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=provide(:title, "Interfaces")
=provide(:description, "Interfaces for accessing the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection")

%h2 Interfaces
  Here are some other ways to access the collection.

%h3 Java Graphical Interface (ssgui)
  The #{link_to "ssget", ""}
  package includes a Java program (ssgui) for browsing and downloading the
  matrices in any format on any platform.

  #{link_to image_tag("", alt: "ssgui screenshot"), ""}


%h3 Yifan Hu
  In addition to creating the 
  #{link_to "graph visualizations", ""} used on this site, Yifan Hu maintains a 
  #{link_to "matrix search engine", ""} for finding matrices with specific properties.


%h3 MATLAB Interface (ssget)
  #{link_to "Click here for the ssget MATLAB and ssgui Java interfaces",""}. 
  ssget.m provides
  for simple access to the collection, right inside your MATLAB workspace.
  From inside MATLAB, ssget will download a matrix, cache it locally, and
  load it into your MATLAB workspace.  No need to use a browser to get a matrix.
  You can even use the built-in index to search for matrices that fit your
  criteria, all inside MATLAB.
  For example, to download all symmetric matrices
  into MATLAB, in increasing size as measured by nnz(A):
    = preserve do
        index = ssget ;           % get index of the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection
        ids = find (index.numerical_symmetry == 1) ;
        [ignore, i] = sort (index.nnz (ids)) ;
        ids = ids (i) ;
        for id = ids
          Prob = ssget (id)     % Prob is a struct (matrix, name, meta-data, ...)
          A = Prob.A ;          % A is a symmetric sparse matrix


%h3 Julia Interface
  #{link_to "Weijian Zhang", ""}, at the University of Manchester, has created a
  #{link_to "Julia interface to the SuiteSparse collection", ""}.

%h3 Python Interface
  Sudarshan Raghunathan has written a Python interface,
  #{link_to "ssgetpy",""}.
  You can see examples of how to use it in
  #{link_to "this Jupyter notebook",""}.

%h3 R Interface
  #{link_to "Fabian Navarro", ""}, at CREST-ENSAI, France, has an
  #{link_to "R interface to the SuiteSparse collection", ""}.
