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# Rapu Ture

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## Overview

Rapu Ture is a phrase that means "Exploring the rules/law"

This web application presents the variables from within Aotearoa New Zealand's Legislation as Code (Open Fisca) service, as web pages, allowing a user to discover what calculations are available, and where in legislation (or regulation) the rule came from.

## Environments

**Environment** | **URL**  | **Git Branch**
--- | --- | ---
UAT | | master
Production |  |

## Project Resources

**Resource** | **URL**
--- | ---
Backlog |

## Documentation


## People Involved

**Role(s)** | **Name(s)**
--- | ---
Team | Rapu Ture
Developers | [Brenda Wallace](, [Dana Iti](, [Jacob Ong](, [Lyall Morrison](, [Mischa Saunders](
Designers | [Siobhan McCarthy](
Testers |
Project Manager | [Charlotte Hinton](
Product Owner | [Brenda Wallace](

## Comms

Slack: LabPlus-team #rapu-ture

## Setup

This is a ruby on rails app. You will need to:

* Git clone this repo

git clone

* You will need to ensure you are using the correct ruby version

ruby -v

Choose one of these tools, to change the ruby version

1. [rbenv](
2. [rvm](

* You will need to setup the app's environment variables

cp example.env .env

### Docker

This application is configured to run using Docker and docker-compose. You will need [Docker for Desktop]( to run this locally.

To set up:

`docker-compose build`

To run:

`docker-compose up`

To fetch data:

`docker exec raputure_web_1 bundle exec rake fetch:fetchall`

To shut down:

`docker-compose down`

### Non-Docker

It can also be set up without Docker. You will need Ruby, Node, and Postgres.

* Install the correct version of Ruby. We recommend installing `rbenv` to manage multiple versions of ruby, and then using that to install the version of ruby specified in our file `.ruby-version`

* Install `rbenv` from []( then

rbenv install < .ruby-version


## In a Mac

Install PostgreSQL

brew install postgresql

Start PostgreSQL on startup

brew services start postgresql


## In Ubuntu

Install PostgreSQL

apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Configure PostgreSQL to startup upon server boot

update-rc.d postgresql enable


Start PostgreSQL

service postgresql start


Bundler. Install this from gem

gem install bundler

**Ensure** that your .env file contains these values:

DATABASE_USERNAME: postgres (we used this as the default)
DATABASE_PASSWORD: <whatever password has been set for that user>

Run the setup script


Load seed data from OpenFisca (Note: this takes 15 minutes)

bundle exec rake fetch:fetchall

Run the app

bundle exec rails server

## Development

### Major Dependencies

Ruby 2.5
Rails 5.2 / Puma

* Postgres
* Haml
* React

### Quality assurance tools

* Rubocop

bundle exec rubocop

* Code Climate - integrated with Travis CI

## Deployment

* Deploys to Heroku via Travis. See `.travis.yml`

## Testing

* Rspec tests are included in the Travis deployment script and can be run locally

bundle exec rspec