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//     JavaScript Expression Parser (JSEP) 0.3.1
//     JSEP may be freely distributed under the MIT License

/*global module: true, exports: true, console: true */
(function (root) {
    'use strict';
    // Node Types
    // ----------
    // This is the full set of types that any JSEP node can be.
    // Store them here to save space when minified
    var COMPOUND = 'Compound',
        IDENTIFIER = 'Identifier',
        MEMBER_EXP = 'MemberExpression',
        LITERAL = 'Literal',
        THIS_EXP = 'ThisExpression',
        CALL_EXP = 'CallExpression',
        UNARY_EXP = 'UnaryExpression',
        BINARY_EXP = 'BinaryExpression',
        LOGICAL_EXP = 'LogicalExpression',
        CONDITIONAL_EXP = 'ConditionalExpression',
        ARRAY_EXP = 'ArrayExpression',

        PERIOD_CODE = 46, // '.'
        COMMA_CODE  = 44, // ','
        SQUOTE_CODE = 39, // single quote
        DQUOTE_CODE = 34, // double quotes
        OPAREN_CODE = 40, // (
        CPAREN_CODE = 41, // )
        OBRACK_CODE = 91, // [
        CBRACK_CODE = 93, // ]
        QUMARK_CODE = 63, // ?
        SEMCOL_CODE = 59, // ;
        COLON_CODE  = 58, // :

        throwError = function(message, index) {
            var error = new Error(message + ' at character ' + index);
            error.index = index;
            error.description = message;
            throw error;

    // Operations
    // ----------
    // Set `t` to `true` to save space (when minified, not gzipped)
        t = true,
    // Use a quickly-accessible map to store all of the unary operators
    // Values are set to `true` (it really doesn't matter)
        unary_ops = {'-': t, '!': t, '~': t, '+': t},
    // Also use a map for the binary operations but set their values to their
    // binary precedence for quick reference:
    // see [Order of operations](
        binary_ops = {
            '||': 1, '&&': 2, '|': 3,  '^': 4,  '&': 5,
            '==': 6, '!=': 6, '===': 6, '!==': 6,
            '<': 7,  '>': 7,  '<=': 7,  '>=': 7, 
            '<<':8,  '>>': 8, '>>>': 8,
            '+': 9, '-': 9,
            '*': 10, '/': 10, '%': 10
    // Get return the longest key length of any object
        getMaxKeyLen = function(obj) {
            var max_len = 0, len;
            for(var key in obj) {
                if((len = key.length) > max_len && obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    max_len = len;
            return max_len;
        max_unop_len = getMaxKeyLen(unary_ops),
        max_binop_len = getMaxKeyLen(binary_ops),
    // Literals
    // ----------
    // Store the values to return for the various literals we may encounter
        literals = {
            'true': true,
            'false': false,
            'null': null
    // Except for `this`, which is special. This could be changed to something like `'self'` as well
        this_str = 'this',
    // Returns the precedence of a binary operator or `0` if it isn't a binary operator
        binaryPrecedence = function(op_val) {
            return binary_ops[op_val] || 0;
    // Utility function (gets called from multiple places)
    // Also note that `a && b` and `a || b` are *logical* expressions, not binary expressions
        createBinaryExpression = function (operator, left, right) {
            var type = (operator === '||' || operator === '&&') ? LOGICAL_EXP : BINARY_EXP;
            return {
                type: type,
                operator: operator,
                left: left,
                right: right
        // `ch` is a character code in the next three functions
        isDecimalDigit = function(ch) {
            return (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57); // 0...9
        isIdentifierStart = function(ch) {
            return (ch === 36) || (ch === 95) || // `$` and `_`
                    (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || // A...Z
                    (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || // a...z
                    (ch >= 128 && !binary_ops[String.fromCharCode(ch)]); // any non-ASCII that is not an operator
        isIdentifierPart = function(ch) {
            return (ch === 36) || (ch === 95) || // `$` and `_`
                    (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || // A...Z
                    (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || // a...z
                    (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) || // 0...9
                    (ch >= 128 && !binary_ops[String.fromCharCode(ch)]); // any non-ASCII that is not an operator

        // Parsing
        // -------
        // `expr` is a string with the passed in expression
        jsep = function(expr) {
            // `index` stores the character number we are currently at while `length` is a constant
            // All of the gobbles below will modify `index` as we move along
            var index = 0,
                charAtFunc = expr.charAt,
                charCodeAtFunc = expr.charCodeAt,
                exprI = function(i) { return, i); },
                exprICode = function(i) { return, i); },
                length = expr.length,

