File `api.py` has 376 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.from itertools import chainfrom jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, g, request, current_appfrom api.models import Lottery, Classroom, User, Application, db, apps2membersfrom api.schemas import ( user_schema, users_schema, classrooms_schema, classroom_schema, application_schema, applications_schema, lotteries_schema, lottery_schema)from api.auth import ( login_required, todays_user, UserNotFoundError, UserDisabledError)from api.swagger import specfrom api.time_management import ( get_current_datetime, get_draw_time_index, OutOfHoursError, OutOfAcceptingHoursError, get_time_index, get_prev_time_index)from api.draw import ( draw_one, draw_all_at_index,)from api.error import error_responsefrom api.utils import calc_sha256 from cards.id import encode_public_id bp = Blueprint(__name__, 'api') @bp.route('/classrooms')@spec('api/classrooms.yml')def list_classrooms(): """ return classroom list """# those two values will be used in the future. now, not used. see issue #59 #60# filter = request.args.get('filter')# sort = request.args.get('sort') classrooms = Classroom.query.all() result = classrooms_schema.dump(classrooms)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/classrooms/<int:idx>')@spec('api/classrooms/idx.yml')def list_classroom(idx): """ return infomation about specified classroom """ classroom = Classroom.query.get(idx) if classroom is None: return error_response(7) # Not found result = classroom_schema.dump(classroom)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/lotteries')@spec('api/lotteries.yml')def list_lotteries(): """ return lotteries list. """# those two values will be used in the future. now, not used. see issue #62 #63# filter = request.args.get('filter')# sort = request.args.get('sort') lotteries = Lottery.query.all() result = lotteries_schema.dump(lotteries)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/lotteries/available')@spec('api/lotteries/available.yml')def list_available_lotteries(): """ return available lotteries list. """# those two values will be used in the future. now, not used. see issue #62 #63# filter = request.args.get('filter')# sort = request.args.get('sort') try: index = get_time_index() except (OutOfAcceptingHoursError, OutOfHoursError): return jsonify([]) lotteries = Lottery.query.filter_by(index=index) result = lotteries_schema.dump(lotteries)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/lotteries/<int:idx>', methods=['GET'])@spec('api/lotteries/idx.yml')def list_lottery(idx): """ return infomation about specified lottery. """ lottery = Lottery.query.get(idx) if lottery is None: return error_response(7) # Not found result = lottery_schema.dump(lottery)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/lotteries/<int:idx>', methods=['POST'])@spec('api/lotteries/apply.yml')@login_required('normal')Function `apply_lottery` has a Cognitive Complexity of 21 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def apply_lottery(idx): """ apply to the lottery. specify the lottery id in the URL. 1. check request errors 2. check whether all group_member's secret_id are correct 3. check wehter nobody in members made application to the same or previous period 4. get all `user_id` of members 5. make application of token's owner 6. if length of 'group_members' list is 0, goto *8.* 7. set 'is_rep' to True, add 'user_id's got in *3.* to 'group_members' list 8. make members application based on 'user_id' got in *3.* 9. return application_id as result Variables: group_members_secret_id (list of str): list of members' secret_id lottery: (Lottery): specified Lottery object rep_user (User): token's owner's user object group_members (list of User): list of group members' User object """ # 1. group_members_secret_id = request.get_json()['group_members'] lottery = Lottery.query.get(idx) if lottery is None: return error_response(7) # Not found try: current_index = get_time_index() except (OutOfHoursError, OutOfAcceptingHoursError): # We're not accepting any application in this hours. return error_response(14) if lottery.index != current_index: return error_response(11) # This lottery is not acceptable now. # 2. 3. 