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# Copyright (c) 2011 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Shoobx, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""PostGreSQL/JSONB Persistence Zope Containers"""
import binascii
import persistent
import transaction
import zope.component
import warnings
import weakref
from import MutableMapping
from future.utils import viewitems

from zope.container import contained, sample
from zope.container.interfaces import IContainer

import pjpersist.sqlbuilder as sb
from pjpersist import interfaces, serialize
from pjpersist.zope import interfaces as zinterfaces
from pjpersist.mquery import Converter


class PJContained(contained.Contained):

    _v_name = None
    _pj_name_attr = None
    _pj_name_getter = None
    _pj_name_setter = None

    _pj_parent_attr = None
    _pj_parent_getter = None
    _pj_parent_setter = None
    _v_parent = None

    def __name__(self):
        if self._v_name is None:
            if self._pj_name_attr is not None:
                self._v_name = getattr(self, self._pj_name_attr, None)
            elif self._pj_name_getter is not None:
                self._v_name = self._pj_name_getter()
        return self._v_name

    def __name__(self, value):
        if self._pj_name_setter is not None:
        self._v_name = value

    def __parent__(self):
        if self._v_parent is None:
            if self._pj_parent_attr is not None:
                self._v_parent = getattr(self, self._pj_parent_attr, None)
            elif self._pj_parent_getter is not None:
                self._v_parent = self._pj_parent_getter()
        return self._v_parent

    def __parent__(self, value):
        if self._pj_parent_setter is not None:
        self._v_parent = value

class SimplePJContainer(sample.SampleContainer, persistent.Persistent):
    _pj_remove_documents = True

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = super(SimplePJContainer, self).__getstate__()
        state['data'] = state.pop('_SampleContainer__data')
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        # pjpersist always reads a dictionary as persistent dictionary. And
        # modifying this dictionary will cause the persistence mechanism to
        # kick in. So we create a new object that we can easily modify without
        # harm.
        state = dict(state)
        state['_SampleContainer__data'] = state.pop('data', {})
        super(SimplePJContainer, self).__setstate__(state)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        obj = super(SimplePJContainer, self).__getitem__(key)
        obj._v_name = key
        obj._v_parent = self
        return obj

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        '''See interface `IReadContainer`'''
        obj = super(SimplePJContainer, self).get(key, default)
        if obj is not default:
            obj._v_name = key
            obj._v_parent = self
        return obj

    def items(self):
        items = super(SimplePJContainer, self).items()
        for key, obj in items:
            obj._v_name = key
            obj._v_parent = self
        return items

    def values(self):
        return [v for k, v in self.items()]

    def __setitem__(self, key, obj):
        super(SimplePJContainer, self).__setitem__(key, obj)
        self._p_changed = True

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        obj = self[key]
        super(SimplePJContainer, self).__delitem__(key)
        if self._pj_remove_documents:
        self._p_changed = True

@zope.interface.implementer(IContainer, zinterfaces.IPJContainer)
class PJContainer(contained.Contained,
    _pj_table = None
    _pj_mapping_key = 'key'
    _pj_parent_key = 'parent'
    _pj_remove_documents = True
    _pj_id_column = 'id'
    _pj_data_column = 'data'
    _pj_column_fields = (_pj_id_column, _pj_data_column)

    def __init__(self, table=None,
                 mapping_key=None, parent_key=None):
        if table:
            self._pj_table = table
        if mapping_key is not None:
            self._pj_mapping_key = mapping_key
        if parent_key is not None:
            self._pj_parent_key = parent_key

    def _pj_jar(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_v_mdmp'):
            # If the container is in a PJ storage hierarchy, then getting
            # the datamanager is easy, otherwise we do an adapter lookup.
            if interfaces.IPJDataManager.providedBy(self._p_jar):
                return self._p_jar

