import random
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union
import gym
import numpy as np
import torch # noqa
import torch.nn as nn # noqa
from genrl.core.base import BaseActorCritic, BasePolicy, BaseValue
from genrl.core.noise import NoisyLinear
from genrl.environments.vec_env import VecEnv
def get_model(type_: str, name_: str) -> Union:
Utility to get the class of required function
:param type_: "ac" for Actor Critic, "v" for Value, "p" for Policy
:param name_: Name of the specific structure of model. (
Eg. "mlp" or "cnn")
:type type_: string
:returns: Required class. Eg. MlpActorCritic
if type_ == "ac":
from genrl.core import get_actor_critic_from_name
return get_actor_critic_from_name(name_)
elif type_ == "v":
from genrl.core import get_value_from_name
return get_value_from_name(name_)
elif type_ == "p":
from genrl.core import get_policy_from_name
return get_policy_from_name(name_)
raise ValueError
def mlp(
sizes: Tuple,
activation: str = "relu",
sac: bool = False,
Generates an MLP model given sizes of each layer
:param sizes: Sizes of hidden layers
:param sac: True if Soft Actor Critic is being used, else False
:type sizes: tuple or list
:type sac: bool
:returns: (Neural Network with fully-connected linear layers and
activation layers)
layers = []
limit = len(sizes) if sac is False else len(sizes) - 1
activation = nn.Tanh() if activation == "tanh" else nn.ReLU()
for layer in range(limit - 1):
act = activation if layer < limit - 2 else nn.Identity()
layers += [nn.Linear(sizes[layer], sizes[layer + 1]), act]
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def cnn(
channels: Tuple = (4, 16, 32),
kernel_sizes: Tuple = (8, 4),
strides: Tuple = (4, 2),
) -> (Tuple):
(Generates a CNN model given input dimensions, channels, kernel_sizes and
:param channels: Input output channels before and after each convolution
:param kernel_sizes: Kernel sizes for each convolution
:param strides: Strides for each convolution
:param in_size: Input dimensions (assuming square input)
:type channels: tuple
:type kernel_sizes: tuple
:type strides: tuple
:type in_size: int
:returns: (Convolutional Neural Network with convolutional layers and
activation layers)
cnn_layers = []
output_size = kwargs["in_size"] if "in_size" in kwargs else 84
act_fn = kwargs["activation"] if "activation" in kwargs else "relu"
activation = nn.Tanh() if act_fn == "tanh" else nn.ReLU()
for i in range(len(channels) - 1):
in_channels, out_channels = channels[i], channels[i + 1]
kernel_size, stride = kernel_sizes[i], strides[i]
conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride)
cnn_layers += [conv, activation]
output_size = (output_size - kernel_size) / stride + 1
cnn_layers = nn.Sequential(*cnn_layers)
output_size = int(out_channels * (output_size ** 2))
return cnn_layers, output_size
def noisy_mlp(fc_layers: List[int], noisy_layers: List[int], activation="relu"):
"""Noisy MLP generating helper function
fc_layers (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`): List of fully connected layers
noisy_layers (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`): :ist of noisy layers
activation (str): Activation function to be used. ["tanh", "relu"]
Noisy MLP model
model = []
act = nn.Tanh if activation == "tanh" else nn.ReLU()
for layer in range(len(fc_layers) - 1):
model += [nn.Linear(fc_layers[layer], fc_layers[layer + 1]), act]
model += [nn.Linear(fc_layers[-1], noisy_layers[0]), act]
for layer in range(len(noisy_layers) - 1):
model += [NoisyLinear(noisy_layers[layer], noisy_layers[layer + 1])]
if layer < len(noisy_layers) - 2:
model += [act]
return nn.Sequential(*model)
def get_env_properties(
env: Union[gym.Env, VecEnv], network: Union[str, Any] = "mlp"
) -> (Tuple[int]):
Finds important properties of environment
:param env: Environment that the agent is interacting with
:type env: Gym Environment
:param network: Type of network architecture, eg. "mlp", "cnn"
:type network: str
:returns: (State space dimensions, Action space dimensions,
discreteness of action space and action limit (highest action value)
:rtype: int, float, ...; int, float, ...; bool; int, float, ...
if network == "cnn":
state_dim = env.framestack
elif network == "mlp":
state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]
elif isinstance(network, (BasePolicy, BaseValue)):
state_dim = network.state_dim
elif isinstance(network, BaseActorCritic):
state_dim =
raise TypeError
if isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
action_dim = env.action_space.n
discrete = True
action_lim = None
elif isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Box):
action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]
action_lim = env.action_space.high[0]
discrete = False
raise NotImplementedError
return state_dim, action_dim, discrete, action_lim
def set_seeds(seed: int, env: Union[gym.Env, VecEnv] = None) -> None:
Sets seeds for reproducibility
:param seed: Seed Value
:param env: Optionally pass gym environment to set its seed
:type seed: int
:type env: Gym Environment
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
if env is not None:
def safe_mean(log: Union[torch.Tensor, List[int]]):
Returns 0 if there are no elements in logs
if len(log) == 0:
return 0
if isinstance(log, torch.Tensor):
func = torch.mean
func = np.mean
return func(log)