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# encoding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'chatrix/api/api_component'

module Chatrix
  module Api
    # Contains methods to use user endpoints in the API.
    class Users < ApiComponent
      # Gets information about a specific user.
      # @param user [String] The user to query (`@user:host.tld`).
      # @return [Hash] The user information.
      # @raise [UserNotFoundError] If the user could not be found.
      # @example Print a user's display name
      #   puts get_user('')['displayname']
      def get(user)
        make_request(:get, "/profile/#{user}").parsed_response
      rescue NotFoundError => e
        raise, e.error),
              'The specified user could not be found'

      # Get the URL to a user's avatar (an `mxp://` URL).
      # @param (see #get_user)
      # @return [String] The avatar URL.
      # @raise [AvatarNotFoundError] If the avatar or user could not be found.
      def get_avatar(user)
        make_request(:get, "/profile/#{user}/avatar_url")['avatar_url']
      rescue NotFoundError => e
        raise, e.error),
              'Avatar or user could not be found'

      # Sets a new avatar for a user.
      # @param user [String] The user to update.
      # @param avatar [String] The new avatar to set, an `mxc://` URL.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the new avatar was set successfully,
      #   otherwise `false`.
      def set_avatar(user, avatar)
          content: { avatar_url: avatar }
        ).code == 200

      # Get a user's display name (**not** username).
      # @param (see #get_user)
      # @raise (see #get_user)
      # @return [String] The user's display name.
      def get_displayname(user)
        make_request(:get, "/profile/#{user}/displayname")['displayname']
      rescue NotFoundError => e
        raise, e.error),
              'The specified user could not be found'

      # Sets a new display name for a user.
      # @note Can only be used on the user who possesses the
      #   {Matrix#access_token access_token} currently in use.
      # @param user [String] The user to modify (`@user:host.tld`).
      # @param displayname [String] The new displayname to set.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the new display name was successfully set,
      #   otherwise `false`.
      def set_displayname(user, displayname)
          content: { displayname: displayname }
        ).code == 200

      # Sets account data for a user.
      # @param user [String] The user to add the data to.
      # @param type [String] The event type of `account_data` to set.
      # @param data [Hash] The actual data to set.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the account data was successfully set,
      #   otherwise `false`.
      def set_data(user, type, data)
          content: data
        ).code == 200

      # Sets account data for a user specific to a certain room.
      # @param (see #set_data)
      # @param room [String] The room to add the data in.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the account data was successfully set
      #   in the specified room, otherwise `false`.
      def set_room_data(user, room, type, data)
          content: data
        ).code == 200

      # Gets the presence list for a user.
      # @param user [String] The user whose list to get.
      # @return [Array] A list of presences for this user.
      # @todo The official documentation on this endpoint is weird, what does
      #   this really do?
      def get_presence_list(user)
        make_request(:get, "/presence/list/#{user}").parsed_response

      # Adds or removes users from a user's presence list.
      # @param user [String] The user whose list to modify.
      # @param data [Hash{String=>Array<String>}] Contains two arrays,
      #   `invite` and `drop`. Users listed in the `invite` array will be
      #   invited to join the presence list. Users listed in the `drop` array
      #   will be removed from the presence list.
      #   Note that both arrays are not required but at least one must be
      #   present.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the list was successfully updated,
      #   otherwise `false`.
      # @example Add and remove two users
      #   update_presence_list(
      #     '',
      #     {
      #       invite: [''],
      #       drop: ['']
      #     }
      #   )
      def update_presence_list(user, data)
          content: { presence_diff: data }
        ).code == 200

      # Gets the presence status of a user.
      # @param user [String] The user to query.
      # @return [Hash] Hash with information about the user's presence,
      #   contains information indicating if they are available and when
      #   they were last active.
      def get_presence_status(user)
        make_request(:get, "/presence/#{user}/status").parsed_response

      # Updates the presence status of a user.
      # @note Only the user for whom the {Matrix#access_token access_token} is
      #   valid for can have their presence updated.
      # @param user [String] The user to update.
      # @param status [String] The new status to set. Eg. `'online'`
      #   or `'offline'`.
      # @param message [String,nil] If set,
      #   associates a message with the status.
      # @return [Boolean] `true` if the presence was updated successfully,
      #   otherwise `false`.
      def update_presence_status(user, status, message = nil)
        content = { presenceState: { presence: status } }

        content[:presenceState][:status_msg] = message if message

        make_request(:put, "/presence/#{user}/status", content: content)
          .code == 200