                // Push `index` up to the next non-space character
                gobbleSpaces = function() {
                    var ch = exprICode(index);
                    // space or tab
                    while(ch === 32 || ch === 9) {
                        ch = exprICode(++index);
                // The main parsing function. Much of this code is dedicated to ternary expressions
                gobbleExpression = function() {
                    var test = gobbleBinaryExpression(),
                        consequent, alternate;
                    if(exprICode(index) === QUMARK_CODE) {
                        // Ternary expression: test ? consequent : alternate
                        consequent = gobbleExpression();
                        if(!consequent) {
                            throwError('Expected expression', index);
                        if(exprICode(index) === COLON_CODE) {
                            alternate = gobbleExpression();
                            if(!alternate) {
                                throwError('Expected expression', index);
                            return {
                                type: CONDITIONAL_EXP,
                                test: test,
                                consequent: consequent,
                                alternate: alternate
                        } else {
                            throwError('Expected :', index);
                    } else {
                        return test;

                // Search for the operation portion of the string (e.g. `+`, `===`)
                // Start by taking the longest possible binary operations (3 characters: `===`, `!==`, `>>>`)
                // and move down from 3 to 2 to 1 character until a matching binary operation is found
                // then, return that binary operation
                gobbleBinaryOp = function() {
                    var biop, to_check = expr.substr(index, max_binop_len), tc_len = to_check.length;
                    while(tc_len > 0) {
                        if(binary_ops.hasOwnProperty(to_check)) {
                            index += tc_len;
                            return to_check;
                        to_check = to_check.substr(0, --tc_len);
                    return false;

                // This function is responsible for gobbling an individual expression,
                // e.g. `1`, `1+2`, `a+(b*2)-Math.sqrt(2)`
                gobbleBinaryExpression = function() {
                    var ch_i, node, biop, prec, stack, biop_info, left, right, i;

                    // First, try to get the leftmost thing
                    // Then, check to see if there's a binary operator operating on that leftmost thing
                    left = gobbleToken();
                    biop = gobbleBinaryOp();

                    // If there wasn't a binary operator, just return the leftmost node
                    if(!biop) {
                        return left;

                    // Otherwise, we need to start a stack to properly place the binary operations in their
                    // precedence structure
                    biop_info = { value: biop, prec: binaryPrecedence(biop)};

                    right = gobbleToken();
                    if(!right) {
                        throwError("Expected expression after " + biop, index);
                    stack = [left, biop_info, right];

                    // Properly deal with precedence using [recursive descent](
                    while((biop = gobbleBinaryOp())) {
                        prec = binaryPrecedence(biop);

                        if(prec === 0) {
                        biop_info = { value: biop, prec: prec };

                        // Reduce: make a binary expression from the three topmost entries.
                        while ((stack.length > 2) && (prec <= stack[stack.length - 2].prec)) {
                            right = stack.pop();
                            biop = stack.pop().value;
                            left = stack.pop();
                            node = createBinaryExpression(biop, left, right);

                        node = gobbleToken();
                        if(!node) {
                            throwError("Expected expression after " + biop, index);
                        stack.push(biop_info, node);

                    i = stack.length - 1;
                    node = stack[i];
                    while(i > 1) {
                        node = createBinaryExpression(stack[i - 1].value, stack[i - 2], node); 
                        i -= 2;
                    return node;

                // An individual part of a binary expression:
                // e.g. ``, `1`, `"abc"`, `(a % 2)` (because it's in parenthesis)
                gobbleToken = function() {
                    var ch, to_check, tc_len;
                    ch = exprICode(index);

                    if(isDecimalDigit(ch) || ch === PERIOD_CODE) {
                        // Char code 46 is a dot `.` which can start off a numeric literal
                        return gobbleNumericLiteral();
                    } else if(ch === SQUOTE_CODE || ch === DQUOTE_CODE) {
                        // Single or double quotes
                        return gobbleStringLiteral();
                    } else if(isIdentifierStart(ch) || ch === OPAREN_CODE) { // open parenthesis
                        // `foo`, `bar.baz`
                        return gobbleVariable();
                    } else if (ch === OBRACK_CODE) {
                        return gobbleArray();
                    } else {
                        to_check = expr.substr(index, max_unop_len);
                        tc_len = to_check.length;
                        while(tc_len > 0) {
                            if(unary_ops.hasOwnProperty(to_check)) {
                                index += tc_len;
                                return {
                                    type: UNARY_EXP,
                                    operator: to_check,
                                    argument: gobbleToken(),
                                    prefix: true
                            to_check = to_check.substr(0, --tc_len);
                        return false;
                // Parse simple numeric literals: `12`, `3.4`, `.5`. Do this by using a string to
                // keep track of everything in the numeric literal and then calling `parseFloat` on that string
                gobbleNumericLiteral = function() {
                    var number = '', ch, chCode;
                    while(isDecimalDigit(exprICode(index))) {
                        number += exprI(index++);

                    if(exprICode(index) === PERIOD_CODE) { // can start with a decimal marker
                        number += exprI(index++);