            # cache result of expensive component lookup
            self._v_mdmp = zope.component.getUtility(

        return self._v_mdmp.get(None)

    def _pj_get_parent_key_value(self):
        if getattr(self, '_p_jar', None) is None:
            raise ValueError('_p_jar not found.')
        if interfaces.IPJDataManager.providedBy(self._p_jar):
            return self
            return str('zodb-' + binascii.hexlify(self._p_oid).decode('ascii'))

    def _pj_get_id_filter(self, id):
        tbl = sb.Table(self._pj_table)
        return (getattr(tbl, self._pj_id_column) == id)

    def _pj_get_pj_mapping_key_field(self):
        """Return an sqlbuilder field or JSON field getter to be used
        to get the value of the _pj_get_pj_mapping field"""
        if self._pj_mapping_key in self._pj_column_fields:
            # if it's a native column, no need to dig in JSONB
            fld = sb.Field(self._pj_table, self._pj_mapping_key)
            datafld = sb.Field(self._pj_table, self._pj_data_column)
            fld = sb.JGET(datafld, self._pj_mapping_key)
        return fld

    def _pj_get_resolve_filter(self):
        """return a filter that selects the rows of the current container"""
        queries = []
        # Make sure that we only look through objects that have the mapping
        # key. Objects not having the mapping key cannot be part of the
        # table.
        datafld = sb.Field(self._pj_table, self._pj_data_column)
        if self._pj_mapping_key is not None:
            if self._pj_mapping_key not in self._pj_column_fields:
                # if `_pj_mapping_key` is a JSONB field make sure that it
                # exists, JGET returns jsonb which is never NULL
                # if `_pj_mapping_key` is a native column, you need to make
                # sure that it exists
                    sb.JSONB_CONTAINS(datafld, self._pj_mapping_key))
        # We also make want to make sure we separate the items properly by the
        # container.
        if self._pj_parent_key is not None:
            pv = self._pj_jar._writer.get_state(self._pj_get_parent_key_value())
            queries.append(sb.JGET(datafld, self._pj_parent_key) == pv)
        return sb.AND(*queries)

    def _pj_get_list_filter(self):
        return self._pj_get_resolve_filter()

    def _combine_filters(self, *qries):
        # need to work around here an <expr> AND None situation, which
        # would become <sqlexpr> AND NULL

        notnones = [q for q in qries if q is not None]
        if not notnones:
            return sb.const.TRUE
        return sb.AND(*notnones)

    def _cache(self):
        if not USE_CONTAINER_CACHE:
            return {}
        txn = transaction.manager.get()
        return txn._v_pj_container_cache.setdefault(id(self), {})

    def _cache_complete(self):
        if not USE_CONTAINER_CACHE:
            return False
        txn = transaction.manager.get()
        return txn._v_pj_container_cache_complete.get(id(self), False)

    def _cache_autoinvalidate(self):
        """Make sure cache is not used after object is gc'd.

        Addresses can be reused after the object is garbage collected,
        so in order to use id(self) as the key, we need to check
        whether the object is still alive with a weakref.
        txn = transaction.manager.get()
        if not hasattr(txn, '_v_pj_container_cache_sentinel'):
            txn._v_pj_container_cache_sentinel = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
        sentinel = txn._v_pj_container_cache_sentinel

        if not hasattr(txn, '_v_pj_container_cache_complete'):
            txn._v_pj_container_cache_complete = {}
        if not hasattr(txn, '_v_pj_container_cache'):
            txn._v_pj_container_cache = {}

        if not id(self) in sentinel:
            # Blow the caches for this id
            txn._v_pj_container_cache_complete.pop(id(self), None)
            txn._v_pj_container_cache.pop(id(self), None)

