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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Contributors:
 *     Department Biological Safety - BfR
package de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.jdom2.Element;

import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.generictablemodel.KnimeTuple;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.math.MathUtilities;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.pmmtablemodel.Model1Schema;
import de.bund.bfr.knime.pmm.common.pmmtablemodel.Model2Schema;

public class ParametricModel implements PmmXmlElementConvertable {

    public static final String ELEMENT_PARAMETRICMODEL = "ParametricModel";

    // hier fest verdrahtet und von den zentralen KnimSchema Variablen unabhängig
    // gemacht.
    // Hintergrund ist, dass sonst bei KnimeSchema-Änderungen der MMC seine
    // gespeicherten Daten vergisst!
    private static final String ATT_FORMULA = "Formula";
    private static final String ATT_INDEP = "IndependentXml";
    private static final String ATT_DEP = "DependentXml";
    private static final String ATT_PARAM = "ParameterXml";

    private static final String ATT_PARAMNAME = "ParamName";
    private static final String ATT_DEPVAR = "DepVar";
    private static final String ATT_INDEPVAR = "IndepVar";
    private static final String ATT_VALUE = "Value";
    private static final String ATT_MDBUUID = "M_DB_UID";
    private static final String ATT_MODELNAME = "ModelName";
    private static final String ATT_MODELID = "ModelCatalogId";
    private static final String ATT_MODELCLASS = "ModelClass";
    private static final String ATT_EMDBUUID = "EM_DB_UID";
    private static final String ATT_ESTMODELID = "EstModelId";
    private static final String ATT_GLOBALMODELID = "GlobalModelId";
    private static final String ATT_RMS = "RMS";
    private static final String ATT_RSS = "RSS";
    private static final String ATT_AIC = "AIC";
    private static final String ATT_BIC = "BIC";
    private static final String ATT_RSQUARED = "Rsquared";
    private static final String ATT_MINVALUE = "MinValue";
    private static final String ATT_MAXVALUE = "MaxValue";
    private static final String ATT_MININDEP = "MinIndep";
    private static final String ATT_MAXINDEP = "MaxIndep";
    private static final String ATT_PARAMERR = "StandardError";
    private static final String ATT_IS_START = "IsStart";
    private static final String ATT_RMAP = "rMap";
    private static final String ATT_MLIT = "ModelLiterature";
    private static final String ATT_EMLIT = "EstimatedModelLiterature";

    private static final String ELEMENT_PARAM = "Parameter";
    private static final String ATT_CONDID = "CondId";

    private static final String ATT_CHECKED = "ModelChecked";
    private static final String ATT_QSCORE = "ModelQualityScore";
    private static final String ATT_COMMENT = "ModelComment";

    private DepXml depXml = null;
    private PmmXmlDoc independent = null;
    private PmmXmlDoc parameter = null;
    private PmmXmlDoc estLit = null;
    private PmmXmlDoc modelLit = null;

    public String modelDbUuid;
    public String estimatedModelDbUuid;

    public String modelName;

    public Integer modelClass;

    public String fittedModelName;

    private String formula;

    private int level;

    public int modelId;

    public int estModelId;

    private Double rsquared;
    private Double rss;
    private Double rms;
    private Double aic;
    private Double bic;

    public int condId;

    public Integer globalModelId = null;

    public Boolean isChecked;

    public Integer qualityScore;

    public String comment;

    private static final String ATT_LEVEL = "Level";

    public String warning = "";

    public ParametricModel() {

    private void initVars() {
        rss = Double.NaN;
        rsquared = Double.NaN;
        rms = Double.NaN;
        aic = Double.NaN;
        bic = Double.NaN;
        isChecked = null;
        qualityScore = null;
        comment = null;
        modelId = MathUtilities.getRandomNegativeInt();
        estModelId = MathUtilities.getRandomNegativeInt();
        globalModelId = MathUtilities.getRandomNegativeInt();

        estLit = new PmmXmlDoc();
        modelLit = new PmmXmlDoc();

        independent = new PmmXmlDoc();
        parameter = new PmmXmlDoc();


    public ParametricModel(final String modelName, final String formula, DepXml depXml, final int level,
            final int modelId, final int estModelId) {
        this(modelName, formula, depXml, level, modelId);
        this.estModelId = estModelId;

    public ParametricModel(final String modelName, final String formula, DepXml depXml, final int level,
            final int modelId) {
        this(modelName, formula, depXml, level);
        this.modelId = modelId;

    public ParametricModel(final String modelName, final String formula, DepXml depXml, final int level) {
        this.modelName = modelName;
        this.depXml = depXml;
        this.level = level;

    public ParametricModel(KnimeTuple row, int level, Integer newTsID) throws PmmException {
        this.level = level;

