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# Copyright 2013-15 by Shoobx, Inc.
"""z3c.insist -- Persistence to ini files
import configparser
import datetime
import decimal
import glob
import hashlib
import io
import iso8601
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import zope.component
import zope.schema
from zope.schema import vocabulary

from z3c.insist import interfaces

RE_INCLUDES = r'^#include (\S*)'

class FilesystemMixin(object):
    """Hooks to abstract file access."""

    def listDir(self, path):
        return os.listdir(path)

    def fileExists(self, path):
        return os.path.exists(path)

    def getFileModTime(self, path):
        if not self.fileExists(path):
            return None
        return os.path.getmtime(path)

    def openFile(self, path, mode='r', encoding=None):
        return, mode, encoding=encoding)

    def hashFile(self, filename):
        with self.openFile(filename, 'rb') as f:
            hsh = hashlib.sha256(
        return hsh.hexdigest()

    def hashFilesByPattern(self, pattern):
        """Return hash of all the files, specified in the glob pattern"""
        files = glob.glob(pattern)
        filehashes =[self.hashFile(fn) for fn in files]
        return hash(tuple(filehashes))

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ConfigurationStore(object):
    """Base Configuration Store"""
    file_header = None
    _section = None
    fields = None
    ignore_fields = None
    ignore_missing = False
    ignore_default = False
    root = None

    def __init__(self, context=None):
        self.context = context

    def section(self):
        if self._section is None:
            return self.schema.__name__
            return self._section

    def section(self, value):
        self._section = value

    def getSectionFromPath(self, path):
        return self.section

    def makeStore(cls, value, schema, section=None):
        store = cls(value)
        store.schema = schema
        if section is not None:
            store.section = section
        return store

    def write(self, config, fileobj):
        if self.file_header is not None:
            fileobj.write(self.file_header + '\n')

    def _createConfigParser(self, config=None):
        if config is None:
            config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
            config.optionxform = str
        return config

    def _get_fields(self):
        """Returns a sequence of (name, field) pairs"""
        return zope.schema.getFieldsInOrder(self.schema)

    def _dump(self, config, add_section=True):
        """Hook for extending"""
        if add_section:
        for fn, field in self._get_fields():
            if self.fields is not None and fn not in self.fields:
            if self.ignore_fields is not None and fn in self.ignore_fields:
            ftype = field.__class__.__name__
            __traceback_info__ = (self.section, self.schema, fn, ftype)
            if hasattr(self, 'dump_%s' % fn):
                serializer = CustomSerializer(field, self.context, self)
            elif hasattr(self, 'dump_type_%s' % ftype):
                serializer = CustomFieldTypeSerializer(field, self.context, self)
                serializer = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
                    (field, self.context), interfaces.IFieldSerializer)
            if self.ignore_missing and not serializer.hasValue():
            state = serializer.serialize(self.ignore_default)
            # Give the serializer the opportunity to decide not to provide a
            # serialized value.
            if state is None:
            config.set(self.section, fn, state)

    def dump(self, config=None):
        config = self._createConfigParser(config)
        return config

    def dumps(self):
        config = self.dump()
        buf = io.StringIO()
        self.write(config, buf)
        return buf.getvalue()

    def load(self, config):
        for fn, field in self._get_fields():
            if self.fields is not None and fn not in self.fields:
            # XXX: __name__ is special for RawConfigParser
            if not config.has_section(self.section):
            elif fn not in config.options(self.section):
            #if not config.has_option(self.section, fn):
            #    continue
            ftype = field.__class__.__name__
            __traceback_info__ = (self.section, self.schema, fn, ftype)
            if hasattr(self, 'load_%s' % fn):
                serializer = CustomSerializer(field, self.context, self)
            elif hasattr(self, 'load_type_%s' % ftype):
                serializer = CustomFieldTypeSerializer(field, self.context, self)
                serializer = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
                    (field, self.context), interfaces.IFieldSerializer)
            serializer.deserialize(config.get(self.section, fn))

    def loads(self, cfgstr):
        config = self._createConfigParser()

class CollectionConfigurationStore(ConfigurationStore):
    """A configuration store for collections.

