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1 wk
Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Contributors:
 *     Department Biological Safety - BfR
package de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.ui;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;

import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectNature;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ContainerGenerator;
import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.DBKernel;
import org.knime.core.node.ExecutionMonitor;
import org.knime.core.node.Node;
import org.knime.core.node.NodeFactory;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.AnnotationData;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeAnnotationData;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeID;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeUIInformation;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.SingleNodeContainer;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowCreationHelper;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowPersistor;
import org.knime.core.util.VMFileLocker;
import org.knime.workbench.ui.KNIMEUIPlugin;
import org.knime.core.node.workflow.NativeNodeContainer;

import de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.FoodProcessNodeFactory;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.FoodProcessNodeModel;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.FoodProcessNodeSettings;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.addons.AddonNodeModel;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.addons.IngredientsNodeFactory;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.lib.FoodProcessSetting;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.foodprocess.lib.OutPortSetting;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.util.Matrix;

public class CreateWorkflow extends AbstractHandler {
     * The constructor.
    private int processchainID = 12; // 12: ESL-Mikrofiltration
    public CreateWorkflow(final int pcID) {
        this.processchainID = pcID;

     * the command has been executed, so extract extract the needed information
     * from the application context.
    public Object execute(final ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
        try {
            loadWorkflowManager2(DBKernel.getLocalConn(true), processchainID);
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    private void loadWorkflowManager2(final Connection conn, final int pcId)
            throws Exception {

        String projectName = "PC_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        Object pn = DBKernel.getValue("ProzessWorkflow", "ID", pcId+"", "Name");
        projectName = "PC_" + pn.toString(); 
        IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
        IResource resource = root.findMember(new Path(projectName));
        if (resource != null) {
            projectName += "_" + System.currentTimeMillis();

        // create wfm for the project
        final WorkflowManager wfm = WorkflowManager.ROOT.createAndAddProject(projectName, new WorkflowCreationHelper());
        // add nodes and connect them
        addNodes(conn, wfm);
        if (wfm.getNodeContainers().size() > 1) {
            // Autolayout workflow
            //AutoLayoutCommand layoutCommand = new AutoLayoutCommand(wfm, null);
            LayoutManager m_layoutMgr = new LayoutManager(wfm, new Random().nextLong());


        // create project
        IProject proj = createProject(new Path(projectName));
        // save workflow to the project, new ExecutionMonitor(), false);
        // refresh so that project shows up in "Workflow projects"
        proj.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor());
        // remove lock from the project
        // get the "workflow file"
        final IFile workflowFile = proj.getFile(
                    new Path(WorkflowPersistor.WORKFLOW_FILE));
        Display display = Display.getDefault();
        display.asyncExec(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                IWorkbenchPage page =
                try {
                    // open the workflow
                    IDE.openEditor(page, workflowFile, true);
                } catch (PartInitException e) {
                    // ignore it
    /** Add nodes the the workflow manager and connect them. */
    private void addNodes(final Connection conn, final WorkflowManager wfm) throws CoreException {    
        LinkedHashMap<Integer, NodeID> nodesMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, NodeID>();
        LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer> fromMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer> toMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        //LinkedHashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>> fractionsIn = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>>(); 
        LinkedHashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>> fractionsOut = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>>(); 
        LinkedHashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix>> matricesOut = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix>>(); 

        ResultSet rs = DBKernel.getResultSet("SELECT * FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL("Prozessdaten") +
                " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Workflow") + "=" + processchainID, false);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                FoodProcessNodeFactory pf = new FoodProcessNodeFactory();
                do {
                    Integer processID = rs.getInt("ID");
                    // create a custom node annotation (diplayed at the bottom of the node)
                    Object element = DBKernel.getValue("ProzessElemente", "ID", rs.getInt("Prozess_CARVER")+"", "ProzessElement");
                    Object nodeAnno = rs.getObject("ProzessDetail");
                    if (nodeAnno == null || nodeAnno.toString().length() == 0) {
                        nodeAnno = (element == null ? "" : element.toString());
                    if (element == null || element.toString().length() == 0) {
                        element = (nodeAnno == null ? "" : nodeAnno.toString());