        PmmXmlDoc x = row.getPmmXml(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_MODELCATALOG, level));
        if (x != null) {
            for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : x.getElementSet()) {
                if (el instanceof CatalogModelXml) {
                    CatalogModelXml cmx = (CatalogModelXml) el;
                    this.modelId =;
                    this.modelName =;
                    this.modelDbUuid = cmx.dbuuid;

        // this.modelId = row.getInt(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_MODELID,
        // level));
        // this.modelName =
        // row.getString(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_MODELNAME, level));
        // setFormula(row.getString(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_FORMULA,
        // level)));
        PmmXmlDoc depXml = row.getPmmXml(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_DEPENDENT, level));
        this.depXml = (DepXml) depXml.getElementSet().get(0);

        this.parameter = row.getPmmXml(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_PARAMETER, level));
        this.independent = row.getPmmXml(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_INDEPENDENT, level));

        this.modelLit = row.getPmmXml(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_MLIT, level));
        this.estLit = row.getPmmXml(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_EMLIT, level));

        x = row.getPmmXml(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_ESTMODEL, level));
        if (x != null) {
            for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : x.getElementSet()) {
                if (el instanceof EstModelXml) {
                    EstModelXml emx = (EstModelXml) el;
                    this.estModelId =;
                    this.rms = emx.rms;
                    this.rsquared = emx.r2;
                    this.aic = emx.aic;
                    this.bic = emx.bic;
                    this.qualityScore = emx.qualityScore;
                    this.isChecked = emx.checked;
                    this.comment = emx.comment;
                    this.fittedModelName =;
                    this.estimatedModelDbUuid = emx.dbuuid;
         * Integer rowEstM1ID =
         * row.getInt(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_ESTMODELID, level));
         * this.setEstModelId(rowEstM1ID == null ? MathUtilities.getRandomNegativeInt()
         * : rowEstM1ID); this.rms =
         * row.getDouble(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_RMS, level));
         * this.rsquared =
         * row.getDouble(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_RSQUARED, level));
         * this.aic = row.getDouble(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_AIC,
         * level)); this.bic =
         * row.getDouble(Model1Schema.getAttribute(Model1Schema.ATT_BIC, level));
        if (this.rms == null)
            this.rms = Double.NaN;
        if (this.rsquared == null)
            this.rsquared = Double.NaN;
        if (this.aic == null)
            this.aic = Double.NaN;
        if (this.bic == null)
            this.bic = Double.NaN;
        if (newTsID != null)
            this.condId = newTsID;

        if (level == 2) {
            globalModelId = row.getInt(Model2Schema.ATT_GLOBAL_MODEL_ID);

    public ParametricModel(final Element modelElement) {

        modelDbUuid = modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_MDBUUID);
        estimatedModelDbUuid = modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_EMDBUUID);
        modelName = modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_MODELNAME);
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue("FittedModelName") != null
                && !modelElement.getAttributeValue("FittedModelName").isEmpty())
            fittedModelName = modelElement.getAttributeValue("FittedModelName");
        modelClass = XmlHelper.getInt(modelElement, ATT_MODELCLASS);
        level = Integer.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_LEVEL));
        modelId = Integer.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_MODELID));
        estModelId = Integer.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_ESTMODELID));
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_GLOBALMODELID) != null)
            globalModelId = Integer.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_GLOBALMODELID));