    Subclasses must provide the following attributes:

       * schema
       * section_prefix
       * item_factory


       * item_factory_typed(config, section)

    schema = None

    # Flag, indicating that this configuration store can properly support
    # syncing without reloading all objects. To support syncing store has to
    # implement `getConfigHash` method. Change in the hash indicates that child
    # has to be reloaded.
    supports_sync = True

    _deleted = 0
    _added = 0
    _reloaded = 0

    def selectSections(self, sections):
        """Return relevant sections from config
        return (sec for sec in sections
                if sec.startswith(self.section_prefix))

    def getItemName(self, config, section):
        """Return a unique name for item, represented by this section
        return section[len(self.section_prefix):]

    def addItem(self, name, obj):
        self._added += 1
        self.context[name] = obj

    def deleteItem(self, name):
        self._deleted += 1
        del self.context[name]

    def _createItemConfigStore(self, obj, config, section):
        store = interfaces.IConfigurationStore(obj)
        store.section = section
        store.root = self.root
        return store

    def dump(self, config=None):
        config = self._createConfigParser(config)
        for k, v in self.context.items():
            __traceback_info__ = (k, v)
            store = self._createItemConfigStore(
                v, config, self.section_prefix + k)
        return config

    def load(self, config):
        self._deleted = 0
        self._added = 0
        self._reloaded = 0

        if not self.supports_sync:
            # No sync support, just delete all the items
            for k in self.context.keys():

        unloaded = set(self.context.keys())
        for section in self.selectSections(config.sections()):
            loaded = self.loadFromSection(config, section)
            if loaded in unloaded:

        # Remove any unloaded items from collection
        for k in unloaded:


    def _logStatus(self):
        if not self.supports_sync:

        if not self._deleted and not self._added and not self._reloaded:
            return"Insist collection loading status for '%s': "
                 "%s reloaded, %s added, %s deleted",
                 self._reloaded, self._added, self._deleted)

    def _createNewItem(self, config, section):
        if hasattr(self, 'item_factory_typed'):
            obj = self.item_factory_typed(config, section)
            obj = self.item_factory()
        return obj

    def getSectionHash(self, config, section):
        return hash(tuple(config.items(section)))

    def getChildConfigHash(self, obj, config, section):
        return self.getSectionHash(config, section)

    def loadFromSection(self, config, section):
        """Load object from section and return name of the loaded object

        After this function is completed, object with returned name should
        exist in a collection and objects data should be up to date with
        name = self.getItemName(config, section)

        existing = name in self.context
        # Obtain the object we are loading. Find in collection or create new
        # one.
        if existing:
            obj = self.context[name]
            obj = self._createNewItem(config, section)

        # Find the store object, that will handle loading
        confhash = self.getChildConfigHash(obj, config, section)

        # Check if configuration has changed. Note that in some cases when the
        # object is new, the hash might not have been computable and thus
        # None. In those cases we want to go on.
        if confhash is not None and \
          getattr(obj, "__insist_hash__", None) == confhash:
            return name

        # Config has changed, we can load object with properties from
        # configuration.

        if existing:
            self._reloaded += 1

        # First of all, make sure class of the item didn't change. Otherwise we
        # have to remove it and re-add, because property set for it may be
        # completely different.
        if existing:
            newobj = self._createNewItem(config, section)
            if newobj.__class__ is not obj.__class__:
                # Yeah, class have changed, let's replace the item
                obj = newobj
                existing = False

