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Test Coverage
language: ruby
sudo: required
cache: bundler
  - linux
  - osx
osx_image: xcode7.2
  - USE_ATLAS=1       # This configuration installs ATLAS, builds and tests the nmatrix, nmatrix-atlas, and nmatrix-lapacke gems
  - USE_OPENBLAS=1    # Installs OpenBLAS and reference LAPACK, builds and tests nmatrix, nmatrix-lapacke
  - USE_REF=1         # Installs OpenBLAS and reference LAPACK, builds and tests nmatrix, nmatrix-lapacke
  - NO_EXTERNAL_LIB=1 # No external libraries installed, only nmatrix
  - 2.0.0-p648
  - 2.1.8
  - 2.2.4
  - 2.3.0
  - 2.4.2
  - ruby-head
  # The latest stable and head versions built by clang
  - 2.3.0-clang
  - ruby-head-clang
  # JRuby versions --- experimental, pending merging Prasun's GSoC project.
  - jruby- # earliest supported version (uncomment when jruby-head is passing)
  - jruby-head    # latest supported JRuby
  # Make sure to add exclude lines for new JRuby versions below.

before_install: ./ before_install

install: ./ install

script: ./ script

# Define extra configurations to add to the build matrix.
# The idea here is that the USE_ATLAS=1 option should exercise all the ruby
# code, so it is the only one we need to test with all versions of ruby.
# For other configurations we only test with one version of ruby.
    - rvm: jruby-head
      env: USE_ATLAS=1
    - rvm: jruby-head
      env: USE_OPENBLAS=1
    - rvm: jruby-head
      env: USE_REF=1
    - rvm: jruby-
      env: USE_ATLAS=1
    - rvm: jruby-
      env: USE_OPENBLAS=1
    - rvm: jruby-
      env: USE_REF=1    
    # NOTE: The following two ruby versions on OSX are currently unavailable
    - os: osx
      rvm: 2.0.0-p648
    - os: osx
      rvm: 2.1.8
    - os: osx
      rvm: 2.2.4
    - os: osx
      rvm: 2.3.0
    - os: osx
      rvm: ruby-head
    - os: osx
      rvm: 2.3.0-clang
    - os: osx
      rvm: ruby-head-clang
    # FIXME: The following configuration is unavailable because ATLAS should be built from source.
    #        We need homebrew formula for ATLAS and its bottle.
    - os: osx
      env: USE_ATLAS=1
    # FIXME: The following configuration takes too long time when installing homebrew/dupes/lapack.
    #        We need the bottle of lapack formula.
    - os: osx
      env: USE_REF=1
    # The latest stable and head versions of ruby built by clang on OSX
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.4.0-dev USE_OPENBLAS=1
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.4.0-dev NO_EXTERNAL_LIB=1
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.3.0 USE_OPENBLAS=1
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.3.0 NO_EXTERNAL_LIB=1
    # The latest version of Ruby 2.2.x built by clang on OSX
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.2.4 USE_OPENBLAS=1
    # The latest version of Ruby 2.1.x built by clang on OSX
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.1.8 USE_OPENBLAS=1
    # trunk
    - rvm: ruby-head
    - rvm: ruby-head-clang
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.4.0-dev USE_OPENBLAS=1
    - os: osx
      compiler: clang
      rvm: 2.2
        - ruby_version=2.4.0-dev NO_EXTERNAL_LIB=1

  irc: ""