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# Note-Art JS :guitar:

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  [![License: MIT](](

##### [Demo (outdated) :musical_note:]( | [API :blue_book:](


> Music is a highly versatile art that originates in nature, and has been taken up by mankind as a way of expression and also as an art.
> Now, it's going to be taken up by machines as well.

## Table of Contents

* [About the Project](#about)
* [Features](#features)
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
    * [Usage](#usage)

* [Contribute and Support](#contribute-and-support)
* [Todo](#todo)
* [Contact](#contact)
* [License](#license)

## About

* Create Notes, Chords, Scales and more easily.
* Designed to be simple and intuitive.
* Easily integrate with other music libraries to play music in the browser - You can use libraries like ToneJS to easily
  play scales, chords and even scores you create with Note-Art.
* Use this library to create tools for musicians, research music theory, just create some fun music with programming and
  much more!

## Features

1. Transpose, generate chords and scales easily, invert chords.
2. Tons of music theory utilities, e.g getting the interval between 2 notes, normalizing notes, getting the enharmonic pitch class, converting sharps to flats and a lot more.

## Getting Started


``` bash
# Using npm
npm install note-art

# Using yarn
yarn add note-art

### Usage

Note-art is fully written in TS and offers functions that can achieve any music theory related task you desire.

#### Theory Functions

* patterns are in semi-tones.

##### Transpose any pitch class, note or group of notes easily

import { transpose } from 'note-art'

// PitchClass

transpose('A', 5)  // 'D'

// Note

transpose('A3', 5)  // 'D4'

// Group of notes(can represent a chord, scale or anything else)

const notes = ['C3', 'E3', 'G3'] => transpose(note, 7)) // ['G3', 'B3', 'D4'] 

##### Other functions

import { noteFromFrequency, intervalsToNotes, invertChord };

noteFromFrequency(440) // A4

const majorChordPattern = [0, 4, 7];
const cMajorChord = intervalsToNotes('C3', majorChordPattern) // ['C3', 'E3', 'G3']

const cMajorFirstInversion = invertChord(cMajorChord, 1); // ['E3', 'G3', 'C4']


Check out the [API]( for more.

## Contribute and Support :pray:

* Make a [pull request :avocado:](
    * Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any
      contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.

          1. Fork the Project
          2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
          3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature`)
          4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
          5. Open a Pull Request

* Support me on [patreon](
* Download my app on the google play store
    - [Music Guru]( - **which can generate and
      play any scale in the history of mankind** on google play.

## Todo:

* Create music theory functions - pitch class, note, chord, etc... :heavy_check_mark:

* Re-implement Music notation.

## Contact

Sean Dvir - []( - [@seanitzel]( <br>

Your welcome to mail me your ideas and recommendations!<br>

## License

Note-Art uses the MIT license, check out the license tab for more information.