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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE knimeNode PUBLIC "-//UNIKN//DTD KNIME Node 2.0//EN" "">
<knimeNode icon="./XMLToTable.png" type="Manipulator">
    <name>XML To Table</name>
    Extracts a parameter from an XML cell and copies it to a new column    
        <intro>In PMM-Lab often several parameters are saved in one XML cell. If a specific parameter is needed (e.g. a model formula), this can be copied to a new column containing only one formula per cell. This new column can be found at the end of the table in the outport.</intro>
        <option name="Column">Select the XML column which contains the needed parameter. In order to transform the content of more than one XML column place several "XML 2 Table" nodes one after another.</option>
        <option name="Elements">Choose the XML parameter(s) to be added to the outport table. To choose two or more XML parameters press Ctrl or Shift when selecting with the mouse.</option>
        <inPort index="0" name="Models/data">Attach this node to any PMM-Lab node in the workflow</inPort>
        <outPort index="0" name="Models/data plus chosen parameter(s)">Models/data plus chosen parameter(s) from an XML column</outPort>