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title: Highly recommended resources for developers in 2024
description: Check out a list of the best resources and blogs for developers in 2024.
heading: Essential Tools and Guides Every Developer Should Utilize
createDate: 2022-09-19T19:46:55.334Z
updateData: 2024-07-09T09:34:31.025Z
keywords: [Resources for developers, Best Developer Websites, Tech News Resources, Awesome Web Development News Sources]
categories: [Useful-Resources]
featured: false

<Image alt="Astronaut with book in open space. Black background with stars" src="books.jpeg" priority={true} />

> “Knowledge must be shared”.

Developers must keep up with technology trends. So I'd like to share my tried-and-true list of top resources for
learning and maintaining knowledge.

## Courses

- []( - one of the best platform for learning Frontend
- []( - high quality, concise web development screencasts
- []( - probably the best course on React
- []( - free verified certifications
- []( - courses from top universities (Harvard, MIT and others)
- []( - fun and nice courses about frontend ecosystem by Tyler McGinnis
- []( - learn computer science, business, languages, health, arts by top
  universities and authors
- []( - advance your mastery of data science and web
- []( - everything you need for full-stack development
- []( - online education platform that offers courses primarily geared
  toward software developers.
- []( - interactive courses and tutorials. Watch the video and write the code directly

## Blogs

- [Shramko Serhii]( - my blog about web development
- [Dan Abramov]( - co-author of Redux and Create React App
- [Kent C. Dodds]( - React, Testing end more
- [Sarah Drasner]( - cool blog about animations in web
- [Lea Verou]( - CSS secrets book author
- [Dr. Axel Rauschmayer]( - one of the best blog about JS Core
- [Lin Clark]( - nice cartoons about development
- [Josh Comeau]( - nice tutorials about React and Web
- [Addy Osmani]( - engineering Manager at Google working on Chrome
- [Sara Soueidan]( - one of the best blog about <abbr title="Accessibility">
  A11y</abbr> and HTML

## Challenges

- []( - probably a better place to practice solving problems
  for <abbr title="Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google">FAANG</abbr>
- []( - place where you can prepare for Interviews
- []( - achieve code mastery through challenge

## YouTube

- [CS50]( - Harvard Computer Science course
- [The Coding Train]( - not boring coding ❤️
- [Low Level JavaScript]( - channel goes deep into the heart of low level
- [Coding Garden]( - nice realtime coding sessions
- [Google Chrome Developers]( - all you need know about web
- [Computerphile]( - videos all about computers and computer stuff

> It seems all for now! Don’t forget to share the link with friends 🫡