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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Contributors:
 *     Department Biological Safety - BfR
package org.hsh.bfr.db;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.gui.InfoBox;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.gui.Login;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.gui.MainFrame;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.gui.dbtable.editoren.MyStringFilter;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;

 * @author Armin
public class DBKernel {

     * @param args

    private static HashMap<String, String> adminU = new HashMap<>();
    private static HashMap<String, String> adminP = new HashMap<>();
    private static LinkedHashMap<Object, LinkedHashMap<Object, String>> filledHashtables = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    private static Connection localConn = null;
    private static String m_Username = "";
    private static String m_Password = "";

    final static String HSH_PATH = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + ".localHSH" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "BfR"
            + System.getProperty("file.separator");
    public static String HSHDB_PATH = HSH_PATH + "DBs" + System.getProperty("file.separator");

    public static boolean dontLog = false;

    public static MyPreferences prefs = new MyPreferences();

    public static MyDBI myDBi = null;
    public static MainFrame mainFrame = null;

    public static boolean passFalse = false;

    public static boolean isServerConnection = false;
    public static boolean isKNIME = false;

    public static String softwareVersion = "1.8.6";
    public static String dbKennung = softwareVersion.startsWith("1.") ? "DB" : "pmm";
    public static boolean debug = true;
    public static boolean isKrise = false;

    public static String getTempSA(String dbPath) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getSA();
        // String sa = DBKernel.prefs.get("DBADMINUSER" +
        // getCRC32(dbPath),"00");
        // if (sa.equals("00")) {
        if (!adminU.containsKey(dbPath)) getUP(dbPath);
        return adminU.get(dbPath);

    private static String getTempSAPass(String dbPath) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getSAP();
        // String pass = DBKernel.prefs.get("DBADMINPASS" +
        // getCRC32(dbPath),"00");
        // if (pass.equals("00")) {
        if (isServerConnection && isKrise) return "de6!§5ddy";
        if (!adminP.containsKey(dbPath)) getUP(dbPath);
        return adminP.get(dbPath);

    private static String getDefaultSA() {
        return getDefaultSA(false);

    private static String getDefaultSAPass() {
        return getDefaultSAPass(false);

    private static String getDefaultSA(boolean other) {
        String sa = "";
        // if (debug) return "SA";
        if (other) sa = isKNIME || isKrise ? "defad" : "SA";
        else sa = isKNIME || isKrise ? "SA" : "defad";
        return sa;

    private static String getDefaultSAPass(boolean other) {
        String pass = "";
        // if (debug) return "";
        if (other) pass = isKNIME || isKrise ? "de6!§5ddy" : "";
        else pass = isKNIME || isKrise ? "" : "de6!§5ddy";
        return pass;

    public static void removeAdminInfo(String dbPath) {
        if (adminU.containsKey(dbPath)) adminU.remove(dbPath);
        if (adminP.containsKey(dbPath)) adminP.remove(dbPath);

    public static String getLanguage() {
        return !isKNIME && !isKrise ? "de" : "en"; // isKrise ||

    public static boolean getUP(String dbPath) {
        boolean result = false;

        String sa = getDefaultSA();
        String pass = getDefaultSAPass();
        Connection conn = null;
        try {
            conn = getDBConnection(dbPath, sa, pass, false, true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (conn != null && !isAdmin(conn, sa)) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
            conn = null;
        if (conn == null) {
            sa = getDefaultSA(true);
            try {
                conn = getDBConnection(dbPath, sa, pass, false, true);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (conn != null && !isAdmin(conn, sa)) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                conn = null;
        if (conn == null) {
            pass = getDefaultSAPass(true);
            try {
                conn = getDBConnection(dbPath, sa, pass, false, true);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (conn != null && !isAdmin(conn, sa)) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                conn = null;
        if (conn == null) {
            sa = getDefaultSA(false);
            try {
                conn = getDBConnection(dbPath, sa, pass, false, true);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (conn != null && !isAdmin(conn, sa)) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                conn = null;

        if (conn == null) System.err.println("Admin not found...");
        else {
            result = true;
            adminU.put(dbPath, sa);
            adminP.put(dbPath, pass);
            // System.err.println("pass combi is: " + sa + "\t" + pass);

        try {
            if (DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList() != null && DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList().getMyDBTable() != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return result;

    public static Integer getLastInsertedID(final PreparedStatement psmt) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getLastInsertedID(psmt);
        Integer lastInsertedID = null;
        try {
            ResultSet rs = psmt.getGeneratedKeys();
            if ( {
                lastInsertedID = rs.getInt(1);
            } else {
                System.err.println("getGeneratedKeys failed!\n" + psmt);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return lastInsertedID;

    static String getPassword() {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getDbPassword();
        return m_Password;

    public static String getUsername() {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getDbUsername();
        String username = DBKernel.m_Username;
        try { // im Servermodus muss ich schon abchecken, welcher User
                // eingeloggt ist!
            Connection lconn = getDefaultConnection();
            if (lconn == null) {
                username = DBKernel.m_Username; // lokale Variante
            } else {
                // System.out.println(lconn.getMetaData());
                username = lconn.getMetaData().getUserName(); // Server (hoffe
                                                                // ich klappt
                                                                // immer ...?!?)
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // MyLogger.handleException(e);
        return username;