                    SingleNodeContainer p2nc = createNodeContainer(wfm, processID, nodeAnno, rs.getString("ProzessDetail"), nodesMap, pf);
                    Node p2Node = ((NativeNodeContainer)p2nc).getNode();
                    //Node p2Node = p2nc.getNode();
                    // create custom settings for the food process node
                    FoodProcessSetting foodProcessSetting = new FoodProcessSetting(4, 4);
                    foodProcessSetting.setProcessName(element == null ? "" : element.toString()); // "Milchturm"
                    Double dbl = getDouble(DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("Kapazitaet")+"", "Wert"));
                    if (dbl != null) {
                    Integer cuv = rs.getInt("KapazitaetEinheit");
                    // 1, "Kilogramm"
                    // 2, "Gramm"
                    // 7, "Liter"
                    foodProcessSetting.setCapacityUnitVolume(cuv == 1 ? "kg" : cuv == 2 ? "g" : cuv == 7 ? "l" : "");
                    String cut = rs.getString("KapazitaetEinheitBezug");
                    if (cut != null) {
                        foodProcessSetting.setCapacityUnitTime(cut.equals("Stunde") ? "h" : cut.equals("Sekunde") ? "s" :
                            cut.equals("Tag") ? "d" : cut.equals("Minute") ? "min" : "");                        
                    dbl = getDouble(DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("Dauer")+"", "Wert"));
                    String du = rs.getString("DauerEinheit");
                    //System.err.println("du: " + du);
                    String duu = null;
                    if (du != null) {
                        duu = du.equals("Stunde") ? "h" : du.equals("Sekunde") ? "s" :
                            du.equals("Tag") ? "d" : du.equals("Minute") ? "min" : du.equals("Woche") ? "d" : "";
                        if (dbl != null && du.equals("Woche")) dbl *= 7.0;
                    if (dbl != null) {

