require "ruby_utils/base_help_output"
# Output class for help text
class HelpOutput < RubyUtils::BaseHelpOutput
# method to specify and add the help entries with help text only
def self.add_single_help_entries
" -e, --extreme ", "marks the extreme values in a " \
"dataset with ++ for a maximum and -- for a minimum, " \
"also prints the coordinates of the extreme values below" \
" the legend, excludes -c")
add_simple_text(:meta, " -m, --meta ", "process the file <filename> " \
"containing meta data")
# method to specify and add the help entries with help text and one argument
def self.add_one_argument_help_entries
add_single_argument_text(:all, " -a, --all ", " <speed>",
"; prints all specified datasets of a dataseries with a pause " \
"between the output of every dataset defined by speed: 0 means " \
"manual, a value > 0 an animation speed in seconds, excludes -i," \
" -d and -t")
add_single_argument_text(:index, " -i, --index ", " <index>",
"; shows the dataset at index, if index lies within " \
"[1,2, ..., # datasets], excludes -a, -d and -t")
add_single_argument_text(:option, " -o, --option ", " <option>",
"; enables options, the source depends on the argument: "\
"file=<filename> loads options from <filename>, menu enables the "\
"possibility to input the desired values")
# method to specify and add the help entries with help text and two arguments
def self.add_two_argument_help_entries
add_dual_argument_text(:coord, " -c, --coord ", " <x> <y>",
"; interpolates the data for the given coordinate (x,y) " \
"with default dataset index 0, excludes -e, -a, -r and -t")
add_dual_argument_text(:delta, " -d, --delta ",
" <first_index> <second_index>",
"; subtracts the first dataset from the second dataset and " \
"visualizes the difference, indices as [1,2, ..., # " \
"datasets], excludes -a, -i and -t")
add_dual_argument_text(:range, " -r, --range ", " <start> <end>",
"; prints all datasets within the range of the provided " \
"arguments, indices as [1,2, ..., # datasets], excludes -i, -t")
add_dual_argument_text(:section, " -s, --section ",
" <interval> <delta>", "; interpolates data for a given region, " \
"specified by a coordinate, an interval and stepwidth; result: " \
"interpolated values in (x+-interval, y+-interval) with stepwidth " \
"delta, excludes -a, -r and -t; requires -c")
add_dual_argument_text(:time, " -t, --time ", " <x> <y>",
"; creates a timeline for the given coordinate (x,y), coordinates " \
"not laying on the data point will be interpolated, excludes -a," \
" -c, and -i")
# method to print the default help text
def self.print_help_head
puts "script usage:".red + " ruby <script> [parameters] (-f | --file) <filename>"
puts "help usage :".green + " ruby <script> (-h | --help)"
puts "help usage for parameter:".green +
" ruby <script> <parameter> (-h | --help)"
puts "\n#{get_script_name} help:".light_yellow
# method to print the invalid parameter combinations
def self.print_invalid_combinations
puts "\nInvalid parameter combinations:".red
puts " -a + -d, -a + -i, -a + -t"
puts " -r + -t, -r + -i"
puts " -c + -e, -c + -t"
puts " -d + -i, -d + -t"
# method to print the available configuration parameter
def self.print_configuration_parameter
puts "\nAvailable configuration parameter:".red
puts "Timeline:".blue + " number of interval steps in y-dimension [5,100]"
puts "Color legend:".blue + " extended informations about the intervals"
puts "Scaling:".blue + " automatic scaling of the output to the size of " \
"the calling terminal (atm standard dataset output, e.g. -i only)"
# method to set the name of the script project
def self.get_script_name