    public static void setForeignNullAt(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final Object id) {
        try {
            Statement anfrage = getDBConnection().createStatement();
            String sql = "UPDATE " + delimitL(tableName) + " SET " + delimitL(fieldName) + " = NULL WHERE " + delimitL("ID") + " = " + id;
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static boolean deleteBLOB(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final int id) {
        String sql = "DELETE FROM " + delimitL("DateiSpeicher") + " WHERE " + delimitL("TabellenID") + "=" + id + " AND" + delimitL("Tabelle") + "='" + tableName + "' AND "
                + delimitL("Feld") + "='" + fieldName + "'";
        return sendRequest(sql, false);

    public static boolean insertBLOB(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final File fl, final int id) {
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            if (fl.exists()) {
                String sql = "INSERT INTO " + delimitL("DateiSpeicher") + " (" + delimitL("Zeitstempel") + "," + delimitL("Tabelle") + "," + delimitL("Feld") + ","
                        + delimitL("TabellenID") + "," + delimitL("Dateiname") + "," + delimitL("Dateigroesse") + "," + delimitL("Datei") + ")" + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";

                PreparedStatement psmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
                psmt.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
                psmt.setString(2, tableName);
                psmt.setString(3, fieldName);
                psmt.setInt(4, id);
                psmt.setString(5, fl.getName());
                psmt.setInt(6, (int) fl.length());
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fl);
                psmt.setBinaryStream(7, fis, (int) fl.length());
                result = (psmt.executeUpdate() > 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static boolean insertBLOB(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final String content, final String filename, final int id) {
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            String sql = "INSERT INTO " + delimitL("DateiSpeicher") + " (" + delimitL("Zeitstempel") + "," + delimitL("Tabelle") + "," + delimitL("Feld") + ","
                    + delimitL("TabellenID") + "," + delimitL("Dateiname") + "," + delimitL("Dateigroesse") + "," + delimitL("Datei") + ")" + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";

            PreparedStatement psmt = getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
            psmt.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
            psmt.setString(2, tableName);
            psmt.setString(3, fieldName);
            psmt.setInt(4, id);
            psmt.setString(5, filename);
            byte[] b = content.getBytes();
            psmt.setInt(6, b.length);
            InputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
            psmt.setBinaryStream(7, bais, b.length);
            result = (psmt.executeUpdate() > 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static List<Integer> getLastChangeLogEntries(final String tablename, int fromID) {
        List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
        String sql = "SELECT " + delimitL("TabellenID") + " FROM " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + " WHERE " + delimitL("Tabelle") + " = '" + tablename + "' AND " + delimitL("ID")
                + " >= " + fromID;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(sql, false);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                do {
                } while (;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static LinkedHashMap<String, Timestamp> getFirstUserFromChangeLog(final String tablename, final Integer tableID) {
        LinkedHashMap<String, Timestamp> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        String sql = "SELECT " + delimitL("Username") + "," + delimitL("Zeitstempel") + " FROM " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + " WHERE " + delimitL("Tabelle") + " = '" + tablename
                + "' AND " + delimitL("TabellenID") + " = " + tableID + " ORDER BY " + delimitL("Zeitstempel") + " ASC";
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(sql, false);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                result.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getTimestamp(2));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static LinkedHashMap<Integer, Vector<String>> getUsersFromChangeLog(final String tablename, final Integer tableID) {
        return getUsersFromChangeLog(tablename, tableID, null);

    public static LinkedHashMap<Integer, Vector<String>> getUsersFromChangeLog(final String tablename, final String username) {
        return getUsersFromChangeLog(tablename, null, username);

    private static LinkedHashMap<Integer, Vector<String>> getUsersFromChangeLog(final String tablename, final Integer tableID, final String username) {
        return getUsersFromChangeLog(null, tablename, tableID, username, false);