4. group_members = set() if len(group_members_secret_id) != 0: if len(group_members_secret_id) > 3: return error_response(21) for sec_id in group_members_secret_id: try: user = todays_user(secret_id=sec_id) except (UserNotFoundError, UserDisabledError):Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return error_response(1) # Invalid group member secret id group_members.add(user) if len(group_members) != len(group_members_secret_id): # Group members duplicatedAvoid too many `return` statements within this function. return error_response(23) for user in group_members: resp = can_group_member_apply(user, lottery) if resp != 'OK': # errorAvoid too many `return` statements within this function. return resp # 5. rep_user = User.query.filter_by(id=g.token_data['user_id']).first() resp = can_rep_apply(rep_user, lottery) if resp != 'OK': # errorAvoid too many `return` statements within this function. return resp # access DB # 6. 7. if len(group_members) == 0: new_application = Application( lottery_id=lottery.id, user_id=rep_user.id, status="pending") db.session.add(new_application) db.session.commit() result = application_schema.dump(new_application)[0]Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return jsonify(result) # 8. members_app = [Application( lottery_id=lottery.id, user_id=member.id, status="pending") for member in group_members] for application in members_app: db.session.add(application) db.session.commit() rep_application = Application( lottery_id=lottery.id, user_id=rep_user.id, status="pending", is_rep=True, group_members=apps2members(members_app)) db.session.add(rep_application) # 9. db.session.commit() result = application_schema.dump(rep_application)[0]Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return jsonify(result) def can_group_member_apply(user, lottery): previous = Application.query.filter_by( user_id=user.id, created_on=get_current_datetime().date()) if any(app.lottery.index == lottery.index and app.lottery.id != lottery.id for app in previous.all()): # Someone in the group is # already applying to a lottery in this period return error_response(8) if any(app.lottery.index == lottery.index and app.lottery.id == lottery.id for app in previous.all()): # someone in the group is already # applying to this lottery return error_response(9) if any(app.created_on == get_current_datetime().date() and app.lottery.index == lottery.index - 1 and app.status == 'won' for app in previous.all()): # You cannot apply while watching a show return error_response(24) return 'OK' def can_rep_apply(user, lottery): previous = Application.query.filter_by( user_id=user.id, created_on=get_current_datetime().date()) if any(app.lottery.index == lottery.index and app.lottery.id != lottery.id for app in previous.all()): # You're already applying to a lottery in this period return error_response(17) if any(app.lottery.index == lottery.index and app.lottery.id == lottery.id for app in previous.all()): # Your application is already accepted return error_response(16) if any(app.created_on == get_current_datetime().date() and app.lottery.index == lottery.index - 1 and app.status == 'won' for app in previous.all()): # You cannot apply while watching a show return error_response(24) return 'OK' @bp.route('/applications')@spec('api/applications.yml')@login_required('normal')def list_applications(): """ return applications list. """# those two values will be used in the future. now, not used. see issue #62 #63# filter = request.args.get('filter')# sort = request.args.get('sort') user = User.query.filter_by(id=g.token_data['user_id']).first() applications = Application.query.filter_by( user_id=user.id, created_on=get_current_datetime().date()) result = applications_schema.dump(applications)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/applications/<int:idx>', methods=['GET'])@spec('api/applications/idx.yml')@login_required('normal')def list_application(idx): """ return infomation about specified application. """ user = User.query.filter_by(id=g.token_data['user_id']).first() application = Application.query.filter_by( user_id=user.id, created_on=get_current_datetime().date() ).filter_by(id=idx).first() if application is None: return error_response(7) # Not found result = application_schema.dump(application)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/applications/<int:idx>', methods=['DELETE'])@spec('api/applications/cancel.yml')@login_required('normal')def cancel_application(idx): """ cancel the application. specify the application id in the URL. """ application = Application.query.get(idx) if application is None: return error_response(7) # Not found if application.status != "pending": # The Application has already fullfilled return error_response(10) for member in application.group_members: db.session.delete(member.own_application) db.session.delete(application) db.session.commit() return jsonify({"message": "Successful Operation"}) @bp.route('/lotteries/<int:idx>/draw', methods=['POST'])@spec('api/lotteries/draw.yml')@login_required('admin')def draw_lottery(idx): """ draw lottery as adminstrator """ lottery = Lottery.query.get(idx) if