# This module holds the main singleton methods that are called from the script.
# It also stores the data ans parameter repository so it can be called from
# the other classes and modules if they need data oder parameter informations.
module TerminalVis
module Interpolation
# math class to interpolate data between a set of points
# @raise [RangeError] when the provided coordinates do not lie within
# the data area of the {MetaData::VisMetaData}
class BilinearInterpolation
# method for bilinear interpolation
# @param [VisMetaData] meta_data meta data of the used dataset
# @param [DataSet] data_set dataset where a
# coordinate should be interpolated
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Float] the interpolated data value for (x,y)
def self.bilinear_interpolation(meta_data, data_set, x, y)
set_attributes(meta_data, data_set)
check_data_range(x, y)
apply_bilinear_interpolation(x, y)
# method to return the boundary point for a calculated interpolation
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Hash] the hash containing the boundary points for the given
# interpolation, if at least one interpolation has been run
def self.get_boundary_points(x, y)
check_data_range(x, y)
calculate_boundary_datapoints(x, y)
# @return [DataSet] the used data set
attr :data_set
# @return [VisMetaData] the used meta data
attr :meta_data
# singleton method to set the attributes at the beginning of an
# interpolation
# @param [VisMetaData] meta_data the meta data required for the
# bilinear interpolation
# @param [DataSet] data_set the dataset required for the bilinear
# interpolation
def self.set_attributes(meta_data, data_set)
@data_set = data_set
@meta_data = meta_data
# singleton method to check if the provided coordinates (x,y) lie within
# the data area specified by the meta information
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the provided point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the provided point
# @raise [RangeError] if the data lies outside the meta data boundaries
def self.check_data_range(x, y)
if ( !coordinate_in_dataset(@meta_data.domain_x, x) ||
!coordinate_in_dataset(@meta_data.domain_y, y))
raise RangeError, " Error: coordinate (#{x}, #{y}) does not lie" \
" in the data domain provided by meta_data.".red
# calculates the two nearest, lower indices for the given coordinates
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Hash] Hash with the two indices
def self.get_data_indices(x, y)
x_index = get_index_to_next_lower_datapoint(@meta_data.domain_x, x)
y_index = get_index_to_next_lower_datapoint(@meta_data.domain_y, y)
{ :x => x_index, :y => y_index }
# singleton method to calculate the bilinear interpolation
# applies the formula:
# (1-r)*(1-s)*d(x,y) + r*(1-s)*d(x+1,y) +
# r*s*d(x+1,y+1) + (1-r)*s*d(x,y+1)
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Float] the interpolated data value for (x,y)
def self.apply_bilinear_interpolation(x, y)
return boundary_case(x,y) if check_for_upper_boundary(x, y)
boundary = calculate_boundary_datapoints(x, y)
# interpolate
r = Interpolation::calculate_interpolation_factor(boundary[:d_xy],
x, y)
s = Interpolation::calculate_interpolation_factor(boundary[:d_xy],
x, y)
calculate_interpolation_result(1-r, 1-s, boundary[:d_xy].value) +
calculate_interpolation_result(r, 1-s, boundary[:d_x1y].value) +
calculate_interpolation_result(r, s, boundary[:d_x1y1].value) +
calculate_interpolation_result(1-r, s, boundary[:d_xy1].value)
# creation of the boundary data points for the bilinear interpolation
# @param [Integer] delta_x delta value in x for the grid with values
# in the interval of 0 to 1
# @param [Integer] delta_y delta value in y for the grid with values
# in the interval of 0 to 1
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [DataPoint] corresponding data point
def self.create_data_point(delta_x, delta_y, x, y)
indices = get_data_indices(x, y) # with [x_index, y_index]
coordinates = determine_coordinates(indices, delta_x, delta_y)
data =[indices[:y] + delta_y][indices[:x] + delta_x][:x], coordinates[:y], data)
rescue StandardError[:x], coordinates[:y], nil)
# singleton method to calculate the required coordinates for the
# requested data
# @param [Hash] indices the indices corresponding to the coordinates
# @param [Integer] delta_x delta value in x for the grid with values
# in the interval of 0 to 1
# @param [Integer] delta_y delta value in y for the grid with values
# in the interval of 0 to 1
def self.determine_coordinates(indices, delta_x, delta_y)
coordinates =
coordinates[:x] = (@meta_data.domain_x.
get_coordinate_to_index(indices[:x])+ delta_x *
coordinates[:y] = (@meta_data.domain_y.
get_coordinate_to_index(indices[:y])+ delta_y *
return coordinates
# singleton method to check if the provided coordinate lies within
# the given domain of the dataset
# @param [DataDomain] data_domain domain of the {MetaData::VisMetaData}
# corresponding to the coordinate
# @param [DataPoint] coordinate component of the coordinate to check
# @return [Boolean] true, if in dataset, false: if not
def self.coordinate_in_dataset(data_domain, coordinate)
(coordinate <= data_domain.upper && coordinate >= data_domain.lower)
# singleton method to get the index to the next down rounded datapoint
# @param [DataDomain] data_domain domain of the {MetaData::VisMetaData}
# corresponding to the coordinate
# @param [DataPoint] coordinate component of the coordinate to check
# @return [Numeric] the index of the next coordinate value (rounded down)
def self.get_index_to_next_lower_datapoint(data_domain, coordinate)
((coordinate - data_domain.lower) / data_domain.step).floor
# singleton method to calculate the necessary boundary points
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Hash] the data points that will be used for the interpolation
def self.calculate_boundary_datapoints(x, y)
boundary =
#getting boundary data points
boundary[:d_xy] = create_data_point( 0, 0, x, y)
boundary[:d_x1y] = create_data_point( 1, 0, x, y)
boundary[:d_xy1] = create_data_point( 0, 1, x, y)
boundary[:d_x1y1] = create_data_point(1, 1, x, y)
return boundary
# singleton method to calculate the result of the bilinear interpolation
# @param [Float] r the interpolation factor in x
# @param [Float] s the interpolation factor in y
# @param [Float] value the data value for this factors
# @return [Float] the result of the product of the variables
def self.calculate_interpolation_result(r, s, value)
r * s * value
# singleton method to check if the provided coordinates lie on one of the
# upper dimension boundaries
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Boolean] true: if upper boundary, false: if not
def self.check_for_upper_boundary(x, y)
return (x == @meta_data.domain_x.upper ||
y == @meta_data.domain_y.upper)
# singleton method to apply the interpolation on a boundary case
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Float] the interpolated value
def self.boundary_case(x, y)
if (x == @meta_data.domain_x.upper && y == @meta_data.domain_y.upper)
return get_upper_boundary(x,y)
return LinearInterpolation.
linear_interpolation(create_data_point(0, 0, x, y),
create_upper_data_point(@meta_data.domain_x, x, y), x, y)
# method to create the upper data point based on the given boundary
# @param [DataDomain] domain the domain in x dimension
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [DataPoint] the generated data point
def self.create_upper_data_point(domain, x, y)
if (x == domain.upper)
create_data_point(0, 1, x, y) # vertical case
create_data_point(1, 0, x, y) # horizontal case
# singleton method to serve the case that a boundary point os requested
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Float] the interpolated value
def self.get_upper_boundary(x,y)
indices = get_data_indices(x, y)[indices[:y]][indices[:x]]