    private static LinkedHashMap<Integer, Vector<String>> getUsersFromChangeLog(final Statement anfrage, final String tablename, final Integer tableID, final String username,
            final boolean showDeletedAsWell) {
        LinkedHashMap<Integer, Vector<String>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        Vector<String> entries = new Vector<>();
        String sql = "SELECT " + delimitL("TabellenID") + "," + delimitL("Username") + "," + delimitL("Zeitstempel") + "," + delimitL(tablename) + "." + delimitL("ID") + " AS "
                + delimitL("ID") + "," + delimitL("ChangeLog") + "." + delimitL("ID") + "," + delimitL("Alteintrag") + "," + delimitL(tablename) + ".*" + " FROM "
                + delimitL("ChangeLog") + " LEFT JOIN " + delimitL(tablename) + " ON " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + "." + delimitL("TabellenID") + "=" + delimitL(tablename) + "."
                + delimitL("ID") + " WHERE " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + "." + delimitL("Tabelle") + " = '" + tablename + "'"
                + (tableID != null ? " AND " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + "." + delimitL("TabellenID") + " = " + tableID : "")
                + (username != null ? " AND " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + "." + delimitL("Username") + " = '" + username + "'" : "") + " ORDER BY " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + "."
                + delimitL("ID") + " ASC"; // Zeitstempel DESC
        ResultSet rs = anfrage == null ? getResultSet(sql, false) : getResultSet(anfrage, sql, false);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                String actualRow = "";
                for (int j = 8; j <= rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); j++) {
                    actualRow += "\t" + rs.getString(j);
                do {
                    if (showDeletedAsWell || rs.getObject("ID") != null) { // wurde die ID in der Zwischenzeit gelöscht? Dann muss sie auch nicht gelistet werden!
                        Integer id = rs.getInt("TabellenID");
                        if (result.containsKey(id)) {
                            entries = result.get(id);
                        } else {
                            entries = new Vector<>();
                        String newEntry = rs.getString("Username") + "\t" + sdf.format(rs.getTimestamp("Zeitstempel"));
                        Object o = rs.getObject("Alteintrag");
                        if (o != null && o instanceof Object[]) {
                            Object[] oo = (Object[]) o;
                            String ae = "";
                            for (int i = 1; i < oo.length; i++) {
                                ae += "\t" + oo[i];
                            if (entries.size() > 0) {
                                String oldEntry = entries.get(entries.size() - 1);
                                entries.remove(entries.size() - 1);
                                int oe = oldEntry.indexOf("\n\t");
                                if (oldEntry.startsWith("Unknown\n\t")) {
                                    oe = oldEntry.indexOf("\n\t", oe + 1);
                                if (oe > 0) {
                                    oldEntry = oldEntry.substring(0, oe) + "\n" + ae;
                                } else {
                                    oldEntry = oldEntry + "\n" + ae;
                            } else { // kann passieren, wenn erster Eintrag von SA, z.B. bei Katalogen
                                entries.add("Unknown\n\t" + ae.substring(1));
                        entries.add(newEntry + "\n" + actualRow);
                        result.put(id, entries);
                    } else {
                        // System.err.println(rs.getInt("TabellenID") + " wurde bereits gelöscht!");
                } while (;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static String delimitL(final String name) {
        String newName = name.replace("\"", "\"\"");
        return "\"" + newName + "\"";

    public static boolean closeDBConnections(final boolean kompakt) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.closeDBConnections(kompakt);
        boolean result = true;
        try {
            if (localConn != null && !localConn.isClosed()) {
                if (!DBKernel.isServerConnection) {
                    try {
                        if (kompakt && !isAdmin()) { // kompakt ist nur beim Programm schliessen true
                            try {
                                localConn = getDefaultAdminConn(HSHDB_PATH, false, true);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (localConn == null) {
                                if (localConn != null) localConn.close();
                                try {
                                    localConn = getDefaultAdminConn(HSHDB_PATH, false, true);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                        Statement stmt = localConn.createStatement();
                        MyLogger.handleMessage("vor SHUTDOWN");
                        stmt.execute("SHUTDOWN"); // Hier kanns es eine Exception geben, weil nur der Admin SHUTDOWN machen darf!
                        //XmlLoader.save2File(HSHDB_PATH + "DB.xml", myDBi);
                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                        result = false;
                        if (kompakt) e.printStackTrace();
                MyLogger.handleMessage("vor close");
                MyLogger.handleMessage("vor gc");
                try {
                    if (mainFrame != null && mainFrame.getMyList() != null && mainFrame.getMyList().getMyDBTable() != null
                            && mainFrame.getMyList().getMyDBTable().getActualTable() != null) {
                        DBKernel.prefs.put("LAST_SELECTED_TABLE", mainFrame.getMyList().getMyDBTable().getActualTable().getTablename());

                        DBKernel.prefs.put("LAST_MainFrame_FULL", DBKernel.mainFrame.getExtendedState() == JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");

                        // in order to be able to save the dimension and position of the NORMAL window we have to do the following
                        if (DBKernel.mainFrame.isVisible() && DBKernel.mainFrame.getExtendedState() == JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) {

                        DBKernel.prefs.put("LAST_MainFrame_WIDTH", DBKernel.mainFrame.getWidth() + "");
                        DBKernel.prefs.put("LAST_MainFrame_HEIGHT", DBKernel.mainFrame.getHeight() + "");
                        DBKernel.prefs.put("LAST_MainFrame_X", DBKernel.mainFrame.getX() + "");
                        DBKernel.prefs.put("LAST_MainFrame_Y", DBKernel.mainFrame.getY() + "");

