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Test Coverage
## Getting Started

### Classical RL

#### Tabular Dyna-Q model:

Train a Tabular Dyna-Q model from scratch on the `FrozenLake-v0` gym environment and plot rewards

import gym

from genrl.bandit import BanditTrainer, CovertypeDataBandit, NeuralLinearPosteriorAgent
from genrl.classical import QLearning
from genrl.classical.common import Trainer

env = gym.make("FrozenLake-v0")
agent = QLearning(env)
trainer = Trainer(agent, env, mode="dyna", model="tabular", n_episodes=10000)
episode_rewards = trainer.train()

### Bandits

Use a Neural Netowrk based linear posterior inference method to train on the Covertype dataset.


bandit = CovertypeDataBandit()
agent = NeuralLinearPosteriorAgent(bandit)
trainer = BanditTrainer(
    agent, bandit, logdir="logs/", log_mode=["stdout", "tensorboard"]
results = trainer.train(timesteps=100)

This can also be done through a command line interface. 

python -m genrl.bandit.main -a variational -b neural-linpos -t 100

 _The `--download` flag may need to be specified when running for the first time._

### Deep RL

#### Vanilla Policy Gradient

Train Vanilla Policy Gradient on Vectorized CartPole-v1


# Specify some hyperparameters
n_envs = 10
epochs = 15
eval_episodes = 10
arch = "mlp"
log = ["stdout"] # Specify logging type as a comma-separated list

# Initialize Agent and Environment
env = VectorEnv("CartPole-v1", n_envs)
agent = VPG(arch, env)

# Trainer
trainer = OnPolicyTrainer(agent, env, log, epochs = epochs, evaluate_episodes = eval_episodes)

# Evaluation

#### Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)

Train Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) on Vectorized Pendulum-v0


# Specify some hyperparameters
n_envs = 10
epochs = 40
eval_episodes = 20
arch = "mlp"
log = ["stdout", "csv"] # Specify logging type as a comma-separated list

# Initialize Agent and Environment
env = VectorEnv("Pendulum-v0", n_envs)
agent = SAC(arch, env)

# Trainer
trainer = OffPolicyTrainer(agent, env, log, epochs = epochs, evaluate_episodes = eval_episodes)

# Evaluation

#### Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)

Train Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) on Vectorized Breakout-v0


# Specify some hyperparameters
n_envs = 2
epochs = 100
eval_episodes = 20
arch = "cnn"
rollout_size = 128
log = ["stdout", "tensorboard"] # Specify logging type as a comma-separated list

# Initialize Agent and Environment
env = VectorEnv("Breakout-v0", n_envs, env_type = "atari")
agent = PPO1(arch, env, rollout_size = rollout_size)

# Trainer
trainer = OnPolicyTrainer(agent, env, log, epochs = epochs, evaluate_episodes = eval_episodes)

# Evaluation