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Test Coverage
Model Metadata

This model description is not a real EMF artifact. It was generated by the
org.eclipse.emf.examples.generator.validator plug-in to illustrate how EMF's
code generator can be extended.
This can be disabled with -vmargs -Dorg.eclipse.emf.examples.generator.validator=false.

Package metadata <>

  Class GeneralInformation
    Attribute name : EString<<1..1>>
    Attribute source : EString
    Attribute identifier : EString<<1..1>>
    Attribute creationDate : EDate
    Attribute modificationDate : EDate<<0..*>>
    Attribute rights : EString<<1..1>>
    Attribute available : EBoolean
    Attribute format : EString
    Attribute language : EString
    Attribute software : EString
    Attribute languageWrittenIn : EString
    Attribute status : EString
    Attribute objective : EString
    Attribute description : EString
    Reference creators : Creator<<0..*>>
    Reference modelcategory : ModelCategory
    Operation equals(GeneralInformation) : EBoolean

  Class Creator
    Attribute Title : EString
    Attribute familyName : EString
    Attribute email : EString<<1..1>>
    Attribute telephone : EString
    Attribute streetAddress : EString
    Attribute extendedAddress : EString
    Attribute country : EString
    Attribute city : EString
    Attribute ZIPCode : EString
    Attribute postOfficeBox : EString
    Attribute region : EString
    Attribute nickName : EString
    Attribute timeZone : EString
    Attribute gender : EString
    Attribute name : EString
    Attribute url : EString
    Attribute note : EString
    Attribute logo : EString
    Attribute organization : EString
    Attribute fn : EString
    Operation getVCard() : VCard

  Class ModelCategory
    Attribute modelClass : EString<<1..1>>
    Attribute modelSubClass : EString<<0..*>>
    Attribute modelClassComment : EString
    Attribute basicProcess : EString

  Class Assay
    Attribute name : EString
    Attribute description : EString

  Class Study
    Attribute title : EString
    Attribute description : EString
    Attribute designType : EString
    Attribute measurementType : EString
    Attribute technologyType : EString
    Attribute technologyPlatform : EString
    Attribute accreditationProcedure : EString
    Attribute protocolName : EString
    Attribute protocolType : EString
    Attribute protocolDescription : EString
    Attribute protocolUri : URI
    Attribute protocolVersion : EString
    Attribute parametersName : EString
    Attribute componentsName : EString
    Attribute componentsType : EString

  DataType VCard <ezvcard.VCard>

  DataType URI <>