                } catch (Exception e) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            result = false;
        return result;

    public static void getPaper(final int tableID, final String tablename, final String feldname, final int blobID) {
        try {
            ResultSet rs = getResultSet(
                    "SELECT "
                            + DBKernel.delimitL("Dateiname")
                            + ","
                            + DBKernel.delimitL("Datei")
                            + " FROM "
                            + delimitL("DateiSpeicher")
                            + (blobID > 0 ? " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID") + "=" + blobID : " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Tabelle") + "='" + tablename + "' AND "
                                    + DBKernel.delimitL("Feld") + "='" + feldname + "' AND " + DBKernel.delimitL("TabellenID") + "=" + tableID + " " + " ORDER BY "
                                    + delimitL("ID") + " DESC"), true);
            if (rs.first()) {
                do {
                    try {
                        final String filename = rs.getString("Dateiname");
                        final byte[] b = rs.getBytes("Datei");
                        if (b != null) {
                            Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {
                                    try {
                                        String tmpFolder = System.getProperty("");
                                        String pathname = "";
                                        if (tmpFolder != null && tmpFolder.length() > 0) {
                                            FileOutputStream out = null;
                                            try {
                                                if (!tmpFolder.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator"))) {
                                                    tmpFolder += System.getProperty("file.separator");
                                                pathname = tmpFolder + filename;
                                                out = new FileOutputStream(pathname);
                                                out.write(b); // totalBytes
                                            } finally {
                                                if (out != null) {
                                            if (pathname.length() > 0) {
                                                Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", new File(pathname).getAbsolutePath() });
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                            Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
                        } else {
                            MyLogger.handleMessage("InputStream = null\tfeldname = " + feldname + "\ttableID = " + tableID + "\tfilename = " + filename);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    break; // nur das zuletzt abgespeicherte soll geöffnet werden!
                } while (;
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    private static Connection getDefaultConnection() {
        Connection result = null;
        String connStr = "jdbc:default:connection";
        try {
            result = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // MyLogger.handleException(e);
        return result;

    private static Connection getDBConnection(boolean suppressWarnings) throws Exception {
        return getDBConnection(HSHDB_PATH, DBKernel.m_Username, DBKernel.m_Password, false, suppressWarnings);

    public static Connection getDBConnection() throws Exception {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getConn();
        return getDBConnection(false);

    // Still to look at... myDBI... KNIME...
    public static Connection getDBConnection(final String username, final String password) throws Exception {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getConn();
        DBKernel.m_Username = username;
        DBKernel.m_Password = password;
        return getDBConnection(HSHDB_PATH, username, password, false);

     * // Still to look at... myDBI... KNIME... public static void
     * setLocalConn(final Connection conn, String path, String username, String
     * password) { localConn = conn; DBKernel.HSHDB_PATH = path;
     * DBKernel.m_Username = username; DBKernel.m_Password = password; }
    // Still to look at... myDBI... KNIME...
    public static Connection getLocalConn(boolean autoUpdate) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getConn();
        try {
            if ((localConn == null || localConn.isClosed()) && isKNIME) {
                localConn = getInternalKNIMEDB_LoadGui(autoUpdate);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return localConn;

    public static void setCaller4Trigger(String tableName, Callable<Void> caller4Trigger) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null) {
            MyTable myT = DBKernel.myDBi.getTable(tableName);
            if (myT != null) myT.setCaller4Trigger(caller4Trigger);            

    // Still to look at... myDBI... newConn...
    // newConn wird nur von MergeDBs benötigt
    static Connection getDBConnection(final String dbPath, final String theUsername, final String thePassword, final boolean newConn) throws Exception {
        return getDBConnection(dbPath, theUsername, thePassword, newConn, false);

    private static Connection getDBConnection(final String dbPath, final String theUsername, final String thePassword, final boolean newConn, final boolean suppressWarnings)
            throws Exception {
        if (newConn) {
            return getNewConnection(theUsername, thePassword, dbPath, suppressWarnings);
        } else if (localConn == null || localConn.isClosed()) {
            localConn = getNewConnection(theUsername, thePassword, dbPath, suppressWarnings);
        return localConn;

    private static Connection getDefaultAdminConn(final String dbPath, final boolean newConn, final boolean suppressWarnings) throws Exception {
        Connection result = getDBConnection(dbPath, getTempSA(dbPath), getTempSAPass(dbPath), newConn, suppressWarnings);
        return result;

    // Still to look at... myDBI... newConn...
    // newConn wird nur von MergeDBs und Bfrdb benötigt
    static Connection getDefaultAdminConn(final String dbPath, final boolean newConn) throws Exception {
        Connection result = getDBConnection(dbPath, getTempSA(dbPath), getTempSAPass(dbPath), newConn);
        return result;

    public static Connection getDefaultAdminConn() throws Exception {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getConn(true);
        return getDefaultAdminConn(DBKernel.HSHDB_PATH, false);

    private static Connection getNewConnection(final String dbUsername, final String dbPassword, final String path, final boolean suppressWarnings) throws Exception {
        // Sicherheitshalber erstmal alles wieder auf Read/Write Access setzen!
        DBKernel.prefs.putBoolean("PMM_LAB_SETTINGS_DB_RO", false);
        if (isServerConnection) {
            return getNewServerConnection(dbUsername, dbPassword, path, suppressWarnings);
        } else {
            return getNewLocalConnection(dbUsername, dbPassword, path + dbKennung, suppressWarnings);