        # Now we can load properties into the object
        store = self._createItemConfigStore(obj, config, section)
        # Set the confhash.
        obj.__insist_hash__ = confhash

        if not existing:
            # Let everyone know the object is being added to a collection
            if hasattr(store, 'loadBeforeAdd'):
                obj = store.loadBeforeAdd(name, config)
            self.addItem(name, obj)
            if hasattr(store, 'loadAfterAdd'):

        return name

class SeparateFileConfigurationStoreMixIn(FilesystemMixin):
    allowMainConfigLoad = True
    dumpSectionStub = True
    subConfig = None

    def getConfigPath(self):
        raise NotImplemented

    def getConfigFilename(self):
        return self.section + '.ini'

    def getIncludes(self, cfgstr, configPath):
        configPath = pathlib.Path(configPath)
        # use string representation for compatibility with rest of the code
        return [
            str(pathlib.Path(configPath.parent, include).resolve())
            for include in re.findall(RE_INCLUDES, cfgstr, re.MULTILINE)

    def _dumpSubConfig(self, config):
        super(SeparateFileConfigurationStoreMixIn, self).dump(config)

    def dump(self, config=None):
        # 1. Store all items in a separate configuration file.
        # 1.1. Create the config object and fill it.
        subconfig = self._createConfigParser()
        # 1.2. Dump the config in a file.
        configFilename = self.getConfigFilename()
        configPath = os.path.join(self.getConfigPath(), configFilename)
        with self.openFile(configPath, 'w') as file:
            self.write(subconfig, file)

        # 2. Store a reference to the cofniguration file in the main
        #    configuration object.
        # 2.1. Create the config object, if it does not exist.
        config = self._createConfigParser(config)
        # 2.2. Now dump the section stub in the original config object, if so
        #      desired.
        if self.dumpSectionStub:
            config.set(self.section, 'config-file', configFilename)

        return config

    def _readSubConfig(self, configPath):
        with self.openFile(configPath, 'r') as fle:
            cfgstr =
        includes = self.getIncludes(cfgstr, configPath)
        for include in includes:
            if not self.fileExists(include):
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Included file "{include}" (in "{configPath}") not found.')

    def _loadSubConfig(self, config):
        super(SeparateFileConfigurationStoreMixIn, self).load(config)

    def load(self, config):
        # 1. Generate the config file path.
        configFilename = self.getConfigFilename()
        configPath = os.path.join(self.getConfigPath(), configFilename)

        # 2. Create a new sub-config object and load the data.
        if self.subConfig is not None:
        elif not self.fileExists(configPath):
            if not self.allowMainConfigLoad:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Configuration file does not exist: %s' % configPath)
            # Assume that the configuration is part of the main config. This
            # allows for controlled migration.
            self.subConfig = config
            self.subConfig = self._createConfigParser()
        # 3. Load as usual from the sub-config.

class SeparateFileConfigurationStore(
        SeparateFileConfigurationStoreMixIn, ConfigurationStore):

class SeparateFileCollectionConfigurationStore(
        SeparateFileConfigurationStoreMixIn, CollectionConfigurationStore):

    def getChildConfigHash(self, obj, config, section):
        ownhash = super(SeparateFileCollectionConfigurationStore, self). \
            getChildConfigHash(obj, config, section)
        # With making the assumption that all object related config files
        # start with section name + ".", we simply create the hash from the
        # mod time of all files found.
        configPath = self.getConfigPath()
        pattern = os.path.join(configPath, "%s.*" % section)
        fileshash = self.hashFilesByPattern(pattern)
        return hash((ownhash, fileshash))

class FileSectionsCollectionConfigurationStore(
        CollectionConfigurationStore, FilesystemMixin):
    """File Section Configuration Store

    These are collection stores that look for sections in other files. A base
    implementation is provided that assumes that the filenames and section
    names are identical.
    allowMainConfigLoad = True
    filePostfix = '.ini'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(FileSectionsCollectionConfigurationStore, self).__init__(
            *args, **kw)
        # A cache, so that we need to read each config file at most once.
        self.section_configs = {}

    def _createItemConfigStore(self, obj, config, section):
        store = super(FileSectionsCollectionConfigurationStore, self)\
          ._createItemConfigStore(obj, config, section)
        store.subConfig = self.section_configs.get(section)
        return store

    def getConfigPath(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def getSectionPath(self, section):
        return os.path.join(self.getConfigPath(), section + self.filePostfix)