        # Now the id is valid!
        sentinel[id(self)] = self

    def _cache_mark_complete(self):
        txn = transaction.manager.get()
        if not hasattr(txn, '_v_pj_container_cache_complete'):
            txn._v_pj_container_cache_complete = {}
        txn._v_pj_container_cache_complete[id(self)] = True

    def _cache_get_key(self, id, doc):
        return doc[self._pj_mapping_key]

    def _locate(self, obj, id, doc):
        """Helper method that is only used when locating items that are already
        in the container and are simply loaded from PostGreSQL."""
        if obj.__name__ is None:
            obj._v_name = doc[self._pj_mapping_key]
        if obj.__parent__ is None:
            obj._v_parent = self

    def _load_one(self, id, doc, use_cache=True):
        """Get the python object from the id/doc state"""
        if use_cache:
            cache = self._cache
            obj = cache.get(self._cache_get_key(id, doc))
            if obj is not None:
                return obj
        # Create a DBRef object and then load the full state of the object.
        dbref = serialize.DBRef(self._pj_table, id, self._pj_jar.database)
        # Stick the doc into the _latest_states:
        self._pj_jar._latest_states[dbref] = doc
        obj = self._pj_jar.load(dbref)
        self._locate(obj, id, doc)
        # Add the object into the local container cache.
        if use_cache:
            cache[obj.__name__] = obj
        return obj

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        # UserDict implements the semantics of implementing comparison of
        # items to determine equality, which is not what we want for a
        # container, so we revert back to the default object comparison.
        return cmp(id(self), id(other))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # First check the container cache for the object.
        obj = self._cache.get(key)
        if obj is not None:
            return obj
        if self._cache_complete:
            raise KeyError(key)
        # The cache cannot help, so the item is looked up in the database.
        fld = self._pj_get_pj_mapping_key_field()
        qry = (fld == key)
        obj = self.find_one(qry)
        if obj is None:
            raise KeyError(key)
        return obj

    def _set_mapping_and_parent(self, key, value):
        # This call by itself causes the state to change _p_changed to True.
        # but make sure we set attributes before eventually inserting...
        # saves eventually one more UPDATE query
        if self._pj_mapping_key is not None:
            setattr(value, self._pj_mapping_key, key)
        if self._pj_parent_key is not None:
            setattr(value, self._pj_parent_key, self._pj_get_parent_key_value())

    def _real_setitem(self, key, value):
        self._set_mapping_and_parent(key, value)

        # Make sure the value is in the database, since we might want
        # to use its oid.
        if value._p_oid is None:

        # Also add the item to the container cache.
        # _pj_jar.insert and _cache insert must be close!
        self._cache[key] = value

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        # When the key is None, we need to determine it.
        orig_key = key
        if key is None:
            if self._pj_mapping_key is None:
                key = self._pj_jar.createId()
                # we have _pj_mapping_key, use that attribute
                key = getattr(value, self._pj_mapping_key, None)
                if key is None:
                    key = self._pj_jar.createId()
                    setattr(value, self._pj_mapping_key, key)
        # We want to be as close as possible to using the Zope semantics.
        self._contained_setitem(self._real_setitem, key, value, orig_key)

    def _contained_setitem(self, setitemf, key, value, check_old):
        # This is based on zope.container.contained.setitem(), but we skip
        # the check if the name is in the container in case the key was just
        # generated.
        # This check generates a SELECT query and causes conflicts in case
        # there are many transactions adding to the container.
        key = contained.checkAndConvertName(key)
        marker = object()
        if check_old:
            old = self.get(key, marker)
            if old is value:
            if old is not marker:
                raise KeyError(key)
        value, event = contained.containedEvent(value, self, key)
        setitemf(key, value)
        if event:

    def add(self, value, key=None):
        # We are already supporting ``None`` valued keys, which prompts the key
        # to be determined here. But people felt that a more explicit
        # interface would be better in this case.
        self[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        value = self[key]
        # First remove the parent and name from the object.
        if self._pj_mapping_key is not None:
                delattr(value, self._pj_mapping_key)
            except AttributeError:
                # Sometimes we do not control those attributes.
        if self._pj_parent_key is not None:
                delattr(value, self._pj_parent_key)
            except AttributeError:
                # Sometimes we do not control those attributes.
        # Let's now remove the object from the database.
        if self._pj_remove_documents:
        # Remove the object from the container cache.
            self._cache.pop(key, None)
        # Send the uncontained event.
        contained.uncontained(value, self, key)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        if self._cache_complete:
            return key in self._cache