                    dbl = getDouble(DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("Temperatur")+"", "Wert"));
                    if (dbl != null) {
                    else {
                        Object o = DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("Temperatur")+"", "Funktion (Zeit)");
                        if (o != null) foodProcessSetting.getParametersSetting().setTemperature(o.toString());
                    dbl = getDouble(DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("pH")+"", "Wert"));
                    if (dbl != null) {
                    else {
                        Object o = DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("pH")+"", "Funktion (Zeit)");
                        if (o != null) foodProcessSetting.getParametersSetting().setPh(o.toString());
                    dbl = getDouble(DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("aw")+"", "Wert"));
                    if (dbl != null) {
                    else {
                        Object o = DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("aw")+"", "Funktion (Zeit)");
                        if (o != null) foodProcessSetting.getParametersSetting().setAw(o.toString());
                    dbl = getDouble(DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("Druck")+"", "Wert"));
                    if (dbl != null) {
                    else {
                        Object o = DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rs.getInt("Druck")+"", "Funktion (Zeit)");
                        if (o != null) foodProcessSetting.getParametersSetting().setPressure(o.toString());
                    System.err.println(rs.getString("KapazitaetEinheit") + "\t" + rs.getString("KapazitaetEinheitBezug")
                             + "\t" + rs.getString("DauerEinheit") + "\t" +
                             DBKernel.getValue("ProzessElemente", "ID", rs.getInt("Prozess_CARVER")+"", "ProzessElement"));
                    //foodProcessSetting.setStepWidthUnit(duu != null ? duu : "s");
                    FoodProcessNodeSettings p2Settings = new FoodProcessNodeSettings();
                    // get the node model
                    FoodProcessNodeModel p2Model = ((FoodProcessNodeModel)p2Node.getNodeModel());
                    // set the custom settings
                    try {
                        LinkedList<Double> volumeDef = new LinkedList<Double>();
                        LinkedList<String> volumeUnitDef = new LinkedList<String>();
                        LinkedList<Integer> iarr = new LinkedList<Integer>();
                        LinkedList<String> narr = new LinkedList<String>();
                        ResultSet rsZ = DBKernel.getResultSet("SELECT * FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL("Zutatendaten") +
                                " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Prozessdaten") + "=" + processID, false);
                        if (rsZ != null && rsZ.first()) {
                            do {
                                String zp = rsZ.getString("Zutat_Produkt");
                                Object vp = rsZ.getObject("Vorprozess");
                                Object mat = rsZ.getObject("Matrix");
                                dbl = getDouble(DBKernel.getValue("DoubleKennzahlen", "ID", rsZ.getInt("Unitmenge")+"", "Wert"));
                                int unit = rsZ.getInt("UnitEinheit");
                                if (zp.equals("Zutat")) {
                                    if (mat != null) {
                                        if (vp == null) {
                                            // new Node: IngredientNode
                                            if (dbl != null) {
                                                if (unit <= 7) { // ADV-Codes: 1=Kilogramm 2=Gramm 7=Liter 24=Prozent 25=Promille 35=Stück
                                                    if (unit == 1) dbl *= 1000;
                                                    volumeDef.add(dbl); volumeUnitDef.add(unit <= 2 ? "g" : "l");
                                                    iarr.add((Integer) mat);
                                                    narr.add(""+DBKernel.getValue("Matrices", "ID", mat+"", "Matrixname"));
                                                else if (unit == 24) {
                                                    volumeDef.add(dbl); volumeUnitDef.add("%");
                                                    iarr.add((Integer) mat);
                                                    narr.add(""+DBKernel.getValue("Matrices", "ID", mat+"", "Matrixname"));
                                                else {
                                                    System.err.println("ERROR: Unit nicht ok...");
                                            else {
                                                System.err.println("ERROR: Unitmenge als Zutat null...");
                                        else { // erstmal nicht auf Mengenangaben bei der Zutat eingehen, falls Vorprozess vorhanden -
                                            // erstmal einfach alles als Input nehmen... sollte auch immer 100% sein!!!
                                            // Inport redefinition, hier gelten alle Inports als Rezeptur bzw. Mischverhältnis der Zutaten
                                            if (!fractionsIn.containsKey(processID)) {
                                                fractionsIn.put(processID, new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>());
                                            LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double> lhm = fractionsIn.get(processID);
                                            lhm.put(rs.getInt("ID"), dbl);
                                    else if (vp == null) {
                                        System.err.println("ERROR: Matrix als Zutat null and Vorprozess auch ...");
                                else if (zp.equals("Produkt")) {
                                    // Outport redefinition
                                    if (!matricesOut.containsKey(processID)) {
                                        matricesOut.put(processID, new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix>());
                                    LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix> lhmm = matricesOut.get(processID);
                                    if (mat != null) lhmm.put(rsZ.getInt("ID"), new Matrix((Integer) mat));
                                    if (unit == 24) {// 24=Prozent
                                        if (!fractionsOut.containsKey(processID)) {
                                            fractionsOut.put(processID, new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>());
                                        LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double> lhm = fractionsOut.get(processID);
                                        lhm.put(rsZ.getInt("ID"), dbl);
                                    else {
                                        System.err.println("ERROR: Unit for Produkt nicht ok..., not %...");
                            } while (;    
                        if (volumeDef != null && volumeDef.size() > 0) {
                            IngredientsNodeFactory inf = new IngredientsNodeFactory();
                            SingleNodeContainer i2nc = createNodeContainer(wfm, null, "Zutaten", "Zutatenliste...", null, inf);
                            AddonNodeModel i2Model = (AddonNodeModel)((NativeNodeContainer)i2nc).getNodeModel();
                            //AddonNodeModel i2Model = ((AddonNodeModel)i2nc.getNodeModel());
                            i2Model.setSetting(volumeDef, volumeUnitDef, iarr, narr, true);
                            wfm.addConnection(i2nc.getID(), 1, p2nc.getID(), 1);
                            toMap.put(processID, 1);
                    catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
                } while (;
            // Connect the nodes
            // Port 0 is the "Flow Variable Port"
            // Port 1 is the first normal port
            for (Entry<Integer, NodeID> entry : nodesMap.entrySet()) {
                int fromKey = entry.getKey();
                NodeID source = entry.getValue();
                LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double> lhm = fractionsOut.get(fromKey);
                rs = DBKernel.getResultSet("SELECT * FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL("Prozess_Verbindungen") +
                        " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Ausgangsprozess") + "=" + fromKey, false);
                if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                    do {
                        int toKey = rs.getInt("Zielprozess");
                        //System.err.println(fromKey + "\t" + toKey);
                        if (toKey > 0 && nodesMap.get(toKey) != null) {