    def getSectionFromPath(self, path):
        fullpath = pathlib.Path(path)
        section =
        name = fullpath.stem
        return ":".join((section, name))

    def selectSections(self, sections):
        baseDir = self.getConfigPath()
        file_sections = [
            for filename in self.listDir(baseDir)
            if (filename.startswith(self.section_prefix) and
        if file_sections:
            return file_sections
        # If we allow loading via main config file, let's use the usual way to
        # lookup sections.
        if not self.allowMainConfigLoad:
            return []
        return super(FileSectionsCollectionConfigurationStore, self)\

    def getConfigForSection(self, section):
        if section not in self.section_configs:
            config = self._createConfigParser()
            with self.openFile(self.getSectionPath(section), 'r') as file:
            self.section_configs[section] = config
        return self.section_configs[section]

    def getChildConfigHash(self, obj, config, section):
        # With making the assumption that all object related config files
        # start with section name + ".", we simply create the hash from the
        # mod time of all files found.
        configPath = self.getConfigPath()
        pattern = os.path.join(configPath, "%s.*" % section)
        return self.hashFilesByPattern(pattern)

class FieldSerializer(object):
    escape = '!'

    def __init__(self, field, context):
        self.field = field
        self.context = context

    def hasValue(self):
        value = getattr(self.context, self.field.__name__)
        return value is not self.field.missing_value

    def serializeValueWithNone(self, value):
        if value is None:
            return interfaces.NONE_MARKER
            result = self.serializeValue(value)
            if result is None:
                return None
            return result.replace(self.escape, self.escape * 2)

    def serialize(self, ignoreDefault=False):
        value = getattr(self.context, self.field.__name__)
        if ignoreDefault and value == self.field.default:
            return None
        return self.serializeValueWithNone(value)

    def deserializeValueWithNone(self, value):
        if value == interfaces.NONE_MARKER:
            return None
            value = value.replace(self.escape * 2, self.escape)
            return self.deserializeValue(value)

    def deserialize(self, value):
        setattr(self.context, self.field.__name__,

    zope.schema.interfaces.IBytes, zope.interface.Interface)
class BytesFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return value.decode('utf-8')

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return value.encode('utf-8')

    zope.schema.interfaces.IText, zope.interface.Interface)
class TextFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return value

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return value

    zope.schema.interfaces.ITextLine, zope.interface.Interface)
class TextLineFieldSerializer(TextFieldSerializer):

    zope.schema.interfaces.IInt, zope.interface.Interface)
class IntFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return str(value)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return int(value)

    zope.schema.interfaces.IFloat, zope.interface.Interface)
class FloatFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return str(value)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return float(value)

    zope.schema.interfaces.IDecimal, zope.interface.Interface)
class DecimalFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return str(value)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return decimal.Decimal(value)

    zope.schema.interfaces.IBool, zope.interface.Interface)
class BoolFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return str(value)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return value in ('True', 'true')

    zope.schema.interfaces.IDate, zope.interface.Interface)
class DateFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    format = '%Y-%m-%d'

    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return value.strftime(self.format)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, self.format).date()

    zope.schema.interfaces.IDatetime, zope.interface.Interface)
class DateTimeFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    # format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f+%z'
    # notzFormat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'

    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return value.isoformat()

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        # the pain here is that datetimes without a TZ burp with
        # ValueError: time data '2014-01-01T00:00:00.000000'
        #   does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f %Z'
        # and strptime isn't tops with timezones (does not support %z)
        #return dateutil.parser.parse(value)

        return iso8601.parse_date(value)

    zope.schema.interfaces.IChoice, zope.interface.Interface)
class ChoiceFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):

    def _getVocabulary(self):
        vocab = self.field.vocabulary
        if vocab is None:
            reg = vocabulary.getVocabularyRegistry()
            vocab = reg.get(self.context, self.field.vocabularyName)
        return vocab

