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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If
 * not, see <>.
 * Contributors: Department Biological Safety - BfR
package de.bund.bfr.knime.fsklab.r.client;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.rosuda.REngine.REXP;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPMismatchException;
import org.rosuda.REngine.RList;

import com.sun.jna.Platform;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.fsklab.preferences.PreferenceInitializer;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.fsklab.r.client.IRController.RException;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.fsklab.r.server.RConnectionFactory.RConnectionResource;

 * Singleton!! There can only be one.
 * @author Miguel Alba
public class LibRegistry {

  private static LibRegistry instance;

  /** Installation path. */
  private Path installPath;

  /** miniCRAN repository path. */
  private Path repoPath;

  /** Utility set to keep count of installed libraries. */
  private final Set<String> installedLibs;

  /** Utility RController for running R commands. */
  public final RController controller = new RController();

  private String type;

  private RWrapper rWrapper;

  private final String MIRROR = "";

  private LibRegistry() throws IOException, RException {
    if (Platform.isWindows()) {
      type = "win.binary";
    } else if (Platform.isMac()) {
      type = "mac.binary";
    } else {
      type = "source";

    // Prepare rWrapper
    rWrapper = new RWrapper();
    if((!PreferenceInitializer.getRPath().contains(RprofileManager.BFR_R_PLUGIN_NAME) &&  Platform.isWindows()) || Platform.isMac()) {
      try {
        String[] rPath= controller.eval(".libPaths()", true).asStrings();
        //get default library path.
        installPath = Paths.get(rPath[0]);
        repoPath = installPath.getParent().resolve("cran");
      } catch (REXPMismatchException | RException e1) {
    }else {
      Path userFolder = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"));
      Path fskFolder = userFolder.resolve(".fsk");

      // CRAN and library folders
      installPath = fskFolder.resolve("library");
      repoPath = fskFolder.resolve("cran");

    // Validate .fsk folder
    if (Files.exists(installPath) && Files.exists(repoPath)) {
      // TODO: Need to validate further: library and CRAN

      // Initialize `installedLibs` with `installPath`
      String[] pkgArray = installPath.toFile().list();
      installedLibs =;

    } else {

      // Create directories

      // Create CRAN structure in repoPath

      installedLibs = new HashSet<>();

  public synchronized static LibRegistry instance() throws IOException, RException {
      if (instance == null ) {
          instance = new LibRegistry();
          PreferenceInitializer.refresh = false;

      return instance;

  private static void refreshInstance() {
      synchronized(instance) {
          try {
              // Wait until controller is actually closed. 
              instance.wait(RConnectionResource.RPROCESS_TIMEOUT + 2000);
              instance = new LibRegistry();
          } catch(Exception e) {
              instance = null;
          } finally {
              PreferenceInitializer.refresh = false;
   * Install a list of packages into the repository. Already installed packages
   * are ignored.
   * @param libs list of names of R libraries
   * @throws RException
   * @throws REXPMismatchException
   * @throws NoInternetException
  public synchronized void install(final List<String> packages)
      throws RException, REXPMismatchException, NoInternetException {
    if (Platform.isLinux() || Platform.isMac()) {
      // Install missing packages
      String[] installedPackagesArray = controller.eval("rownames(installed.packages())", true).asStrings();
      Set<String> installedPackagesSet =;
      for (String pkg : packages) {
        if (!installedPackagesSet.contains(pkg)) {
            if (!isNetAvailable()) {
                throw new NoInternetException(packages);
            String cmd = String.format("install.packages('%s', lib = '%s', repos = '%s')", pkg,
                    rWrapper._path2String(installPath), MIRROR);
            controller.eval(cmd, false);
      installedPackagesArray = controller.eval("rownames(installed.packages())", true).asStrings();
      installedPackagesSet =;
    } else {
      if (installedLibs.containsAll(packages))

      if (rWrapper.areAllInstalled(packages))

      // pkgDep requires miniCRAN to be loaded, on repeated executions of the Runner this might not have happened 

      // Gets missing packages
      List<String> missingPackages;

      // try to collect missing packages; if it fails, consider all packages as missing
      try {
        missingPackages = rWrapper.pkgDep(packages).stream().filter(pkg -> !installedLibs.contains(pkg))
      } catch(Exception e) {
        missingPackages = packages;

      if (!missingPackages.isEmpty()) {

        // Adds the dependencies to the miniCRAN repository
        rWrapper.addPackage(missingPackages, repoPath);

        // Install with install.packages directly on Linux
        // Gets the paths to the binaries of these dependencies
        List<Path> paths = rWrapper.checkVersions(missingPackages, repoPath);

        // Install binaries
        rWrapper.installPackages(paths, installPath);

        // Adds names of installed libraries to utility set

   * Gets list of paths to the binaries of the desired libraries.
   * @param libs
   * @return list of paths to the binaries of the desired libraries
   * @throws RException
   * @throws REXPMismatchException
  public Set<Path> getPaths(List<String> libs) throws RException, REXPMismatchException {
    // Gets list of R dependencies of libs
    List<String> deps = rWrapper.pkgDep(libs);

    // Gets the paths to the binaries of these dependencies
    List<Path> paths = rWrapper.checkVersions(deps, repoPath);
    return new HashSet<>(paths);

