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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE knimeNode PUBLIC "-//UNIKN//DTD KNIME Node 2.0//EN" "">
<knimeNode icon="./ComBaseReader.png" type="Source">
    <name>ComBase Reader</name>
    <shortDescription>Reads ComBase CSV files</shortDescription>
            The <a href="">ComBase</a> database provides sets of data about growth / survival / inactivation of different organisms (mostly bacteria) in various food matrices. Microbial data with time series (log10(cfu/g) over time (hours)) and D values can be exported to CSV files.
            The ComBase Reader is a CSV reader parsing the semistructured spreadsheet file and providing microbial data in a structured way so that they can be used for predictive microbial modelling in PMM-Lab.
        <option name="Load ComBase CSV file">Select a ComBase CSV file downloaded from <a href=""></a></option>
        <outPort index="0" name="Data">Imported data</outPort>
        <outPort index="1" name="Models">Imported models</outPort>