    private static Connection getNewServerConnection(final String dbUsername, final String dbPassword, final String serverPath, final boolean suppressWarnings) throws Exception {
        // serverPath = ""; vm-maslxknime01/silebat_DB
        Connection result = null;
        passFalse = false;
        String connStr = "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://" + serverPath;
        try {
            result = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr, dbUsername, dbPassword);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            passFalse = e.getMessage().startsWith("invalid authorization specification");
            if (!suppressWarnings) MyLogger.handleException(e);
        return result;

    public static boolean isHsqlServer(String checkURL) {
        boolean result = false; // checkURL.startsWith("192") ||
                                // checkURL.startsWith("localhost");
        String host = "";
        try {
            if (!checkURL.startsWith("http")) {
                checkURL = "http://" + checkURL;
            URL url = new URL(checkURL); // ""
            host = url.getHost();
            if (!host.isEmpty()) {
                InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(host, 9001);// new
                                                                            // URL(checkURL).openConnection();
                result = !isa.isUnresolved();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            // e.printStackTrace();
        return result;

    private static Connection getNewLocalConnection(final String dbUsername, final String dbPassword, final String dbFile, final boolean suppressWarnings) throws Exception {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getConn();
        // startHsqldbServer("c:/tmp/DB", "DB");
        Connection result = null;
        passFalse = false;
        // System.out.println(dbFile);
        String connStr = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + dbFile;
        try {
            result = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr, dbUsername, dbPassword);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            passFalse = e.getMessage().startsWith("invalid authorization specification");
            // MyLogger.handleMessage(e.getMessage());
            if (e.getMessage().startsWith("Database lock acquisition failure:")) {
                Frame[] fs = Frame.getFrames();
                if (fs != null && fs.length > 0) {
                    InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(fs[0], "Die Datenbank wird zur Zeit von\neinem anderen Benutzer verwendet!", true, new Dimension(300, 150), null, true);
            } else {
                if (!suppressWarnings) MyLogger.handleException(e);
        return result;

    public static Integer getMaxID(final String tablename) {
        Integer result = null;
        String sql = "SELECT TOP 1 " + delimitL("ID") + " FROM " + delimitL(tablename) + " ORDER BY " + delimitL("ID") + " DESC";
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(sql, false);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                result = rs.getInt(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static Integer getID(final String tablename, final String[] feldname, final String[] feldVal) {
        Integer result = null;
        String sql = "SELECT " + delimitL("ID") + " FROM " + delimitL(tablename) + " WHERE ";
        String where = " ";
        for (int i = 0; i < feldname.length; i++) {
            if (i < feldVal.length) {
                if (!where.trim().isEmpty()) where += " AND ";
                where += delimitL(feldname[i]);
                if (feldVal[i] == null) {
                    where += " IS NULL";
                } else {
                    where += " = '" + feldVal[i].replace("'", "''") + "'";
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(sql + where, true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.last()) {
                result = rs.getInt(1);
                if (rs.getRow() > 1) {
                    System.err.println("Attention! Entry occurs " + rs.getRow() + "x in table " + tablename + ", please check: '" + where + "'!!!");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static Integer getID(final String tablename, final String feldname, final String feldVal) {
        Integer result = null;
        String sql = "SELECT " + delimitL("ID") + " FROM " + delimitL(tablename) + " WHERE " + delimitL(feldname);
        if (feldVal == null) sql += " IS NULL";
        else sql += " = '" + feldVal.replace("'", "''") + "'";
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(sql, true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.last()) {
                result = rs.getInt(1);
                if (rs.getRow() > 1) {
                    System.err.println("Attention! Entry " + feldVal + " occurs " + rs.getRow() + "x in column " + feldname + " of table " + tablename + ", please check!!!");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static Integer getLastID(final String tablename) {
        Integer result = null;
        String sql = "SELECT MAX(" + delimitL("ID") + ") FROM " + delimitL(tablename);
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(sql, true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.last()) {
                result = rs.getInt(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static Object getValue(final String tablename, final String feldname, final String feldVal, final String desiredColumn) {
        return getValue(null, tablename, feldname, feldVal, desiredColumn);

    public static Object getValue(Connection conn, final String tablename, final String feldname, final String feldVal, final String desiredColumn) {
        return getValue(conn, tablename, new String[] { feldname }, new String[] { feldVal }, desiredColumn, true);

    public static Object getValue(Connection conn, final String tablename, final String[] feldname, final String[] feldVal, final String desiredColumn) {
        return getValue(conn, tablename, feldname, feldVal, desiredColumn, false);

    private static Object getValue(Connection conn, final String tablename, final String[] feldname, final String[] feldVal, final String desiredColumn, boolean suppressWarnings) {
        Object result = null;
        String sql = "SELECT " + delimitL(desiredColumn) + " FROM " + delimitL(tablename) + " WHERE ";
        String where = " ";
        for (int i = 0; i < feldname.length; i++) {
            if (i < feldVal.length) {
                if (!where.trim().isEmpty()) where += " AND ";
                where += delimitL(feldname[i]);
                if (feldVal[i] == null) where += " IS NULL";
                else where += " = '" + feldVal[i].replace("'", "''") + "'";
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(conn, sql + where, true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.last()) { // && rs.getRow() == 1
                result = rs.getObject(1);
                if (!suppressWarnings && rs.getRow() > 1) {
                    System.err.println("Attention! '" + where + "' results in " + rs.getRow() + " entries in table " + tablename + ", please check (getValue)!!!");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static boolean isDouble(final String textValue) {
        boolean result = true;
        try {
            // System.out.println(textValue);
            if (textValue.equals("-")) {
                return true;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            result = false;
        return result;