                        while(isDecimalDigit(exprICode(index))) {
                            number += exprI(index++);
                    ch = exprI(index);
                    if(ch === 'e' || ch === 'E') { // exponent marker
                        number += exprI(index++);
                        ch = exprI(index);
                        if(ch === '+' || ch === '-') { // exponent sign
                            number += exprI(index++);
                        while(isDecimalDigit(exprICode(index))) { //exponent itself
                            number += exprI(index++);
                        if(!isDecimalDigit(exprICode(index-1)) ) {
                            throwError('Expected exponent (' + number + exprI(index) + ')', index);

                    chCode = exprICode(index);
                    // Check to make sure this isn't a variable name that start with a number (123abc)
                    if(isIdentifierStart(chCode)) {
                        throwError('Variable names cannot start with a number (' +
                                    number + exprI(index) + ')', index);
                    } else if(chCode === PERIOD_CODE) {
                        throwError('Unexpected period', index);

                    return {
                        type: LITERAL,
                        value: parseFloat(number),
                        raw: number

                // Parses a string literal, staring with single or double quotes with basic support for escape codes
                // e.g. `"hello world"`, `'this is\nJSEP'`
                gobbleStringLiteral = function() {
                    var str = '', quote = exprI(index++), closed = false, ch;

                    while(index < length) {
                        ch = exprI(index++);
                        if(ch === quote) {
                            closed = true;
                        } else if(ch === '\\') {
                            // Check for all of the common escape codes
                            ch = exprI(index++);
                            switch(ch) {
                                case 'n': str += '\n'; break;
                                case 'r': str += '\r'; break;
                                case 't': str += '\t'; break;
                                case 'b': str += '\b'; break;
                                case 'f': str += '\f'; break;
                                case 'v': str += '\x0B'; break;
                                default : str += '\\' + ch;
                        } else {
                            str += ch;

                    if(!closed) {
                        throwError('Unclosed quote after "'+str+'"', index);

                    return {
                        type: LITERAL,
                        value: str,
                        raw: quote + str + quote
                // Gobbles only identifiers
                // e.g.: `foo`, `_value`, `$x1`
                // Also, this function checks if that identifier is a literal:
                // (e.g. `true`, `false`, `null`) or `this`
                gobbleIdentifier = function() {
                    var ch = exprICode(index), start = index, identifier;

                    if(isIdentifierStart(ch)) {
                    } else {
                        throwError('Unexpected ' + exprI(index), index);

                    while(index < length) {
                        ch = exprICode(index);
                        if(isIdentifierPart(ch)) {
                        } else {
                    identifier = expr.slice(start, index);

                    if(literals.hasOwnProperty(identifier)) {
                        return {
                            type: LITERAL,
                            value: literals[identifier],
                            raw: identifier
                    } else if(identifier === this_str) {
                        return { type: THIS_EXP };
                    } else {
                        return {
                            type: IDENTIFIER,
                            name: identifier

                // Gobbles a list of arguments within the context of a function call
                // or array literal. This function also assumes that the opening character
                // `(` or `[` has already been gobbled, and gobbles expressions and commas
                // until the terminator character `)` or `]` is encountered.
                // e.g. `foo(bar, baz)`, `my_func()`, or `[bar, baz]`
                gobbleArguments = function(termination) {
                    var ch_i, args = [], node, closed = false;
                    while(index < length) {
                        ch_i = exprICode(index);
                        if(ch_i === termination) { // done parsing
                            closed = true;
                        } else if (ch_i === COMMA_CODE) { // between expressions
                        } else {
                            node = gobbleExpression();
                            if(!node || node.type === COMPOUND) {
                                throwError('Expected comma', index);
                    if (!closed) {
                        throwError('Expected ' + String.fromCharCode(termination), index);
                    return args;

                // Gobble a non-literal variable name. This variable name may include properties
                // e.g. `foo`, `bar.baz`, `foo['bar'].baz`
                // It also gobbles function calls:
                // e.g. `Math.acos(obj.angle)`
                gobbleVariable = function() {
                    var ch_i, node;
                    ch_i = exprICode(index);
                    if(ch_i === OPAREN_CODE) {
                        node = gobbleGroup();
                    } else {
                        node = gobbleIdentifier();
                    ch_i = exprICode(index);
                    while(ch_i === PERIOD_CODE || ch_i === OBRACK_CODE || ch_i === OPAREN_CODE) {
                        if(ch_i === PERIOD_CODE) {
                            node = {
                                type: MEMBER_EXP,
                                computed: false,
                                object: node,
                                property: gobbleIdentifier()
                        } else if(ch_i === OBRACK_CODE) {
                            node = {
                                type: MEMBER_EXP,
                                computed: true,
                                object: node,
                                property: gobbleExpression()
                            ch_i = exprICode(index);
                            if(ch_i !== CBRACK_CODE) {
                                throwError('Unclosed [', index);
                        } else if(ch_i === OPAREN_CODE) {
                            // A function call is being made; gobble all the arguments
                            node = {
                                type: CALL_EXP,
                                'arguments': gobbleArguments(CPAREN_CODE),
                                callee: node
                        ch_i = exprICode(index);
                    return node;

