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Test Coverage
<% cache do %>
  <aside id="sidebar">
    <ul class="departments">
      <% for category in Category.all %>
        <%= content_tag :li, class: ("active" if request.path == category_path(category)) do %>
          <%= link_to, category %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>

      <%= content_tag :li, class: ("active" if request.path == archives_path) do %>
        <%= link_to "Archives", archives_path %>
      <% end %>

    <h4>Visual Diary</h4>
    <%= render 'shared/instagram' %>

    <h4>Show Your Support</h4>
    <p>Want to help keep us on the road?</p>
    <p><%= link_to "Donate Gas Money", ";hosted_button_id=2GYPANR49XD38", target: "_blank", class: "gas-money" %></p>
    <p>Or, purchase any number of <a href="" target="_blank">photographic prints</a> from our blog over at our <a href="" target="_blank">Society6 shop</a>.</p>

    <p>In lieux of obnoxious banner ads, we'd like to recommend services <strong>we actually use</strong>, and which offer us a commission for your patronage, but only if you use the following links:</p>
      <li><a href='' target="_blank">Freshbooks</a> (Cloud Accounting)</li>
      <li><a href="" target="_blank">Shopify</a> (E-Commerce)</li>
      <li><a href="" target="_blank">A Small Orange</a> (Web Hosting)</li>
    <p>We fully vouch for all of these companies, and if you end up joining them, you'll be helping us stay on the road. Thanks!</p>
<% end %>