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<article itemscope itemtype="" class="post">
    <%= title_tag_for post %>
    <small><%= post.subtitle %></small>

  <p class="post-meta">
    <%= '(Draft)' unless post.published? %> <%= date_tag_for post %> by <%= author_tag_for post %>
    <%= raw("for #{{ |c| link_to, c }.to_sentence}") if post.categories.any? %>

    <% if admin? %>
      <%= link_to edit_post_path(post), class: "post-edit pull-right" do %>
        <%= icon 'edit' %> Edit
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  <% cache post do %>
    <div itemprop="articleBody" class="body"><%= markdown(post.body) %></div>

    <% if post.experiences.any? %>
      <p class="credits">
        Special thanks to <%= raw({ |u| link_to(u.short_name, user_path(u.username)) + " (who suggested " + raw(post.experiences.where(:user_id =>{ |e| link_to(, experience_path(e)) }.to_sentence) + ")" }.to_sentence ) %> for making this blog post possible!
    <% end -%>

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