                // Responsible for parsing a group of things within parentheses `()`
                // This function assumes that it needs to gobble the opening parenthesis
                // and then tries to gobble everything within that parenthesis, assuming
                // that the next thing it should see is the close parenthesis. If not,
                // then the expression probably doesn't have a `)`
                gobbleGroup = function() {
                    var node = gobbleExpression();
                    if(exprICode(index) === CPAREN_CODE) {
                        return node;
                    } else {
                        throwError('Unclosed (', index);

                // Responsible for parsing Array literals `[1, 2, 3]`
                // This function assumes that it needs to gobble the opening bracket
                // and then tries to gobble the expressions as arguments.
                gobbleArray = function() {
                    return {
                        type: ARRAY_EXP,
                        elements: gobbleArguments(CBRACK_CODE)

                nodes = [], ch_i, node;
            while(index < length) {
                ch_i = exprICode(index);

                // Expressions can be separated by semicolons, commas, or just inferred without any
                // separators
                if(ch_i === SEMCOL_CODE || ch_i === COMMA_CODE) {
                    index++; // ignore separators
                } else {
                    // Try to gobble each expression individually
                    if((node = gobbleExpression())) {
                    // If we weren't able to find a binary expression and are out of room, then
                    // the expression passed in probably has too much
                    } else if(index < length) {
                        throwError('Unexpected "' + exprI(index) + '"', index);

            // If there's only one expression just try returning the expression
            if(nodes.length === 1) {
                return nodes[0];
            } else {
                return {
                    type: COMPOUND,
                    body: nodes

    // To be filled in by the template
    jsep.version = '0.3.1';
    jsep.toString = function() { return 'JavaScript Expression Parser (JSEP) v' + jsep.version; };

     * @method jsep.addUnaryOp
     * @param {string} op_name The name of the unary op to add
     * @return jsep
    jsep.addUnaryOp = function(op_name) {
        max_unop_len = Math.max(op_name.length, max_unop_len);
        unary_ops[op_name] = t; return this;

     * @method jsep.addBinaryOp
     * @param {string} op_name The name of the binary op to add
     * @param {number} precedence The precedence of the binary op (can be a float)
     * @return jsep
    jsep.addBinaryOp = function(op_name, precedence) {
        max_binop_len = Math.max(op_name.length, max_binop_len);
        binary_ops[op_name] = precedence;
        return this;

     * @method jsep.addLiteral
     * @param {string} literal_name The name of the literal to add
     * @param {*} literal_value The value of the literal
     * @return jsep
    jsep.addLiteral = function(literal_name, literal_value) {
        literals[literal_name] = literal_value;
        return this;

     * @method jsep.removeUnaryOp
     * @param {string} op_name The name of the unary op to remove
     * @return jsep
    jsep.removeUnaryOp = function(op_name) {
        delete unary_ops[op_name];
        if(op_name.length === max_unop_len) {
            max_unop_len = getMaxKeyLen(unary_ops);
        return this;

     * @method jsep.removeBinaryOp
     * @param {string} op_name The name of the binary op to remove
     * @return jsep
    jsep.removeBinaryOp = function(op_name) {
        delete binary_ops[op_name];
        if(op_name.length === max_binop_len) {
            max_binop_len = getMaxKeyLen(binary_ops);
        return this;

     * @method jsep.removeLiteral
     * @param {string} literal_name The name of the literal to remove
     * @return jsep
    jsep.removeLiteral = function(literal_name) {
        delete literals[literal_name];
        return this;

    // In desktop environments, have a way to restore the old value for `jsep`
    if (typeof exports === 'undefined') {
        var old_jsep = root.jsep;
        // The star of the show! It's a function!
        root.jsep = jsep;
        // And a courteous function willing to move out of the way for other similarly-named objects!
        jsep.noConflict = function() {
            if(root.jsep === jsep) {
                root.jsep = old_jsep;
            return jsep;
    } else {
        // In Node.JS environments
        if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
            exports = module.exports = jsep;
        } else {
            exports.parse = jsep;