        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_CHECKED) != null
                && !modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_CHECKED).isEmpty())
            isChecked = Boolean.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_CHECKED));
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_COMMENT) != null
                && !modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_COMMENT).isEmpty())
            comment = modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_COMMENT);
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_QSCORE) != null && !modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_QSCORE).isEmpty())
            qualityScore = Integer.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_QSCORE));
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_RSS) != null)
            rss = Double.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_RSS));
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_RMS) != null)
            rms = Double.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_RMS));
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_AIC) != null)
            aic = Double.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_AIC));
        if (modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_BIC) != null)
            bic = Double.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_BIC));
        rsquared = Double.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_RSQUARED));
        condId = Integer.valueOf(modelElement.getAttributeValue(ATT_CONDID));

        HashMap<String, String> rMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (Element el : modelElement.getChildren()) {
            if (el.getName().equals(ATT_FORMULA)) {
                formula = el.getText();
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ELEMENT_PARAM)) {
                boolean minNull = el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MINVALUE) == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MINVALUE).equals("null");
                boolean maxNull = el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MAXVALUE) == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MAXVALUE).equals("null");
                boolean valNull = el.getAttributeValue(ATT_VALUE) == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue(ATT_VALUE).equals("null");
                boolean errNull = el.getAttributeValue(ATT_PARAMERR) == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue(ATT_PARAMERR).equals("null");
                boolean categoryNull = el.getAttributeValue("Category") == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue("Category").equals("null");
                boolean unitNull = el.getAttributeValue("Unit") == null || el.getAttributeValue("Unit").equals("null");

                Double min = minNull ? Double.NaN : Double.valueOf(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MINVALUE));
                Double max = maxNull ? Double.NaN : Double.valueOf(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MAXVALUE));
                Double val = valNull ? Double.NaN : Double.valueOf(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_VALUE));
                Double err = errNull ? Double.NaN : Double.valueOf(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_PARAMERR));
                String category = categoryNull ? null : el.getAttributeValue("Category");
                String unit = unitNull ? null : el.getAttributeValue("Unit");

                ParamXml px = new ParamXml(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_PARAMNAME), XmlHelper.getBoolean(el, ATT_IS_START),
                        val, err, min, max, null, null, category, unit);
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_INDEPVAR)) {
                boolean minNull = el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MININDEP) == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MININDEP).equals("null");
                boolean maxNull = el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MAXINDEP) == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MAXINDEP).equals("null");
                boolean categoryNull = el.getAttributeValue("Category") == null
                        || el.getAttributeValue("Category").equals("null");
                boolean unitNull = el.getAttributeValue("Unit") == null || el.getAttributeValue("Unit").equals("null");
                Double min = minNull ? Double.NaN : Double.valueOf(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MININDEP));
                Double max = maxNull ? Double.NaN : Double.valueOf(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_MAXINDEP));
                String category = categoryNull ? null : el.getAttributeValue("Category");
                String unit = unitNull ? null : el.getAttributeValue("Unit");
                IndepXml ix = new IndepXml(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_PARAMNAME), min, max, category, unit);
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_RMAP)) {
                rMap.put(el.getAttributeValue("NEW"), el.getAttributeValue("OLD"));
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_DEPVAR)) {
                depXml = new DepXml(el.getAttributeValue(ATT_PARAMNAME), el.getAttributeValue("Category"),
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_MLIT)) {
                try {
                    modelLit = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText());
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_EMLIT)) {
                try {
                    estLit = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText());
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_INDEP)) {
                try {
                    independent = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText());
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_DEP)) {
                try {
                    PmmXmlDoc dep = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText());
                    if (dep.size() > 0)
                        depXml = (DepXml) dep.get(0);
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (el.getName().equals(ATT_PARAM)) {
                try {
                    parameter = new PmmXmlDoc(el.getText());
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else {
                assert false;
        for (String name : rMap.keySet()) {
            String origName = rMap.get(name);
            if (depXml.origName.equals(origName)) {
       = name;
            } else {
                for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : parameter.getElementSet()) {
                    if (el instanceof ParamXml) {
                        ParamXml px = (ParamXml) el;
                        if (px.origName.equals(origName)) {
                   = name;
                for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : independent.getElementSet()) {
                    if (el instanceof IndepXml) {
                        IndepXml ix = (IndepXml) el;
                        if (ix.origName.equals(origName)) {
                   = name;

