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Test Coverage
n &= \text{sample size}\\
N &= \text{population size}\\
p &= \text{proportion inside a sample}\\
P &= \text{proportion inside a population}

To compute the standard error of coefficients, you obtain the estimated variance-covariance matrix of error.

Let \mathbf{X} be matrix of predictors data, including a constant column; \mathbf{MSE} as mean square error; SSE as Sum of squares of errors; n the number of cases; p as number of predictors



The root squares of diagonal should be standard errors

Finite Poblation correction is used on standard error calculation on poblation below 10.000. Function 
calculate FPC for variance with
fpc_{var} = \frac{N-n} {N-1}

with n  as sam and N as pop

fpc = fpc(sam,pop)

calculate FPC for standard deviation with 
fpc_{sd} = \sqrt{\frac{N-n} {N-1}}
with n  as sample size and N as population size.

\subsection{Sample Size estimation for proportions}

On infinite poblations, you should use method
which uses
n = \frac{t^2(pq)}{d^2}
t &= \text{t value for given level of confidence ( 1.96 for 95\% )}\\
d &= \text{margin of error}

On finite poblations, you should use
estimation_n(d,prop,n_pobl, margin=0.95)
which uses
n = \frac{n_i}{1+(\frac{n_i-1}{N})}

Where $n_i$ is n on \ref{n_i} and N is population size