    def serializeValue(self, value):
        vocabulary = self._getVocabulary()
            return vocabulary.getTerm(value).token
        except LookupError:
            # The term does not exist any more. Since in most cases the for
            # user-defined vocabularies the value == token, we'll just return
            # the str'ed value.
            return str(value)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        vocabulary = self._getVocabulary()
            return vocabulary.getTermByToken(value).value
        except LookupError:
            # The term does not exist any more. Since in most cases the for
            # user-defined vocabularies the value == token, we'll just return
            # the str'ed value.
            return str(value)

class SequenceFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):

    sequence = None
    separator = ", "
    __item_serializer = None

    def _item_serializer(self):
        if self.__item_serializer is None:
            self.__item_serializer = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
            (self.field.value_type, self.context), interfaces.IFieldSerializer)
        return self.__item_serializer

    def serializeValue(self, value):
        results = []
        for item in value:
        return self.separator.join(results)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        if value == '':
            return self.sequence()
        results = []
        for item in value.split(self.separator):
            __traceback_info__ = item, self.field.value_type
            item = item.strip()
        return self.sequence(results)

@zope.component.adapter(zope.schema.interfaces.IList, zope.interface.Interface)
class ListFieldSerializer(SequenceFieldSerializer):
    sequence = list

@zope.component.adapter(zope.schema.interfaces.ITuple, zope.interface.Interface)
class TupleFieldSerializer(SequenceFieldSerializer):
    sequence = tuple

class CustomSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    """Allow a field-specific method on storage handle the value.

    Expects that the store will have methods `dump_foo` and `load_foo`
    that do the value conversion for field `foo`.
    def __init__(self, field, context, store):
        self.field = field
        self.context = context = store

    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return getattr(, 'dump_' + self.field.__name__)(value)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return getattr(, 'load_' + self.field.__name__)(value)

class CustomFieldTypeSerializer(FieldSerializer):
    """Allow a field-specific method on storage handle the value.

    Expects that the store will have methods `dump_foo` and `load_foo`
    that do the value conversion for field `foo`.
    def __init__(self, field, context, store):
        self.field = field
        self.ftype = field.__class__.__name__
        self.context = context = store

    def serializeValue(self, value):
        return getattr(, 'dump_type_' + self.ftype)(self.field, value)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        return getattr(, 'load_type_' + self.ftype)(self.field, value)

@zope.component.adapter(zope.schema.interfaces.IDict, zope.interface.Interface)
class DictFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer):

    factory = dict
    separator = '::'
    __key_serializer = None
    __value_serializer = None

    def _key_serializer(self):
        if self.__key_serializer is None:
            self.__key_serializer = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
            (self.field.key_type, self.context), interfaces.IFieldSerializer)
        return self.__key_serializer

    def _value_serializer(self):
        if self.__value_serializer is None:
            self.__value_serializer = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
            (self.field.value_type, self.context), interfaces.IFieldSerializer)
        return self.__value_serializer

    def _encodeString(self, value):
        # drive string through json, to encode eventual \n and stuff
        return json.dumps(value)[1:-1]

    def _decodeString(self, value):
        # drive string through json, to decode eventual \n and stuff
        return json.loads('"' + value + '"')

    def serializeValue(self, value):
        results = []
        # serialize key and values with their serializers
        # supports OrderedDict too, just need to override self.factory
        for key, val in value.items():
            keySer = self._key_serializer.serializeValueWithNone(key)
            keySer = self._encodeString(keySer)
            valSer = self._value_serializer.serializeValueWithNone(val)
            valSer = self._encodeString(valSer)
            resstr = '%s%s%s' % (keySer, self.separator, valSer)
        return '\n'.join(results)

    def deserializeValue(self, value):
        results = self.factory()
        if value == '':
            return results
        lines = [line.strip() for line in value.splitlines()]
        for line in lines:
            if not line:
            key, val = line.split(self.separator, 1)
            key = self._decodeString(key)
            val = self._decodeString(val)
                self._key_serializer.deserializeValueWithNone(key)] = \
        return results