndpointTypes[consoleConfig.AuthEndpointType] == Local {

        // Need LocalUser and LocalUserPassword
        if len(consoleConfig.LocalUser) == 0 || len(consoleConfig.LocalUserPassword) == 0 {
            return false

        // Also, we will make sure that admin scopes are set up for admin, if not specified
        if len(consoleConfig.LocalUserScope) == 0 {
            if len(consoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope) == 0 {
                // Neither set, so use default for both
                consoleConfig.LocalUserScope = defaultAdminScope
                consoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope = defaultAdminScope
            } else {
                // admin scope set, so just use that
                consoleConfig.LocalUserScope = consoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope
        } else {
            if len(consoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope) == 0 {
                // Console admin scope not set, so use local user scope
                consoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope = consoleConfig.LocalUserScope

        // Setup is complete if we have LocalUser and LocalUserPassword set
        return true

    // UAA - check setup complete for UAA
    if consoleConfig.UAAEndpoint == nil {
        return false

    return len(consoleConfig.UAAEndpoint.String()) > 0 && len(consoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope) > 0

// CNSIRequest
type CNSIRequest struct {
    GUID         string       `json:"-"`
    UserGUID     string       `json:"-"`
    Method       string       `json:"-"`
    Body         []byte       `json:"-"`
    Header       http.Header  `json:"-"`
    URL          *url.URL     `json:"-"`
    StatusCode   int          `json:"statusCode"`
    Status       string       `json:"status"`
    PassThrough  bool         `json:"-"`
    LongRunning  bool         `json:"-"`
    Response     []byte       `json:"-"`
    Error        error        `json:"-"`
    ResponseGUID string       `json:"-"`
    Token        *TokenRecord `json:"-"` // Optional Token record to use instead of looking up

type PortalConfig struct {
    HTTPClientTimeoutInSecs            int64    `configName:"HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS"`
    HTTPClientTimeoutMutatingInSecs    int64    `configName:"HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MUTATING_IN_SECS"`
    HTTPClientTimeoutLongRunningInSecs int64    `configName:"HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LONGRUNNING_IN_SECS"`
    HTTPConnectionTimeoutInSecs        int64    `configName:"HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS"`
    TLSAddress                         string   `configName:"CONSOLE_PROXY_TLS_ADDRESS"`
    TLSCert                            string   `configName:"CONSOLE_PROXY_CERT"`
    TLSCertKey                         string   `configName:"CONSOLE_PROXY_CERT_KEY"`
    TLSCertPath                        string   `configName:"CONSOLE_PROXY_CERT_PATH"`
    TLSCertKeyPath                     string   `configName:"CONSOLE_PROXY_CERT_KEY_PATH"`
    CFClient                           string   `configName:"CF_CLIENT"`
    CFClientSecret                     string   `configName:"CF_CLIENT_SECRET"`
    AllowedOrigins                     []string `configName:"ALLOWED_ORIGINS"`
    SessionStoreSecret                 string   `configName:"SESSION_STORE_SECRET"`
    EncryptionKeyVolume                string   `configName:"ENCRYPTION_KEY_VOLUME"`
    EncryptionKeyFilename              string   `configName:"ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILENAME"`
    EncryptionKey                      string   `configName:"ENCRYPTION_KEY"`
    AutoRegisterCFUrl                  string   `configName:"AUTO_REG_CF_URL"`
    AutoRegisterCFName                 string   `configName:"AUTO_REG_CF_NAME"`
    SSOLogin                           bool     `configName:"SSO_LOGIN"`
    SSOOptions                         string   `configName:"SSO_OPTIONS"`
    SSOAllowList                       string   `configName:"SSO_ALLOWLIST,SSO_WHITELIST"`
    AuthEndpointType                   string   `configName:"AUTH_ENDPOINT_TYPE"`
    CookieDomain                       string   `configName:"COOKIE_DOMAIN"`
    LogLevel                           string   `configName:"LOG_LEVEL"`
    UIListMaxSize                      int64    `configName:"UI_LIST_MAX_SIZE"`
    UIListAllowLoadMaxed               bool     `configName:"UI_LIST_ALLOW_LOAD_MAXED"`
    CFAdminIdentifier                  string
    CloudFoundryInfo                   *CFInfo
    HTTPS                              bool
    EncryptionKeyInBytes               []byte
    ConsoleVersion                     string
    IsCloudFoundry                     bool
    LoginHooks                         []LoginHook
    SessionStore                       SessionStorer
    ConsoleConfig                      *ConsoleConfig
    PluginConfig                       map[string]string
    DatabaseProviderName               string
    EnableTechPreview                  bool `configName:"ENABLE_TECH_PREVIEW"`
    CanMigrateDatabaseSchema           bool
    APIKeysEnabled                     config.APIKeysConfigValue `configName:"API_KEYS_ENABLED"`
    HomeViewShowFavoritesOnly          bool                      `configName:"HOME_VIEW_SHOW_FAVORITES_ONLY"`
    // CanMigrateDatabaseSchema indicates if we can safely perform migrations
    // This depends on the deployment mechanism and the database config
    // e.g. if running in Cloud Foundry with a shared DB, then only the 0-index application instance
    // can perform migrations