    public static boolean hasID(final String tablename, final int id) {
        boolean result = false;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet("SELECT " + delimitL("ID") + " FROM " + delimitL(tablename) + " WHERE " + delimitL("ID") + "=" + id, true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.last() && rs.getRow() == 1) {
                result = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    private static String handleField(final Object id, final MyTable[] foreignFields, final String[] mnTable, final int i, final boolean goDeeper, final String startDelim,
            final String delimiter, final String endDelim, HashSet<MyTable> alreadyUsed) {
        String result = "";
        if (id == null) {
        } else if (foreignFields != null && i > 1 && foreignFields.length > i - 2 && foreignFields[i - 2] != null) {
            if (goDeeper) {
                LinkedHashMap<Object, String> hashBox = fillHashtable(foreignFields[i - 2], startDelim, delimiter, endDelim,
                        goDeeper && !alreadyUsed.contains(foreignFields[i - 2]), false, alreadyUsed); // " | " " ; "
                if (hashBox != null && hashBox.get(id) != null) {
                    String ssttrr = hashBox.get(id).toString();
                    result = ssttrr.trim().length() == 0 ? "" : ssttrr; // ft +
                                                                        // ":\n"
                                                                        // +
                } else if (mnTable != null && i > 1 && i - 2 < mnTable.length && mnTable[i - 2] != null && mnTable[i - 2].length() > 0) {
                    result = "";
                    // System.err.println("isMN..." + ft);
                } else {
                    System.err.println("hashBox überprüfen...\t" + id);
                    result = "";// ft + ": leer\n";
            } else {
                String ft = foreignFields[i - 2].getTablename();
                result = ft + "-ID: " + id + "\n";
        } else {
            result = (id instanceof Double ? DBKernel.getDoubleStr(id) : id.toString());
        if (result.length() > 0) {
            if (mnTable != null && i > 1 && i - 2 < mnTable.length && mnTable[i - 2] != null && mnTable[i - 2].length() > 0) { // MN-Tabellen,
                                                                                                                                // wie
                                                                                                                                // z.B.
                                                                                                                                // INT
                                                                                                                                // oder
                                                                                                                                // DBL
                                                                                                                                // sollten
                                                                                                                                // hier
                                                                                                                                // unsichtbar
                                                                                                                                // bleiben!
            } else {
                //result += (newRow ? "\n" : ""); // rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i)
                // + ": " +
        } else result = "?";
        return result;

    public static void refreshHashTables() {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) DBKernel.myDBi.refreshHashTables();

    public static LinkedHashMap<Object, String> fillHashtable(final MyTable theTable, final String startDelim, final String delimiter, final String endDelim, final boolean goDeeper) {
        return fillHashtable(theTable, startDelim, delimiter, endDelim, goDeeper, false);

    public static LinkedHashMap<Object, String> fillHashtable(final MyTable theTable, final String startDelim, final String delimiter, final String endDelim,
            final boolean goDeeper, final boolean forceUpdate) {
        return fillHashtable(theTable, startDelim, delimiter, endDelim, goDeeper, forceUpdate, null);

    private static LinkedHashMap<Object, String> fillHashtable(final MyTable theTable, final String startDelim, final String delimiter, final String endDelim,
            final boolean goDeeper, final boolean forceUpdate, HashSet<MyTable> alreadyUsed) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.fillHashtable(theTable, startDelim, delimiter, endDelim, goDeeper, forceUpdate,
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) {
            return myDBi.fillHashtable(theTable, startDelim, delimiter, endDelim, goDeeper, forceUpdate, alreadyUsed);
        if (theTable == null) {
            return null;
        String foreignTable = theTable.getTablename();
        if (forceUpdate && filledHashtables.containsKey(foreignTable)) {
        if (filledHashtables.containsKey(foreignTable)) {
            return filledHashtables.get(foreignTable);