    // depXml
    public DepXml getDepXml() {
        return depXml;

    public void setDepXml(DepXml depXml) {
        this.depXml = depXml;

    public void setDepVar(final String depVar) {
        setDepVar(depVar, false);

    public void setDepVar(final String depVar, boolean origNameAlso) {
        if (depXml == null)
            depXml = new DepXml(depVar);
        else {
   = depVar;
            if (origNameAlso)
                depXml.origName = depVar;

    public String getDepDescription() {
        return depXml == null ? null : depXml.description;

    public void setDepDescription(String description) {
        if (depXml != null)
            depXml.description = description;

    public String getDepCategory() {
        return depXml == null ? null : depXml.category;

    public void setDepCategory(String category) {
        if (depXml != null)
            depXml.category = category;

    public String getDepUnit() {
        return depXml == null ? null : depXml.unit;

    public void setDepUnit(String unit) {
        if (depXml != null)
            depXml.unit = unit;

    // independent
    public PmmXmlDoc getIndependent() {
        return independent;

    public void setIndependent(PmmXmlDoc independent) {
        this.independent = independent;

    public boolean containsIndep(final String name) {
        return findIndep(name) != null;

    public void addIndepVar(final String varName) {
        addIndepVar(varName, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);

    public void addIndepVar(final String varName, final Double min, final Double max) {
        addIndepVar(varName, min, max, null, null, null);

    public void addIndepVar(final String varName, final Double min, final Double max, String category, String unit,
            String description) {
        IndepXml ix = new IndepXml(varName, min, max, category, unit);
        if (description != null)
            ix.description = description;

    private IndepXml findIndep(final String name) {
        for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : independent.getElementSet()) {
            if (el instanceof IndepXml) {
                IndepXml indep = (IndepXml) el;
                if ( {
                    return indep;
        return null;

    public String getIndepDescription(final String name) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        return indep == null ? null : indep.description;

    public void setIndepDescription(final String name, final String description) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        if (indep != null)
            indep.description = description;

    public Double getIndepMax(final String name) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        return indep == null ? null : indep.max;

    public void setIndepMax(final String name, final Double max) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        if (indep != null)
            indep.max = max;

    public Double getIndepMin(final String name) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        return indep == null ? null : indep.min;

    public void setIndepMin(final String name, final Double min) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        if (indep != null)
            indep.min = min;

    public String getIndepUnit(final String name) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        return indep == null ? null : indep.unit;

    public void setIndepUnit(final String name, final String unit) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        if (indep != null)
            indep.unit = unit;

    public String getIndepCategory(final String name) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        return indep == null ? null : indep.category;

    public void setIndepCategory(final String name, final String category) {
        IndepXml indep = findIndep(name);
        if (indep != null)
            indep.category = category;

    // other

    // parameter
    public PmmXmlDoc getParameter() {
        return parameter;

    public void setParameter(PmmXmlDoc parameter) {
        this.parameter = parameter;

    public void addParam(final String paramName, final Boolean isStartParam) {
        addParam(paramName, isStartParam, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);

    public void addParam(final String paramName, final Boolean isStartParam, final Double value, final Double error) {
        addParam(paramName, isStartParam, value, error, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);

    public void addParam(final String paramName, final Boolean isStartParam, final Double value, final Double error,
            final Double min, final Double max) {
        addParam(paramName, isStartParam, value, error, min, max, null, null, null);

    public void addParam(final String paramName, final Boolean isStartParam, final Double value, final Double error,
            final Double min, final Double max, String category, String unit, String description) {
        ParamXml px = new ParamXml(paramName, isStartParam, value, error, min, max, null, null, category, unit);
        if (description != null)
            px.description = description;

    private ParamXml findParam(final String name) {
        for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : parameter.getElementSet()) {
            if (el instanceof ParamXml) {
                ParamXml px = (ParamXml) el;
                if ( {
                    return px;
        return null;

    public Double getParamMin(final String name) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        return param == null ? null : param.min;

    public void setParamMin(final String name, final Double min) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.min = min;

    public Double getParamMax(final String name) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        return param == null ? null : param.max;

    public void setParamMax(final String name, final Double max) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.max = max;

    public String getParamUnit(final String name) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        return param == null ? null : param.unit;