lottery is None: return error_response(7) # Not found try: # Get time index with current datetime index = get_draw_time_index() except (OutOfHoursError, OutOfAcceptingHoursError): return error_response(6) # Not acceptable time if index != lottery.index: return error_response(6) # Not acceptable time winners = draw_one(lottery) result = users_schema.dump(winners) return jsonify(result[0]) @bp.route('/draw_all', methods=['POST'])@spec('api/draw_all.yml')@login_required('admin')def draw_all_lotteries(): """ draw all available lotteries as adminstrator """ try: # Get time index with current datetime index = get_draw_time_index() except (OutOfHoursError, OutOfAcceptingHoursError): return error_response(6) # Not acceptable time winners = draw_all_at_index(index) flattened = list(chain.from_iterable(winners)) result = users_schema.dump(flattened) return jsonify(result[0]) @bp.route('/status', methods=['GET'])@spec('api/status.yml')@login_required('normal', 'checker')def get_status(): """ return user's id and applications """ user = User.query.filter_by(id=g.token_data['user_id']).first() result = user_schema.dump(user)[0] return jsonify(result) @bp.route('/public_id/<string:secret_id>', methods=['GET'])@spec('api/translate_secret_to_public.yml')@login_required('normal', 'checker', 'admin')def translate_secret_to_public(secret_id): """translate secret_id into public_id This will used for checking the guests at each classes """ user = User.query.filter_by(secret_id=secret_id).first() if not user: return error_response(5) # no such user found else: return jsonify({"public_id": encode_public_id(user.public_id)}) @bp.route('/ids_hash', methods=['GET'])@spec('api/ids_hash.yml')def ids_hash(): """return sha256 hash of `ids.json` used in background """ try: checksum = calc_sha256(current_app.config['ID_LIST_FILE']) except FileNotFoundError: return error_response(20) # ID_LIST_FILE not found return jsonify({"sha256": checksum}) @bp.route('/checker/<int:classroom_id>/<string:secret_id>', methods=['GET'])@spec('api/checker.yml')@login_required('checker')def check_id(classroom_id, secret_id): """return result of application of the user of given classroom Args: classroom_id (int): target classroom secret_id (string): secret id of target user """ user = User.query.filter_by(secret_id=secret_id).first() if not user: return error_response(5) # no such user found try: index = get_prev_time_index() except (OutOfHoursError, OutOfAcceptingHoursError): return error_response(6) # not acceptable time lottery = Lottery.query.filter_by(classroom_id=classroom_id, index=index).first() application = Application.query.filter_by( user=user, lottery=lottery, created_on=get_current_datetime().date()).first() if not application: return error_response(19) # no application found return jsonify({"status": application.status}) @bp.route('/render_results', methods=['GET'])@spec('api/results.yml')Function `results` has a Cognitive Complexity of 9 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def results(): """return HTML file that contains the results of previous lotteries This endpoint will be used for printing PDF which will be put on the wall. whoever access here can get the file. This is not a problem because those infomations are public. """ # 1. Get previous time index # 2. Get previous lotteries using index # 3. Search for caches for those lotteries # 4. If cache was found, return it # 5. Make 2 public_id lists, based on user's 'kind'('student', 'visitor') # 6. Send them to the jinja template # 8. Caches that file locally # 9. Return file def public_id_generator(lottery, status): """return list of winners' public_id for selected 'kind' original at: L.336, written by @tamazasa """ for app in lottery.application: if app.created_on == get_current_datetime().date() and \ app.status == status: yield encode_public_id(app.user.public_id) # 1. try: index = get_prev_time_index() except (OutOfHoursError, OutOfAcceptingHoursError): return error_response(6) # not acceptable time # 2. lotteries = Lottery.query.filter_by(index=index) statuses = ('won', 'waiting') # 5. data = [] for lottery in lotteries: cl = Classroom.query.get(lottery.classroom_id) lottery_result = [] for status in statuses: public_ids = list(sorted(public_id_generator(lottery, status))) lottery_result.append({'status': status, 'winners': public_ids}) data.append({'classroom': str(cl), 'statuses': lottery_result}) # 6. env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('api/templates')) template = env.get_template('results.html') return template.render(lotteries=data) @bp.route('/health')@spec('api/health.yml')def health(): return jsonify({'message': 'good to go'})