        LinkedHashMap<Object, String> h = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        String selectSQL = theTable.getSelectSQL();
        String sql = selectSQL;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(sql, true);
        String value;
        int i;
        Object o = null;
        Object val = null;
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                MyTable[] foreignFields = theTable.getForeignFields();
                String[] mnTable = theTable.getMNTable();
                if (alreadyUsed == null) alreadyUsed = new HashSet<>();
                boolean isdkz = theTable.getTablename().equals("DoubleKennzahlen");
                do {
                    value = "";
                    String valueBkp = "";
                    boolean hasSymbols = false;
                    if (theTable.getFields2ViewInGui() != null) {
                        for (String s : theTable.getFields2ViewInGui()) {
                            Integer fi = theTable.getFieldIndex(s);
                            if (fi == null) {
                                value += s;
                                hasSymbols = true;
                            } else {
                                if (!value.isEmpty() && !hasSymbols) value += "\t";
                                for (i = 1; i <= rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) {
                                    if (rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i).equals(s)) {
                                        String tVal = handleField(rs.getObject(i), foreignFields, mnTable, i, goDeeper, startDelim, delimiter, endDelim, alreadyUsed);
                                        if (isdkz && tVal.equals("?") && s.equals("Exponent")) value = valueBkp;
                                        else value += tVal;
                                if (isdkz && s.equals("Wert")) valueBkp = value;
                    } else {
                        for (i = 2; i <= rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) {
                            String v = handleField(rs.getObject(i), foreignFields, mnTable, i, goDeeper, startDelim, delimiter, endDelim, alreadyUsed);
                            if (!v.isEmpty()) {
                                v += "\t";
                                String cn = rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i);
                                value += cn + ": " + v;
                     * if (foreignTable.equals("DoubleKennzahlen") &&
                     * value.isEmpty()) { value = "..."; }
                    o = rs.getObject(1);
                    val = value;
                    if (theTable.getTablename().equals("DoubleKennzahlen")) {
                        h.put(new Double((Integer) rs.getObject(1)), value);
                    } else {
                        h.put(rs.getObject(1), value);
                } while (;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            MyLogger.handleMessage(theTable.getTablename() + "\t" + o + "\t" + val + "\t" + selectSQL);
        if (!filledHashtables.containsKey(foreignTable)) {
            filledHashtables.put(foreignTable, h);
        return h;

    public static String getDoubleStr(final Object dbl) {
        String result = null;
        if (dbl == null) {
            return null;
        NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
        try {
            result = f.format(dbl);
        catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println(e.getMessage() + " -> " + dbl);
        return result;

    public static boolean kzIsString(final String kennzahl) {
        return kennzahl.equals("Verteilung") || kennzahl.equals("Funktion (Zeit)") || kennzahl.equals("x") || kennzahl.equals("Funktion (x)");

    public static boolean kzIsBoolean(final String kennzahl) {
        return kennzahl.endsWith("_g") || kennzahl.equals("Undefiniert (n.d.)");

    public static Object insertDBL(final String tablename, final String fieldname, final Integer tableID, Object kzID, String kz, Object value) {
        try {
            if (kzID == null) {
                kzID = DBKernel.getValue(tablename, "ID", tableID + "", fieldname);
                if (kzID == null) {
                    PreparedStatement psmt = DBKernel.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(
                            "INSERT INTO " + DBKernel.delimitL("DoubleKennzahlen") + " (" + DBKernel.delimitL("Wert") + ") VALUES (NULL)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                    if (psmt.executeUpdate() > 0) {
                        kzID = DBKernel.getLastInsertedID(psmt);
                        DBKernel.sendRequest("UPDATE " + DBKernel.delimitL(tablename) + " SET " + DBKernel.delimitL(fieldname) + "=" + kzID + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID")
                                + "=" + tableID, false);
            if (kzID == null) {
            } else { // UPDATE
                if (kz.indexOf("(?)") >= 0) {
                    kz = kz.replace("(?)", "(x)");
                if (value == null) {
                    value = "NULL";
                if (DBKernel.kzIsString(kz)) {
                            "UPDATE " + DBKernel.delimitL("DoubleKennzahlen") + " SET " + DBKernel.delimitL(kz) + "='" + value + "'" + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID") + "="
                                    + kzID, false);
                } else if (DBKernel.kzIsBoolean(kz)) {
                            "UPDATE " + DBKernel.delimitL("DoubleKennzahlen") + " SET " + DBKernel.delimitL(kz) + "=" + value + "" + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID") + "="
                                    + kzID, false);
                } else {
                    DBKernel.sendRequest("UPDATE " + DBKernel.delimitL("DoubleKennzahlen") + " SET " + DBKernel.delimitL(kz) + "=" + value + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID")
                            + "=" + kzID, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return kzID;

    public static ResultSet getResultSet(final String sql, final boolean suppressWarnings) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.getResultSet(sql, suppressWarnings);
        ResultSet ergebnis = null;
        try {
            Statement anfrage = localConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            ergebnis = anfrage.executeQuery(sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!suppressWarnings) {
        return ergebnis;

    public static ResultSet getResultSet(final Connection conn, final String sql, final boolean suppressWarnings) {
        if (conn == null) {
            return getResultSet(sql, suppressWarnings);
        } else {
            try {
                return getResultSet(conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY), sql, suppressWarnings);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // e.printStackTrace();
        return null;

    static ResultSet getResultSet(final Statement anfrage, final String sql, final boolean suppressWarnings) {
        ResultSet ergebnis = null;
        try {
            ergebnis = anfrage.executeQuery(sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!suppressWarnings) {
        return ergebnis;

    public static boolean sendRequest(final String sql, final boolean suppressWarnings) {
        return sendRequest(sql, suppressWarnings, false);

    public static boolean sendRequest(final String sql, final boolean suppressWarnings, final boolean fetchAdminInCase) {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.sendRequest(sql, suppressWarnings, fetchAdminInCase);
        try {
            Connection conn = getDBConnection();
            return sendRequest(conn, sql, suppressWarnings, fetchAdminInCase);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;