    public void setParamUnit(final String name, final String unit) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.unit = unit;

    public String getParamCategory(final String name) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        return param == null ? null : param.category;

    public void setParamCategory(final String name, final String category) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.category = category;

    public String getParamDescription(final String name) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        return param == null ? null : param.description;

    public void setParamDescription(final String name, final String description) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.description = description;

    public Boolean getParamIsStart(final String paramName) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(paramName);
        return param == null ? null : param.isStartParam;

    public void setParamIsStart(final String name, final Boolean isStart) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.isStartParam = isStart;

    public Double getParamValue(final String paramName) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(paramName);
        return param == null ? null : param.value;

    public void setParamValue(final String name, final Double value) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.value = value;

    public Double getParamError(final String paramName) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(paramName);
        return param == null ? null : param.error;

    public void setParamError(final String name, final Double error) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(name);
        if (param != null)
            param.error = error;

    // estLit
    public PmmXmlDoc getEstModelLit() {
        return estLit;

    public void setEstLit(PmmXmlDoc estLit) {
        this.estLit = estLit;

    public void addEstModelLit(final LiteratureItem item) {

    public void removeEstModelLits() {
        estLit = new PmmXmlDoc();

    // modelLit
    public PmmXmlDoc getModelLit() {
        return modelLit;

    public void setMLit(PmmXmlDoc modelLit) {
        this.modelLit = modelLit;

    public void removeModelLits() {
        modelLit = new PmmXmlDoc();

    public void addModelLit(final LiteratureItem item) {

    // AIC
    public Double getAic() {
        return aic;

    public void setAic(final Double aic) {
        this.aic = (aic == null) ? Double.NaN : aic;

    public boolean hasAic() {
        return !Double.isNaN(aic);

    // BIC
    public Double getBic() {
        return bic;

    public void setBic(final Double bic) {
        this.bic = (bic == null) ? Double.NaN : bic;

    public boolean hasBic() {
        return !Double.isNaN(bic);

    // RMS
    public Double getRms() {
        return rms;

    public void setRms(final Double rms) throws PmmException {
        if (rms == null)
            this.rms = Double.NaN;
        else {
            if (Double.isInfinite(rms)) {
                throw new PmmException("RMS must be a real positive number.");

            if (rms < 0) {
                throw new PmmException("RMS must be a real positive number.");

            this.rms = rms;

    public boolean hasRms() {
        return !Double.isNaN(rms);

    // rss
    public Double getRss() {
        return rss;

    public void setRss(final Double rss) throws PmmException {
        if (rss == null)
            this.rss = Double.NaN;
        else {
            if (Double.isInfinite(rss)) {
                throw new PmmException("RSS must be a real positive number.");

            if (rss < 0) {
                throw new PmmException("RSS must be a real positive number.");

            this.rss = rss;

    // rsquared
    public Double getRsquared() {
        return rsquared;

    public void setRsquared(final Double r2) throws PmmException {
        if (r2 == null)
            this.rsquared = Double.NaN;
        else {
            if (r2 > 1) {
                throw new PmmException("Rsquared must not exceed 1: " + r2);
            rsquared = r2;

    // formula
    public String revertFormula() {
        String result = formula;
        if (depXml != null && ! {
            result = MathUtilities.replaceVariable(result,, depXml.origName);
        if (parameter != null && parameter.getElementSet() != null) {
            for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : parameter.getElementSet()) {
                if (el instanceof ParamXml) {
                    ParamXml px = (ParamXml) el;
                    if (! {
                        result = MathUtilities.replaceVariable(result,, px.origName);
        if (independent != null && independent.getElementSet() != null) {
            for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : independent.getElementSet()) {
                if (el instanceof IndepXml) {
                    IndepXml ix = (IndepXml) el;
                    if (! {
                        result = MathUtilities.replaceVariable(result,, ix.origName);
        return result;

    public void setFormula(final String formula) {

        this.formula = formula.replaceAll("~", "=");
        this.formula = this.formula.replaceAll("\\s", "");

    public String getFormula() {
        return formula;

    // level
    public int getLevel() {
        return level;

