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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE knimeNode PUBLIC "-//UNIKN//DTD KNIME Node 2.0//EN" "">
<knimeNode icon="./MicrobialDataEditor.png" type="Manipulator">
    <name>Data Editor</name>
        Correct data sets or add information
        <intro>This node is designed to add information to previously loaded microbial data or to correct details. For example, not all available information in the <a href="">ComBase</a> can be exported to a CSV file (e.g. the references). Also data from the database or from an XLS file may not contain all necessary information.</intro>
        <option name="Conditions to add">Click 'Add' to enter the database and choose one or more additional environmental conditions. By clicking on the '+' button new conditions can be added to the database. For each selected environmental condition (e.g. sucrose concentration) two new columns are added at the end of the Data Editor table: One column for values and one in which the unit should be defined.<br></br><br></br>
        To delete an assay condition highlight its name in the white box above the table and click 'Remove'.</option>
        <option name="Table">The available data sets can be viewed in the table. Except for the ID and the time series (column 'MD_Data') all cells can be changed.</option>
        <inPort index="0" name="Data">Data from spreadsheets (e.g. from the nodes ComBase Reader or XLS Data Reader) or from a database (via Data Reader)</inPort>       
        <outPort index="0" name="Edited Data">Edited data sets</outPort>  