        if key in self._cache:
            return True

        fld = self._pj_get_pj_mapping_key_field()
        qry = (fld == key)

        res = self.count(qry)
        return res > 0

    def __iter__(self):
        # If the cache contains all objects, we can just return the cache keys.
        if self._cache_complete:
            return iter(self._cache)
        fld = self._pj_get_pj_mapping_key_field()
        qry = (fld != None)
        result = self.raw_find(qry, fields=(self._pj_mapping_key,))
        return iter(doc[self._pj_mapping_key] for doc in result)

    def keys(self):
        # PY3: remove the list
        return list(self.__iter__())

    def __len__(self):
        return self.count()

    def items(self):
        return list(self.iteritems())

    def iteritems(self):
        # If the cache contains all objects, we can just return the cache items
        if self._cache_complete:
            return self._cache.items()
        result = self.raw_find()
        items = [(row[self._pj_data_column][self._pj_mapping_key],
                      row[self._pj_id_column], row[self._pj_data_column]))
                 for row in result]
        # Signal the container that the cache is now complete.
        # Return an iterator of the items.
        return iter(items)

    def values(self):
        return [v for _, v in self.iteritems()]

    def _get_sb_fields(self, fields):
        """Return sqlbuilder columns for a SELECT query based on
        passed field names or * if no fields are passed

        Prefers native columns where available

        See doctest_PJContainer_get_sb_fields"""
        if not fields:
            res = sb.Field(self._pj_table, '*')
            datafld = sb.Field(self._pj_table, self._pj_data_column)
            res = []
            # prefer sql columns over json fields
            for name in fields:
                if name in self._pj_column_fields:
                    # SQL names are case-insensitive, so when we return the
                    # result, we want proper capitalization.
                        sb.Field(self._pj_table, name.lower()), name))
                    if '.' not in name:
                        accessor = sb.JSON_GETITEM(datafld, name)
                        accessor = sb.JSON_PATH(datafld, name.split("."))
                    res.append(sb.ColumnAS(accessor, name.replace('.', '_')))
        return res

    # BBB: providing support for mongo style queries
    #      anything further is just a pain, like figuring fields
    #      and keeping return values unchanged
    #      (in the means of returning the same dict)
    def convert_mongo_query(self, spec):
        warnings.warn("Using mongo queries is deprecated",
                      DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
        c = Converter(self._pj_table, self._pj_data_column)
        qry = c.convert(spec)
        return qry

    def raw_find(self, qry=None, fields=(), **kwargs):
        if isinstance(qry, dict):
            qry = self.convert_mongo_query(qry)
        qry = self._combine_filters(self._pj_get_list_filter(), qry)

        # returning the cursor instead of fetchall at the cost of not closing it
        # iterating over the cursor is better and this way we expose rowcount
        # and friends
        cur = self._pj_jar.getCursor()
        fields = self._get_sb_fields(fields)
        if qry is None:
            cur.execute(sb.Select(fields, **kwargs),
            cur.execute(sb.Select(fields, qry, **kwargs),
        return cur

    def find(self, qry=None, **kwargs):
        # Search for matching objects.
        result = self.raw_find(qry, **kwargs)
        for row in result:
            obj = self._load_one(
                row[self._pj_id_column], row[self._pj_data_column])
            yield obj

    def raw_find_one(self, qry=None, id=None):
        if qry is None and id is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Missing parameter, at least qry or id must be specified.')
        if isinstance(qry, dict):
            qry = self.convert_mongo_query(qry)

        if id is not None:
            qry = self._combine_filters(
                self._pj_get_resolve_filter(), qry, self._pj_get_id_filter(id))
            qry = self._combine_filters(
                self._pj_get_list_filter(), qry)

        with self._pj_jar.getCursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(sb.Select(sb.Field(self._pj_table, '*'), qry, limit=2),
            if cur.rowcount == 0:
                return None
            if cur.rowcount > 1:
                raise ValueError('Multiple results returned.')
            return cur.fetchone()