    // other ...
    public PmmXmlDoc getCatModel() {
        PmmXmlDoc catModel = new PmmXmlDoc();
        CatalogModelXml cmx = new CatalogModelXml(modelId, modelName, getFormula(), modelClass, modelDbUuid);
        return catModel;

    public PmmXmlDoc getEstModel() {
        PmmXmlDoc emDoc = new PmmXmlDoc();
        EstModelXml emx = new EstModelXml(estModelId, fittedModelName, null, getRms(), getRsquared(), getAic(),
                getBic(), null, isChecked, qualityScore, estimatedModelDbUuid);
        emx.comment = comment;
        return emDoc;

    public ParametricModel clone() {
        ParametricModel clonedPM = new ParametricModel(modelName, formula, depXml, level, modelId, estModelId);
        clonedPM.modelClass = modelClass;
        clonedPM.modelDbUuid = modelDbUuid;
        clonedPM.estimatedModelDbUuid = estimatedModelDbUuid;

        try {
        } catch (PmmException e) {
        try {
        } catch (PmmException e) {
        try {
        } catch (PmmException e) {
        clonedPM.condId = condId;
        clonedPM.isChecked = isChecked;
        clonedPM.comment = comment;
        clonedPM.qualityScore = qualityScore;
        clonedPM.fittedModelName = fittedModelName;

        if (depXml != null)
            clonedPM.setDepXml(new DepXml(depXml.toXmlElement()));
        try {
            if (independent != null)
                clonedPM.setIndependent(new PmmXmlDoc(independent.toXmlString()));
            if (parameter != null)
                clonedPM.setParameter(new PmmXmlDoc(parameter.toXmlString()));
            if (estLit != null)
                clonedPM.setEstLit(new PmmXmlDoc(estLit.toXmlString()));
            if (modelLit != null)
                clonedPM.setMLit(new PmmXmlDoc(modelLit.toXmlString()));
        } catch (Exception e) {

        clonedPM.globalModelId = globalModelId;

        return clonedPM;

    public void removeIndepVar(final String varName) {
        for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : independent.getElementSet()) {
            if (el instanceof IndepXml) {
                IndepXml ix = (IndepXml) el;
                if ( {

    public void removeParam(final String varName) {
        for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : parameter.getElementSet()) {
            if (el instanceof ParamXml) {
                ParamXml px = (ParamXml) el;
                if ( {

    public void validateParams() {
        for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : independent.getElementSet()) {
            if (el instanceof IndepXml) {
                IndepXml ix = (IndepXml) el;

    public void removeParams() {
        parameter = new PmmXmlDoc();

    public void removeIndepVars() {
        independent = new PmmXmlDoc();

    public Double getParamP(final String paramName) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(paramName);
        return param == null ? null : param.P;

    public Double getParamT(final String paramName) {
        ParamXml param = findParam(paramName);
        return param == null ? null : param.t;

    public boolean containsParam(final String name) {
        return findParam(name) != null;

    public SortedMap<String, Boolean> getAllParVars() {
        SortedMap<String, Boolean> result = new TreeMap<>();
        if (parameter != null && parameter.getElementSet() != null) {
            for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : parameter.getElementSet()) {
                if (el instanceof ParamXml) {
                    ParamXml px = (ParamXml) el;
                    result.put(, false);
        if (independent != null && independent.getElementSet() != null) {
            for (PmmXmlElementConvertable el : independent.getElementSet()) {
                if (el instanceof IndepXml) {
                    IndepXml ix = (IndepXml) el;
                    result.put(, true);
        return result;

    public String getDepVar() {
        return depXml == null ? null :;

    public Element toXmlElement() {
        Element modelElement = new Element(ELEMENT_PARAMETRICMODEL);
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_MDBUUID, modelDbUuid == null ? "" : modelDbUuid);
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_EMDBUUID, estimatedModelDbUuid == null ? "" : estimatedModelDbUuid);
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_MODELNAME, modelName == null ? "" : modelName);
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_MODELCLASS, XmlHelper.getNonNull(modelClass));
        modelElement.setAttribute("FittedModelName", fittedModelName == null ? "" : fittedModelName);
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_LEVEL, String.valueOf(level));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_MODELID, String.valueOf(modelId));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_ESTMODELID, String.valueOf(estModelId));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_GLOBALMODELID, String.valueOf(globalModelId));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_CONDID, String.valueOf(condId));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_RSS, String.valueOf(rss));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_RMS, String.valueOf(rms));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_AIC, String.valueOf(aic));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_BIC, String.valueOf(bic));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_CHECKED, isChecked == null ? "" : String.valueOf(isChecked));
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_COMMENT, comment == null ? "" : comment);
        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_QSCORE, qualityScore == null ? "" : String.valueOf(qualityScore));

        modelElement.setAttribute(ATT_RSQUARED, String.valueOf(rsquared));

