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Test Coverage
title: "JavaScript Expressions vs Statements: What's the Difference?"
heading: Expressions vs Statements
description: Understand the important distinction expressions vs statements in JavaScript
keywords: [JS, CS, ES Modules]
categories: [JS, Clean-Code]
createDate: 2022-07-27T21:27:20Z
updateData: 2022-08-07T11:37:59.665Z
featured: false

JavaScript distinguishes _expressions_ and _statements_. A statement is an instruction, an action.

Remember conditions with `if`, `loops` with `while` and `for` — all those are _statements_, because they just perform
actions and control actions, but don't become values.

`Expression` returns (expresses) a value. Each of the following lines contains an expression:

100 // this is a literal that expresses number 100

getUserName() // expresses Serhii

5 + 2 // expresses 7

`Statements` produce or control actions, but do not turn into values:

let x; // declare a variable 'x'

function foo() {} // declare a function 'foo'

function bar() {
  return null // return is also a statement

You can't put statements where expressions are expected. For example, passing a const statement as a function
argument will produce an error. Or trying to assign the if statement to a variable:

let b = if (x > 10) { return 100; };  // error!

console.log(const y);  // error!

## Related posts

- [Expressions versus statements in JavaScript](
- [Expressions - MDN](