                            int fromPort = 1;
                            if (fromMap.containsKey(fromKey)) {
                                fromPort = fromMap.get(fromKey) + 1;
                            int toPort = 1;
                            if (toMap.containsKey(toKey)) {
                                toPort = toMap.get(toKey) + 1;
                            NodeID dest = nodesMap.get(toKey);
                            wfm.addConnection(source, fromPort, dest, toPort);
                            fromMap.put(fromKey, fromPort);
                            toMap.put(toKey, toPort);

                            doLhm((SingleNodeContainer)wfm.getNodeContainer(source), lhm, matricesOut.get(fromKey), fromPort, toKey);
                    } while(;
                int fromPort = 1;
                if (fromMap.containsKey(fromKey)) {
                    fromPort = fromMap.get(fromKey) + 1;
                doLhm((SingleNodeContainer)wfm.getNodeContainer(source), lhm, matricesOut.get(fromKey), fromPort, -1);
        catch (Exception e) {throwCoreException("Error in fetching process chain data from the internal database", e);}
    private void doLhm(SingleNodeContainer p2Container, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double> lhm, LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix> lhmm, int fromPort, int toKey) throws SQLException {
        if (lhm != null) {
            //FoodProcessNodeModel p2Model = ((FoodProcessNodeModel)p2Container.getNode().getNodeModel());
            FoodProcessNodeModel p2Model = ((FoodProcessNodeModel)((NativeNodeContainer)p2Container).getNode().getNodeModel());
            FoodProcessNodeSettings fns = p2Model.getSetting();
            OutPortSetting[] ops = fns.getFoodProcessSetting().getOutPortSetting();
            double sum = getSum(lhm);
            //Integer addedVP = null;
            for (int vp : lhm.keySet()) {
                if (lhm.get(vp) > 0) {
                    if (toKey > 0) {
                        ResultSet rsZ = DBKernel.getResultSet("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL("Zutatendaten") +
                                " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Vorprozess") + "=" + vp +
                                " AND " + DBKernel.delimitL("Prozessdaten") + "=" + toKey, false);
                        if (rsZ != null && rsZ.first()) {                                    
                            ops[fromPort - 1].setOutFlux(100 * lhm.get(vp) / sum);
                            lhm.put(vp, -lhm.get(vp));
                            //addedVP = vp;
                            if (lhmm != null && lhmm.containsKey(vp)) ops[fromPort - 1].setMatrix(lhmm.get(vp));
                    else if (lhm.get(vp) > 0) {
                        ops[fromPort - 1].setOutFlux(100 * lhm.get(vp) / sum);
                        if (lhmm != null && lhmm.containsKey(vp)) ops[fromPort - 1].setMatrix(lhmm.get(vp));
            //if (addedVP != null) lhm.remove(addedVP.intValue());
            //InPortSetting[] ips = fns.getFoodProcessSetting().getInPortSetting();
    private double getSum(LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double> lhm) {
        double sum = 0;
        for (double dbl : lhm.values()) {
            sum += (dbl > 0 ? dbl : -dbl);
        return sum;
    private SingleNodeContainer createNodeContainer(WorkflowManager wfm, Integer processID, Object nodeAnno, String description, LinkedHashMap<Integer, NodeID> nodesMap, NodeFactory pf) {
        // create a node with default settings
        NodeID p2 = wfm.createAndAddNode(pf);
        // set dummy location, the location will later be change by the
        // layout manger, but a location must be set here, so that the node
        // is correctly initialized.
        setDummyLocation(wfm, p2);
        if (nodesMap != null) nodesMap.put(processID, p2);
        // get the container of the node
        SingleNodeContainer p2Container = (SingleNodeContainer)wfm.getNodeContainer(p2);
        // set the node description, normally set by clicking "set description" 
        // in the context menu of the node.
        p2Container.setCustomDescription(description); // "Ein schöner Milchturm"
        AnnotationData p2AnnoData = NodeAnnotationData.createFromObsoleteCustomName(nodeAnno.toString());
        // set custom node annotation
        p2Container.getNodeAnnotation().getData().copyFrom(p2AnnoData, true);
        // set dirty so that changer are saved
        // get the node from the container
        return p2Container;        
    /** Place the node a (100px, 100px); */
    private void setDummyLocation(final WorkflowManager wfm, final NodeID nodeId) {
        NodeUIInformation uiInformation = NodeUIInformation.builder()
                .setNodeLocation(100, 100, -1, -1).setHasAbsoluteCoordinates(false).build();

