from typing import Tuple, Type, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
from genrl.core.base import BaseValue
from genrl.core.noise import NoisyLinear
from genrl.utils.utils import cnn, mlp, noisy_mlp
def _get_val_model(
arch: str,
val_type: str,
state_dim: str,
fc_layers: Tuple,
action_dim: int = None,
activation: str = "relu",
Returns Neural Network given specifications
:param arch: Specifies type of architecture "mlp" for MLP layers
:param val_type: Specifies type of value function: (
"V" for V(s), "Qs" for Q(s), "Qsa" for Q(s,a))
:param state_dim: State dimensions of environment
:param action_dim: Action dimensions of environment
:param hidden: Sizes of hidden layers
:type arch: string
:type val_type: string
:type state_dim: string
:type action_dim: int
:type hidden: tuple or list
:returns: Neural Network model to be used for the Value function
if val_type == "V":
return arch([state_dim, *fc_layers, 1], activation=activation)
elif val_type == "Qsa":
return arch([state_dim + action_dim, *fc_layers, 1], activation=activation)
elif val_type == "Qs":
return arch([state_dim, *fc_layers, action_dim], activation=activation)
raise ValueError
class MlpValue(BaseValue):
MLP Value Function class
:param state_dim: State dimensions of environment
:param action_dim: Action dimensions of environment
:param val_type: Specifies type of value function: (
"V" for V(s), "Qs" for Q(s), "Qsa" for Q(s,a))
:param hidden: Sizes of hidden layers
:type state_dim: int
:type action_dim: int
:type val_type: string
:type hidden: tuple or list
def __init__(
state_dim: int,
action_dim: int = None,
val_type: str = "V",
fc_layers: Tuple = (32, 32),
super(MlpValue, self).__init__(state_dim, action_dim)
self.val_type = val_type
self.fc_layers = fc_layers
self.activation = kwargs["activation"] if "activation" in kwargs else "relu"
self.model = _get_val_model(
mlp, val_type, state_dim, fc_layers, action_dim, self.activation
class CnnValue(MlpValue):
CNN Value Function class
:param framestack: Number of previous frames to stack together
:param action_dim: Action dimension of environment
:param val_type: Specifies type of value function: (
"V" for V(s), "Qs" for Q(s), "Qsa" for Q(s,a))
:param fc_layers: Sizes of hidden layers
:type framestack: int
:type action_dim: int
:type val_type: string
:type fc_layers: tuple or list
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CnnValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.conv, self.output_size = cnn(
(self.state_dim, 16, 32), activation=self.activation
self.model = mlp([self.output_size, *self.fc_layers, self.action_dim])
def _cnn_forward(self, state):
batch_size, n_envs, frame, H, B = state.shape
state = self.conv(state.view(-1, frame, H, B))
return state.view(batch_size, n_envs, -1)
def forward(self, state: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
value = self._cnn_forward(state)
return self.model.forward(value)
class MlpDuelingValue(MlpValue):
"""Class for Dueling DQN's MLP Q-Value function
state_dim (int): Observation space dimensions
action_dim (int): Action space dimensions
hidden (:obj:`tuple`): Hidden layer dimensions
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MlpDuelingValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.feature = mlp([self.state_dim, *self.fc_layers[:-1]])
self.advantage = mlp([self.fc_layers[-1], self.action_dim])
self.value = mlp([self.fc_layers[-1], 1])
def forward(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
features = F.relu(self.feature(state))
advantage = self.advantage(features)
value = self.value(features)
return value + advantage - advantage.mean()
class CnnDuelingValue(CnnValue):
"""Class for Dueling DQN's MLP Q-Value function
framestack (int): No. of frames being passed into the Q-value function
action_dim (int): Action space dimensions
fc_layers (:obj:`tuple`): Hidden layer dimensions
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CnnDuelingValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.advantage = mlp([self.output_size, *self.fc_layers, self.action_dim])
self.value = mlp([self.output_size, *self.fc_layers, 1])
def forward(self, inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
inp = self._cnn_forward(inp)
advantage = self.advantage(inp)
value = self.value(inp)
return value + advantage - advantage.mean()
class MlpNoisyValue(MlpValue):
def __init__(self, *args, noisy_layers: Tuple = (128, 512), **kwargs):
super(MlpNoisyValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.noisy_layers = noisy_layers
self.num_atoms = kwargs["num_atoms"] if "num_atoms" in kwargs else 1
self.model = noisy_mlp(
[self.state_dim, *self.fc_layers],
[*self.noisy_layers, self.action_dim * self.num_atoms],
def reset_noise(self) -> None:
Resets noise for any Noisy layers in Value function
for layer in self.model:
if isinstance(layer, NoisyLinear):
class CnnNoisyValue(CnnValue, MlpNoisyValue):
"""Class for Noisy DQN's CNN Q-Value function
state_dim (int): Number of previous frames to stack together
action_dim (int): Action space dimensions
fc_layers (:obj:`tuple`): Fully connected layer dimensions
noisy_layers (:obj:`tuple`): Noisy layer dimensions
num_atoms (int): Number of atoms used to discretise the
Categorical DQN value distribution
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CnnNoisyValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.model = noisy_mlp(
[self.output_size, *self.fc_layers],
[*self.noisy_layers, self.action_dim * self.num_atoms],
def forward(self, state: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
value = self._cnn_forward(state)
return self.model.forward(value)
class MlpCategoricalValue(MlpNoisyValue):
"""Class for Categorical DQN's MLP Q-Value function
state_dim (int): Observation space dimensions
action_dim (int): Action space dimensions
fc_layers (:obj:`tuple`): Fully connected layer dimensions
noisy_layers (:obj:`tuple`): Noisy layer dimensions
num_atoms (int): Number of atoms used to discretise the
Categorical DQN value distribution
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MlpCategoricalValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def forward(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
batch_size, n_envs, _ = state.shape
features = self.model(state)
return F.softmax(features.view(-1, self.num_atoms), dim=0).view(
batch_size, n_envs, self.action_dim, self.num_atoms
class CnnCategoricalValue(CnnNoisyValue):
"""Class for Categorical DQN's CNN Q-Value function
framestack (int): No. of frames being passed into the Q-value function
action_dim (int): Action space dimensions
fc_layers (:obj:`tuple`): Fully connected layer dimensions
noisy_layers (:obj:`tuple`): Noisy layer dimensions
num_atoms (int): Number of atoms used to discretise the
Categorical DQN value distribution
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CnnCategoricalValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def forward(self, state: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
features = self._cnn_forward(state)
features = self.model(features)
batch_size, env, _ = features.shape
return F.softmax(features.view(-1, self.num_atoms), dim=0).view(
batch_size, env, self.action_dim, self.num_atoms
value_registry = {
"mlp": MlpValue,
"cnn": CnnValue,
"mlpdueling": MlpDuelingValue,
"cnndueling": CnnDuelingValue,
"mlpnoisy": MlpNoisyValue,
"cnnnoisy": CnnNoisyValue,
"mlpcategorical": MlpCategoricalValue,
"cnncategorical": CnnCategoricalValue,
def get_value_from_name(name_: str) -> Union[Type[MlpValue], Type[CnnValue]]:
Gets the value function given the name of the value function
:param name_: Name of the value function needed
:type name_: string
:returns: Value function
if name_ in value_registry:
return value_registry[name_]
raise NotImplementedError