        Element element = new Element(ATT_FORMULA);

        element = new Element(ATT_PARAM);

        element = new Element(ATT_INDEP);

        if (depXml != null) {
            element = new Element(ATT_DEP);
            PmmXmlDoc pd = new PmmXmlDoc();

        element = new Element(ATT_MLIT);
        element = new Element(ATT_EMLIT);

        return modelElement;

    public KnimeTuple getKnimeTuple() throws PmmException {
        KnimeTuple tuple;

        if (level == 1) {

            tuple = new KnimeTuple(new Model1Schema());

            PmmXmlDoc cmDoc = getCatModel();// new PmmXmlDoc();
            tuple.setValue(Model1Schema.ATT_MODELCATALOG, cmDoc);

            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_FORMULA, getFormula() );
            PmmXmlDoc depDoc = new PmmXmlDoc();
            depDoc.add(depXml == null ? new DepXml(getDepVar(), getDepCategory(), getDepUnit()) : depXml);
            tuple.setValue(Model1Schema.ATT_DEPENDENT, depDoc);
            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_MODELNAME, getModelName() );
            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_MODELID, getModelId() );
            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_ESTMODELID, getEstModelId() );
            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_RMS, getRms() );
            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_AIC, getAic() );
            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_BIC, getBic() );
            // tuple.setValue( Model1Schema.ATT_RSQUARED, getRsquared() );

            PmmXmlDoc emDoc = getEstModel();// new PmmXmlDoc();
            tuple.setValue(Model1Schema.ATT_ESTMODEL, emDoc);

            tuple.setValue(Model1Schema.ATT_PARAMETER, parameter);

            tuple.setValue(Model1Schema.ATT_INDEPENDENT, independent);

            tuple.setValue(Model1Schema.ATT_MLIT, modelLit);
            tuple.setValue(Model1Schema.ATT_EMLIT, estLit);
        } else {

            tuple = new KnimeTuple(new Model2Schema());

            PmmXmlDoc cmDoc = getCatModel();// new PmmXmlDoc();
            tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_MODELCATALOG, cmDoc);

            // tuple.setValue( Model2Schema.ATT_FORMULA, getFormula() );

            PmmXmlDoc depDoc = new PmmXmlDoc();
            depDoc.add(depXml == null ? new DepXml(getDepVar(), getDepCategory(), getDepUnit()) : depXml);
            tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_DEPENDENT, depDoc);
             * tuple.setValue( Model2Schema.ATT_MODELNAME, getModelName() ); tuple.setValue(
             * Model2Schema.ATT_MODELID, getModelId() ); tuple.setValue(
             * Model2Schema.ATT_ESTMODELID, getEstModelId() ); tuple.setValue(
             * Model2Schema.ATT_RMS, getRms() ); tuple.setValue( Model2Schema.ATT_AIC,
             * getAic() ); tuple.setValue( Model2Schema.ATT_BIC, getBic() ); tuple.setValue(
             * Model2Schema.ATT_RSQUARED, getRsquared() );
            PmmXmlDoc emDoc = getEstModel();// new PmmXmlDoc();
            tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_ESTMODEL, emDoc);

            tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_PARAMETER, parameter);

            tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_INDEPENDENT, independent);

            tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_MLIT, modelLit);
            tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_EMLIT, estLit);

            if (globalModelId != null) {
                tuple.setValue(Model2Schema.ATT_GLOBAL_MODEL_ID, globalModelId);

        return tuple;

    public String toString() {
        return (fittedModelName != null && !fittedModelName.isEmpty()) ? fittedModelName : modelName;