module TerminalVis
# This module holds methods and classes to interpolate data values with
# different methods. The following interpolation methods are implemented:
# * Linear interpolation
# * Bilinear interpolation
# * Region interpolation
module Interpolation
require_relative "../data/meta_data"
require_relative "../data/data_input"
require "matrix"
# interpolates the data for the provided coordinate and prints the result
# @param [VisMetaData] meta_data the meta data for the data series where the
# interpolation should be done
# @param [Hash] coordinates the coordinates for the interpolation
# @param [DataSet] data_set the dataset where the interpolation shall be
# applied on
# @return [Float] the interpolated value for the given input
def self.interpolate_for_coordinate(meta_data, coordinates, data_set)
x_coordinate = coordinates[:x]
y_coordinate = coordinates[:y]
BilinearInterpolation.bilinear_interpolation(meta_data, data_set,
x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
# singleton method for linear interpolation between two points
# @param [DataPoint] data_point0 first datapoint
# @param [DataPoint] data_point1 second datapoint
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Float] the interpolated value for the given input
def self.linear_interpolation_for_coordinate(data_point0, data_point1, x, y)
LinearInterpolation.linear_interpolation(data_point0, data_point1, x, y)
# singleton method to interpolate the data values specified for the region
# defined by the coordinates and the interval and delta values
# @param [VisMetaData] meta_data the meta data of the considered data set
# @param [DataSet] data_set the data_set which values are taken to
# interpolate the region
# @param [Hash] coordinates a hash containing the x- and y-coordinate
# @param [Hash] values a hash containing all relevant values for the
# region interpolation
def self.region_interpolation(meta_data, data_set, coordinates, values)
ri =[:inter_x], values[:delta_x],
values[:inter_y], values[:delta_y])
ri.interpolate_region(coordinates[:x], coordinates[:y],
meta_data, data_set)
# singleton method to calculate interpolation coefficient with
# accuracy to the fifth digit
# @param [DataPoint] data_point0 DataPoint with coordinates and value
# needed for the interpolation
# @param [DataPoint] data_point1 DataPoint with coordinates and value
# needed for the interpolation
# @param [Float] x x-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @param [Float] y y-coordinate of the interpolation point
# @return [Float] the calculated interpolation factor rounded to the
# fifth digit
def self.calculate_interpolation_factor(data_point0, data_point1, x, y)
coordinate =, y)
( (coordinate.coordinate - data_point0.coordinate).
dot(data_point1.coordinate - data_point0.coordinate) /
(data_point1.coordinate - data_point0.coordinate).magnitude**2).
# This class represents of a two dimensional point with a numeric value
class DataPoint
# @return [Vector] 2 dimensional coordinates of the data point
attr_reader :coordinate
# @return [Float] data value at point(x,y)
attr_accessor :value
# initialization
# @param [Float] x coordinate in first dimension
# @param [Float] y coordinate in second dimension
# @param [Float] value data value at coordinate (x,y)
def initialize(x=0.0, y=0.0, value=0.0)
@coordinate = Vector[x,y]
@value = value
# helper method to return the x coordinate
# @return [Float] the x coordinate of the {DataPoint}
def x
# helper method to return the y coordinate
# @return [Float] the y coordinate of the {DataPoint}
def y
require_relative "bilinear_interpolation"
require_relative "linear_interpolation"
require_relative "region_interpolation"