    def find_one(self, qry=None, id=None):
        res = self.raw_find_one(qry, id)
        if res is None:
            return None
        return self._load_one(
            res[self._pj_id_column], res[self._pj_data_column])

    def count(self, qry=None):
        if isinstance(qry, dict):
            qry = self.convert_mongo_query(qry)

        where = self._combine_filters(self._pj_get_list_filter(), qry)
        count = sb.func.COUNT(sb.Field(self._pj_table, self._pj_id_column))
        if where is None:
            select = sb.Select(count)
            select = sb.Select(count, where=where)

        with self._pj_jar.getCursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(select, flush_hint=[self._pj_table])
            return cur.fetchone()[0]

    def clear(self):
        # why items? it seems to be better to bulk-load all objects that going
        # to be deleted with one SQL query, because __delitem__ will anyway
        # load state, but then with one query for each object
        for key, value in self.items():
            del self[key]
        # Signal the container that the cache is now complete.
        # we just removed all objects, eh?

    def __nonzero__(self):
        where = self._pj_get_list_filter() or True
        select = sb.Select(sb.func.COUNT(
            sb.Field(self._pj_table, self._pj_id_column)), where=where)
        with self._pj_jar.getCursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(select, flush_hint=[self._pj_table])
            return cur.fetchone()[0] > 0

class IdNamesPJContainer(PJContainer):
    """A container that uses the PostGreSQL table UID as the name/key."""
    _pj_mapping_key = None

    def __init__(self, table=None, parent_key=None):
        super(IdNamesPJContainer, self).__init__(table, parent_key)

    def _pj_remove_documents(self):
        # Objects must be removed, since removing the id of a document is not
        # allowed.
        return True

    def _cache_get_key(self, id, doc):
        return id

    def _locate(self, obj, id, doc):
        obj._v_name = id
        obj._v_parent = self

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # First check the container cache for the object.
        obj = self._cache.get(key)
        if obj is not None:
            return obj
        if self._cache_complete:
            raise KeyError(key)
        # We do not have a cache entry, so we look up the object.
        filter = self._pj_get_resolve_filter()
        obj = self.find_one(qry=filter, id=key)
        if obj is None:
            raise KeyError(key)
        return obj

    def __contains__(self, key):
        # If all objects are loaded, we can look in the local object cache.
        if self._cache_complete:
            return key in self._cache
        # Look in PostGreSQL.
        return self.raw_find_one(id=key) is not None

    def __iter__(self):
        # If the cache contains all objects, we can just return the cache keys.
        if self._cache_complete:
            return iter(self._cache)
        # Look up all ids in PostGreSQL.
        result = self.raw_find(None, fields=(self._pj_id_column,))

        return iter(row[self._pj_id_column] for row in result)

    def iteritems(self):
        # If the cache contains all objects, we can just return the cache items
        if self._cache_complete:
            return viewitems(self._cache)
        # Load all objects from the database.
        result = self.raw_find()
        items = [(row[self._pj_id_column],
                      row[self._pj_id_column], row[self._pj_data_column]))
                 for row in result]
        # Signal the container that the cache is now complete.
        # Return an iterator of the items.
        return iter(items)

    def _real_setitem(self, key, value):
        # set these before inserting
        self._set_mapping_and_parent(key, value)

        # We want JSONB document ids to be our keys, so pass it to insert(), if
        # key is provided
        if value._p_oid is None:
            self._pj_jar.insert(value, key)

        # Also add the item to the container cache.
        # _pj_jar.insert and _cache insert must be close!
        self._cache[key] = value

        # no need for super, _set_mapping_and_parent does the job,
        # updating mapping and parent BEFORE inserting saves one SQL query
        # super(IdNamesPJContainer, self)._real_setitem(key, value)

class AllItemsPJContainer(PJContainer):
    _pj_parent_key = None

class SubDocumentPJContainer(PJContained, PJContainer):
    _p_pj_sub_object = True