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Test Coverage
package httpmock

import (

// Responders are callbacks that receive and http request and return a mocked response.
type Responder func(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

// NoResponderFound is returned when no responders are found for a given HTTP method and URL.
var NoResponderFound = errors.New("no responder found")

// ConnectionFailure is a responder that returns a connection failure.  This is the default
// responder, and is called when no other matching responder is found.
func ConnectionFailure(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
    return nil, NoResponderFound

// NewMockTransport creates a new *MockTransport with no responders.
func NewMockTransport() *MockTransport {
    return &MockTransport{make(map[string]Responder), nil}

// MockTransport implements http.RoundTripper, which fulfills single http requests issued by
// an http.Client.  This implementation doesn't actually make the call, instead deferring to
// the registered list of responders.
type MockTransport struct {
    responders  map[string]Responder
    noResponder Responder

// RoundTrip receives HTTP requests and routes them to the appropriate responder.  It is required to
// implement the http.RoundTripper interface.  You will not interact with this directly, instead
// the *http.Client you are using will call it for you.
func (m *MockTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
    url := req.URL.String()

    // try and get a responder that matches the method and URL
    responder := m.responderForKey(req.Method + " " + url)

    // if we weren't able to find a responder and the URL contains a querystring
    // then we strip off the querystring and try again.
    if responder == nil && strings.Contains(url, "?") {
        responder = m.responderForKey(req.Method + " " + strings.Split(url, "?")[0])

    // if we found a responder, call it
    if responder != nil {
        return responder(req)

    // we didn't find a responder, so fire the 'no responder' responder
    if m.noResponder == nil {
        return ConnectionFailure(req)
    return m.noResponder(req)

// do nothing with timeout
func (m *MockTransport) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {}

// responderForKey returns a responder for a given key
func (m *MockTransport) responderForKey(key string) Responder {
    for k, r := range m.responders {
        if k != key {
        return r
    return nil

// RegisterResponder adds a new responder, associated with a given HTTP method and URL.  When a
// request comes in that matches, the responder will be called and the response returned to the client.
func (m *MockTransport) RegisterResponder(method, url string, responder Responder) {
    m.responders[method+" "+url] = responder

// RegisterNoResponder is used to register a responder that will be called if no other responder is
// found.  The default is ConnectionFailure.
func (m *MockTransport) RegisterNoResponder(responder Responder) {
    m.noResponder = responder

// Reset removes all registered responders (including the no responder) from the MockTransport
func (m *MockTransport) Reset() {
    m.responders = make(map[string]Responder)
    m.noResponder = nil

// DefaultTransport is the default mock transport used by Activate, Deactivate, Reset,
// DeactivateAndReset, RegisterResponder, and RegisterNoResponder.
var DefaultTransport = NewMockTransport()

// InitialTransport is a cache of the original transport used so we can put it back
// when Deactivate is called.
var InitialTransport = http.DefaultTransport

// Used to handle custom http clients (i.e clients other than http.DefaultClient)
var oldTransport http.RoundTripper
var oldClient *http.Client

// Activate starts the mock environment.  This should be called before your tests run.  Under the
// hood this replaces the Transport on the http.DefaultClient with DefaultTransport.
// To enable mocks for a test, simply activate at the beginning of a test:
//         func TestFetchArticles(t *testing.T) {
//             httpmock.Activate()
//             // all http requests will now be intercepted
//         }
// If you want all of your tests in a package to be mocked, just call Activate from init():
//         func init() {
//             httpmock.Activate()
//         }
func Activate() {
    if Disabled() {

    // make sure that if Activate is called multiple times it doesn't overwrite the InitialTransport
    // with a mock transport.
    if http.DefaultTransport != DefaultTransport {
        InitialTransport = http.DefaultTransport

    http.DefaultTransport = DefaultTransport

// ActivateNonDefault starts the mock environment with a non-default http.Client.
// This emulates the Activate function, but allows for custom clients that do not use
// http.DefaultTransport
// To enable mocks for a test using a custom client, activate at the beginning of a test:
//         client := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{TLSHandshakeTimeout: 60 * time.Second}}
//         httpmock.ActivateNonDefault(client)
func ActivateNonDefault(client *http.Client) {
    if Disabled() {

    // save the custom client & it's RoundTripper
    oldTransport = client.Transport
    oldClient = client
    client.Transport = DefaultTransport

// Deactivate shuts down the mock environment.  Any HTTP calls made after this will use a live
// transport.
// Usually you'll call it in a defer right after activating the mock environment:
//         func TestFetchArticles(t *testing.T) {
//             httpmock.Activate()
//             defer httpmock.Deactivate()
//             // when this test ends, the mock environment will close
//         }
func Deactivate() {
    if Disabled() {
    http.DefaultTransport = InitialTransport

    // reset the custom client to use it's original RoundTripper
    if oldClient != nil {
        oldClient.Transport = oldTransport

// Reset will remove any registered mocks and return the mock environment to it's initial state.
func Reset() {

// DeactivateAndReset is just a convenience method for calling Deactivate() and then Reset()
// Happy deferring!
func DeactivateAndReset() {

// RegisterResponder adds a mock that will catch requests to the given HTTP method and URL, then
// route them to the Responder which will generate a response to be returned to the client.
// Example:
//         func TestFetchArticles(t *testing.T) {
//             httpmock.Activate()
//             httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
//             httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", "",
//                 httpmock.NewStringResponder("hello world", 200))
//            // requests to will now return 'hello world'
//         }
func RegisterResponder(method, url string, responder Responder) {
    DefaultTransport.RegisterResponder(method, url, responder)

// RegisterNoResponder adds a mock that will be called whenever a request for an unregistered URL
// is received.  The default behavior is to return a connection error.
// In some cases you may not want all URLs to be mocked, in which case you can do this:
//         func TestFetchArticles(t *testing.T) {
//             httpmock.Activate()
//             httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
//            httpmock.RegisterNoResponder(httpmock.InitialTransport.RoundTrip)
//             // any requests that don't have a registered URL will be fetched normally
//         }
func RegisterNoResponder(responder Responder) {