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                <h2 class="center">FAQ</h2>
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                    <h4>How can I open an account?</h4>
                    <p>Here are the steps to follow:
                            <li>Visit the homepage by clicking this
                                <a href="../../index.html">link.</a>
                            <li>Click the Login button at the top right corner.</li>
                            <li>Enter your email and password or navigate to the sign up page to
                                register if haven't already.
                            <li>After successfully registration navigate back to the homepage.</li>
                            <li>Scroll down to the middle of the page and click the get started
                            <li>Fill in your details in the form on the new page and submit.</li>
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                    <h4>Can my account be dormant?</h4>
                    <p>Yes, your account can be dormant if not used.</p>
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            <p>&copy; 2019 All rights reserved.</p>

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