   * @return Path of a single R package or null if lib cannot be found.
   * @throws RException
   * @throws REXPMismatchException
  public Path getPath(String lib) throws REXPMismatchException, RException {
    List<String> libs = Arrays.asList(lib);
    List<Path> paths = rWrapper.checkVersions(libs, repoPath);
    return paths.isEmpty() ? null : paths.get(0);

  public Path getInstallationPath() {
    return installPath;

  public Path getRepositoryPath() {
    return repoPath;

  private boolean isNetAvailable() {
    try {
      final URL url = new URL(MIRROR);
      final URLConnection conn;

      // Open url with proxy if on BfR computer
      if (InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName().endsWith("")) {
        conn = url.openConnection(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("webproxy", 8080)));
      } else {
        conn = url.openConnection();

      return true;
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      return false;

  public static class NoInternetException extends Exception {
    /** Generated serialVersionUID */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2815440774381106769L;

    /** Constructor */
    public NoInternetException(final List<String> packages) {
      super("Not connected to Internet. Packages {" + String.join(",", packages) + "} could not be downloaded");

  private class RWrapper {

    // R commands
     * Load and attach add-on packages.
     * @param pkg The name of a package.
     * @throws RException
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      R documentation</a>
    void library(final String pkg) throws RException {
      String cmd = "library(" + pkg + ")";
      controller.eval(cmd, false);

    boolean areAllInstalled(final List<String> pkgs) {
      for (String pkg : pkgs) {
        try {
        } catch (RException e) {
          return false;
      return true;

     * Install packages from local files.
     * @param pkgs List of package files. The files can be source distributions
     *             (.tar.gz) or binary distributions (.zip for Windows and .tgz for
     *             Mac).
     * @param lib  Directory where packages are installed.
     * @throws RException
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      R documentation</a>
    void installPackages(final List<Path> pkgs, final Path lib) throws RException {

      String pkgsAsString =
          .map(str -> "'" + str + "'").collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

      String pkgList = "c(" + pkgsAsString + ")";
      String cmd = "install.packages(" + pkgList + ", repos = NULL, lib = '" + _path2String(lib) + "', type = '"
          + type + "')";
      controller.eval(cmd, false);

    // miniCRAN commands
     * Add packages to a miniCRAN repository.
     * @param pkgs List of names of packages to be downloaded.
     * @param path Destination download path. This path is the root folder of the
     *             repository.
     * @throws RException
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      miniCRAN documentation</a>
    void addPackage(final List<String> pkgs, final Path path) throws RException {
      String cmd = "addPackage(" + _pkgList(pkgs) + ", '" + _path2String(path) + "', repos = '" + MIRROR
          + "', type = '" + type + "', deps = FALSE)";
      controller.eval(cmd, false);

     * Returns the file paths for the specified packages.
     * @param pkgs List of names of packages.
     * @param path The local path to the directory where the miniCRAN repo resides.
     * @return the file paths for the specified packages
     * @throws REXPMismatchException
     * @throws RException
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      miniCRAN documentation</a>
    List<Path> checkVersions(final List<String> pkgs, final Path path) throws REXPMismatchException, RException {
      String cmd = "checkVersions(" + _pkgList(pkgs) + ", '" + _path2String(path) + "', type = '" + type + "')";

      REXP rexp = controller.eval(cmd, true);

      // Sometimes checkVersions returns a list (specially on Mac)
      if (rexp.isList()) {
        RList list = rexp.asList();
        REXP element0 =;
        String[] values = element0.asStrings();


      if (rexp.isString()) {
        String[] pathsArray = rexp.asStrings();

      throw new REXPMismatchException(rexp, "Unsupported return type");

     * Creates a local repository in the specified path.
     * <p>
     * Creates a CRAN folder structure in the specified destination folder and then
     * creates the PACKAGES index file. Since the folder structure mimics the
     * required structure and files of a CRAN repository, it supports functions like
     * <i>install.packages()</i>.
     * @param path Destination download path. This path is the root folder of the
     *             repository.
     * @throws RException
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      miniCRAN documentation</a>
    void makeRepo(final Path path) throws RException {
      String cmd = "makeRepo(c(), '" + _path2String(path) + "', repos = '" + MIRROR + "', type = '" + type + "')";
      controller.eval(cmd, false);

     * Retrieve package dependencies.
     * <p>
     * Perform recursive retrieve for Depends, Imports and LinkLibrary. Performs
     * non-recursive retrieve for Suggests.
     * @param pkgs List of names of packages.
     * @return the dependencies of the specified packages
     * @throws RException
     * @throws REXPMismatchException
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      miniCRAN documentation</a>
    List<String> pkgDep(final List<String> pkgs) throws RException, REXPMismatchException {
      String cmd = "pkgDep(" + _pkgList(pkgs) + ", type = '" + type + "', repos = '" + MIRROR +"')";
      REXP rexp = controller.eval(cmd, true);
      return Arrays.asList(rexp.asStrings());

    // Utility method. Should not be used outside of RCommandBuilder.
    String _pkgList(final List<String> pkgs) {
      return "c(" + -> "'" + pkg + "'").collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + ")";

    // Utility method. Should not be used outside of RCommandBuilder.
    String _path2String(final Path path) {
      return FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(path.toString());