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Test Coverage
package collector

import (


type lxcCPUCollector struct {
    cpu                       *prometheus.Desc
    cpuPrecentage             *prometheus.Desc
    cpuRealPhysical           *prometheus.Desc
    cpuRealPhysicalPrecentage *prometheus.Desc
    lxcStat                   *lxc.LXC

var (
    containersStat = make(map[string]lxc.ProcStat)
    physicalStat   cpu.ProcStat

// NewCPUStatCollector is a function which return new lxc cpu collector
func NewCPUStatCollector() Collector {
    return &lxcCPUCollector{
        cpu: prometheus.NewDesc(
            prometheus.BuildFQName(Namespace, "", "cpu"),
            "Seconds the cpus spent in each mode.",
            []string{"mode", "container"}, nil,
        cpuPrecentage: prometheus.NewDesc(
            prometheus.BuildFQName(Namespace, "", "cpu_precentage"),
            "Precentage of usage processor",
            []string{"container"}, nil,
        cpuRealPhysical: prometheus.NewDesc(
            prometheus.BuildFQName(Namespace, "", "cpu_physical_real"),
            "Seconds the real physical cpu spent in each mode.",
            []string{"mode"}, nil,
        cpuRealPhysicalPrecentage: prometheus.NewDesc(
            prometheus.BuildFQName(Namespace, "", "cpu_physical_real_precentage"),
            "Precentage of usage processor",
            []string{}, nil,

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) Init() error {
    kernelVersion, err := kernel.GetMajorVersion()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    c.lxcStat, err = lxc.New(kernelVersion)
    physicalStat, _ = cpu.GetProcStat()
    return err

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) error {
    physicalStat, _ = physicalStat.Refresh()
    var totalSystem float64
    var totalUser float64
    for _, containerName := range c.lxcStat.GetContainers() {
        containerStat, err := c.getContainerStat(containerName)
        if err != nil {
        totalSystem += containerStat.System
        totalUser += containerStat.User

        ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpu, prometheus.CounterValue, containerStat.User, "user", containerName)
        ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpu, prometheus.CounterValue, containerStat.System, "system", containerName)
        ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuPrecentage, prometheus.CounterValue, c.getPrecentage(&containerStat), containerName)
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysical, prometheus.CounterValue, physicalStat.System-totalSystem, "system")
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysical, prometheus.CounterValue, physicalStat.User-totalUser, "user")
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysical, prometheus.CounterValue, physicalStat.Idle, "idle")
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysical, prometheus.CounterValue, physicalStat.Wait, "wait")
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysical, prometheus.CounterValue, physicalStat.Nice, "nice")
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysical, prometheus.CounterValue, physicalStat.Srq, "sqr")
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysical, prometheus.CounterValue, physicalStat.Irq, "irq")
    ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuRealPhysicalPrecentage, prometheus.CounterValue, c.getRealPhysicalPrecentage(totalUser, totalSystem, &physicalStat))

    return nil

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) getPrecentage(procStat *lxc.ProcStat) float64 {
    idle := float64(physicalStat.Idle + physicalStat.Wait)
    total := float64(procStat.User+procStat.System) + idle
    precentage := (total - idle) / total * 100

    return float64(int(precentage*100)) / 100

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) getRealPhysicalPrecentage(totalUser, totalSystem float64, procStat *cpu.ProcStat) float64 {
    idle := procStat.Idle + procStat.Wait
    total := procStat.User + procStat.System - totalSystem - totalUser + idle
    precentage := (total - idle) / total * 100

    precentage = float64(int(precentage*100)) / 100
    if precentage < 0 {
        return 0

    return precentage

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) getContainerStat(containerName string) (lxc.ProcStat, error) {
    prevStat, err := c.getPrevStat(containerName)
    if err != nil {
        return prevStat, err

    acctStat, _ := c.lxcStat.GetProcStat(containerName)
    containersStat[containerName] = acctStat
    return lxc.ProcStat{
        User:   acctStat.User - prevStat.User,
        System: acctStat.System - prevStat.System,
    }, nil

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) scrapMetrics() {
    for _, containerName := range c.lxcStat.GetContainers() {

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) scrapMetric(containerName string) {
    containersStat[containerName], _ = c.lxcStat.GetProcStat(containerName)

func (c *lxcCPUCollector) getPrevStat(containerName string) (lxc.ProcStat, error) {
    if _, ok := containersStat[containerName]; !ok {
        return lxc.ProcStat{}, fmt.Errorf("container %s doesn't exists", containerName)

    return containersStat[containerName], nil