// SetCanPerformMigrations updates the state that records if we can perform Database migrations
func (c *PortalConfig) SetCanPerformMigrations(value bool) {
    c.CanMigrateDatabaseSchema = c.CanMigrateDatabaseSchema && value

type LoginToCNSIParams struct {
    CNSIGUID     string `json:"cnsi_guid" form:"cnsi_guid" query:"cnsi_guid"`
    SystemShared string `json:"system_shared" form:"system_shared" query:"system_shared"`
    ConnectType  string `json:"connect_type" form:"connect_type" query:"connect_type"`
    Username     string `json:"username" form:"username" query:"username"`
    Password     string `json:"password" form:"password" query:"password"`

type RegisterEndpointParams struct {
    EndpointType      string `json:"endpoint_type" form:"endpoint_type" query:"endpoint_type"`
    CNSIName          string `json:"cnsi_name" form:"cnsi_name" query:"cnsi_name"`
    APIEndpoint       string `json:"api_endpoint" form:"api_endpoint" query:"api_endpoint"`
    SkipSSLValidation string `json:"skip_ssl_validation" form:"skip_ssl_validation" query:"skip_ssl_validation"`
    SSOAllowed        string `json:"sso_allowed" form:"sso_allowed" query:"sso_allowed"`
    CNSIClientID      string `json:"cnsi_client_id" form:"cnsi_client_id" query:"cnsi_client_id"`
    CNSIClientSecret  string `json:"cnsi_client_secret" form:"cnsi_client_secret" query:"cnsi_client_secret"`
    SubType           string `json:"sub_type" form:"sub_type" query:"sub_type"`

type UpdateEndpointParams struct {
    ID            string `json:"id" form:"id" query:"id"`
    Name          string `json:"name" form:"name" query:"name"`
    SkipSSL       string `json:"skipSSL" form:"skipSSL" query:"skipSSL"`
    SetClientInfo string `json:"setClientInfo" form:"setClientInfo" query:"setClientInfo"`
    ClientID      string `json:"clientID" form:"clientID" query:"clientID"`
    ClientSecret  string `json:"clientSecret" form:"clientSecret" query:"clientSecret"`
    AllowSSO      string `json:"allowSSO" form:"allowSSO" query:"allowSSO"`

// BindOnce -- allows to call echo.Context.Bind() multiple times on the same request
// After calling Bind(), request body stream is closed and the context can't be bound again.
// Bound struct is stored in the context store after the first call and retrieved from store
// on subsequent calls.
func BindOnce(params interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
    typeStr := reflect.TypeOf(params).String()
    ctxType := c.Get("magicBindType")
    if ctxType != nil && ctxType != typeStr {
        // Prevent calling c.Bind() multiple times with different params interfaces.
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Calling BindOnce on %v after it was called on %v", typeStr, ctxType))

    ctxVal := c.Get("magicBindVal")
    if ctxVal == nil {
        if err := c.Bind(params); err != nil {
            return err

        c.Set("magicBindType", typeStr)
        c.Set("magicBindVal", params)
    } else {

    return nil