    private IProject createProject(final IPath workflowPath) throws CoreException {
        IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
         IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
            IResource resource = root.findMember(workflowPath);
            if (resource != null) {
                throwCoreException("Resource \"" + workflowPath.toString()
                        + "\" does already exist.", null);
            // check if there is a folder with the same name on the file system
            // see bug (
            IPath rootLocation = root.getLocation();
            if (rootLocation != null) {
                IPath absolutePath = rootLocation.append(workflowPath);
                if (absolutePath.toFile().exists()) {
                            "Resource " + workflowPath + " already exists!", null);
            ContainerGenerator generator = new ContainerGenerator(workflowPath);
            IContainer containerResult = generator.generateContainer(monitor);
            if (containerResult instanceof IProject) {
                IProject project = (IProject)containerResult;
                // open the project
                // Create project description, set the nature IDs and build-commands
                try {
                    // set the nature id of the project is enough
                    // the name is already set by IProject#create()
                    IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
                    description.setNatureIds(new String[]{KNIMEProjectNature.ID});
                    project.setDescription(description, monitor);
                } catch (CoreException ce) {
                            "Error while creating project description for " 
                            + project.getName(), ce);
                return project;
            return null;
    private static void throwCoreException(final String message, 
            final Throwable t) 
        throws CoreException {
        IStatus status =
                new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.knime.workbench.ui", IStatus.OK,
                        message, t);
        throw new CoreException(status);

    private Double getDouble(final Object dbl) {
        Double result = null;
        if (dbl != null) {
            try {
                if (dbl instanceof Double) {
                    result = (Double) dbl;
                } else {
                    result = Double.parseDouble(dbl.toString());
            catch (Exception e) {}
        return result;
     * Class taken from KNIME 3. Removed in KNIME 4 but still needed in FoodProcess-Lab.
     * Project nature for KNIME projects, not used by now.
     * @author Florian Georg, University of Konstanz
    class KNIMEProjectNature implements IProjectNature {

        /** Project nature ID as defined in plugin.xml. */
        public static final String ID = KNIMEUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID
            + ".KNIMEProjectNature";

        private IProject m_project;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void configure() throws CoreException {
            // nothing to do

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void deconfigure() throws CoreException {
            // nothing to do

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public IProject getProject() {
            return m_project;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void setProject(final IProject project) {
            m_project = project;
