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Test Coverage
  "an-error-occurred": "An error occurred",
  "close": "Close",
  "display": "Display",
  "display-card": "Cards",
  "display-list": "List",
  "error-airtable": "An Airtable error has occurred",
  "error-body": "",
  "error-failed-to-build-airtable-url": "Failed to construct Airtable URL",
  "error-invalid-credentials": "Airtable credentials are incorrect",
  "error-missing-user-data": "User data are missing.",
  "error-no-items-found": "No items found.",
  "error-report": "You can, if you wish, report this error to the site administrator by email",
  "error-report-mailto": "by clicking here",
  "error-report-subject": "Error report",
  "error-updated-record-not-found": "Updated object was not found",
  "i-take-it": "Take it",
  "i-wont-take-it": "Leave it",
  "intro-description": "I'm working on a next version where everyone can offer their items to give to their loved ones, in the meantime you can already take advantage of the items I give.",
  "intro-login": "You have reached the end of the guide",
  "intro-title": "Simplify the donation between friends",
  "item-added-on": "Item added on {time}",
  "item-no-notes": "No description was provided",
  "items-remaining": "There are {number} items left to donate 😊",
  "loading": "Loading, please wait...",
  "login": "Login",
  "logout": "Logout",
  "no-access": "This site is only accessible to authorized users, if you wish to have access, contact Romain. \nIf you received the invitation email, use the associated Google account.",
  "no-items-remaining": "Unfortunately, there are no more items left to donate, try to come back later",
  "please-login": "You must log in to access the objects",
  "status-available": "Item is available",
  "status-gone": "The object was given",
  "status-reserved": "The object has been reserved",
  "status-reserved-by-me": "You have reserved this object",
  "step-1-description": "Reserve the objects that you like, I'll keep them aside for you",
  "step-1-title": "Choose",
  "step-2-description": "We'll find a time to meet and I'll give you the items",
  "step-2-title": "Contact me",
  "step-3-description": "C'est donné ! Nothing to pay and in addition you offer a second life to this object",
  "step-3-title": "Enjoy",
  "switch-to-dark-theme": "Use dark theme",
  "switch-to-light-theme": "Use light theme",
  "tab-all": "all items ({count})",
  "tab-available": "items available ({count})",
  "tab-reserved-by-me": "items I have reserved ({count})",
  "view-details": "View details",
  "welcome": "Welcome {name} !"