    public static boolean sendRequest(Connection conn, final String sql, final boolean suppressWarnings, final boolean fetchAdminInCase) {
        boolean result = false;
        boolean adminGathered = false;
        try {
            if (conn == null || conn.isClosed()) conn = getDBConnection();
            if (fetchAdminInCase && !DBKernel.isAdmin()) {
                conn = DBKernel.getDefaultAdminConn();
                adminGathered = true;
            Statement anfrage = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            result = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!suppressWarnings) {
                if (!DBKernel.isKNIME || (!e.getMessage().equals("The table data is read only") && !e.getMessage().equals("invalid transaction state: read-only SQL-transaction"))) MyLogger.handleMessage(sql);
        if (adminGathered) {
            try {
                conn = DBKernel.getDBConnection();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static Integer sendRequestGetAffectedRowNumber(Connection conn, final String sql, final boolean suppressWarnings, final boolean fetchAdminInCase) {
        Integer result = null;
        boolean adminGathered = false;
        try {
            if (fetchAdminInCase && !DBKernel.isAdmin()) {
                conn = DBKernel.getDefaultAdminConn();
                adminGathered = true;
            Statement anfrage = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            result = anfrage.executeUpdate(sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!suppressWarnings) {
                if (!DBKernel.isKNIME || (!e.getMessage().equals("The table data is read only") && !e.getMessage().equals("invalid transaction state: read-only SQL-transaction"))) MyLogger.handleMessage(sql);
        if (adminGathered) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    static String sendRequestGetErr(final String sql) {
        String result = "";
        try {
            Connection conn = getDBConnection();
            Statement anfrage = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            result = e.getMessage();
        return result;

    public static boolean showHierarchic(final String tableName) {
        return tableName.equals("Matrices") || tableName.equals("Methoden") || tableName.equals("Agenzien") || tableName.equals("Methodiken");

    static int countUsers(boolean adminsOnly) {
        Connection conn = null;
        try {
            conn = getDBConnection();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return countUsers(conn, adminsOnly);

    private static int countUsers(Connection conn, boolean adminsOnly) {
        int result = -1;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(conn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + delimitL("Users") + " WHERE " + (adminsOnly ? delimitL("Zugriffsrecht") + " = " + Users.ADMIN + " AND " : "")
                + delimitL("Username") + " IS NOT NULL", true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                result = rs.getInt(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            result = -1;
        // System.out.println(result);
        return result;

    public static int getRowCount(final String tableName, final String where) {
        Connection conn = null;
        try {
            conn = getDBConnection();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return getRowCount(conn, tableName, where);

    public static int getRowCount(Connection conn, final String tableName, final String where) {
        int result = 0;
        String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL(tableName) + (where != null && where.trim().length() > 0 ? " " + where : "");
        ResultSet rs = DBKernel.getResultSet(conn, sql, true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                result = rs.getInt(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return result;

    public static boolean isAdmin() {
        if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) return DBKernel.myDBi.isAdmin();
        String un = getUsername();
        return isAdmin(null, un);

    private static boolean isAdmin(Connection conn, String un) { // nur der Admin kann überhaupt die Users Tabelle abfragen, daher ist ein Wert <> -1 ein Zeichen für Adminrechte, das kann auch defad sein
        if (conn == null) {
            if (un.equals(getTempSA(HSHDB_PATH))) {
                return true;
        boolean result = false;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(conn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + delimitL("Users") + " WHERE " + delimitL("Zugriffsrecht") + " = " + Users.ADMIN + " AND "
                + delimitL("Username") + " = '" + un + "'", true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                result = (rs.getInt(1) > (conn == null ? 0 : -1));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static String getCodesName(final String tablename) {
        int index = tablename.indexOf("_");
        if (index >= 0) {
            return "Codes" + tablename.substring(index);
        } else {
            return "Codes_" + tablename;

    public static boolean DBFilesDa(String path, String dbKennung) {
        boolean result = false;
        if (!path.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator"))) path += System.getProperty("file.separator");
        File f = new File(path + dbKennung + ".script");
        if (!f.exists()) {
            f = new File(path + dbKennung + ".data");
        result = f.exists();
        return result;

    public static long getLastCache(Connection conn, String tablename) {
        long result = 0;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(conn, "SELECT " + delimitL("Wert") + " FROM " + delimitL("Infotabelle") + " WHERE " + delimitL("Parameter") + " = 'lastCache_" + tablename
                + "'", true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                String strVal = rs.getString(1);
                result = Long.parseLong(strVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static long getLastRelevantChange(Connection conn, String[] relevantTables) {
        long result = 0;
        if (relevantTables.length > 0) {
            String where = delimitL("Tabelle") + " = '" + relevantTables[0] + "'";
            for (int i = 1; i < relevantTables.length; i++) {
                where += " OR " + delimitL("Tabelle") + " = '" + relevantTables[i] + "'";
            String sql = "SELECT TOP 1 " + delimitL("Zeitstempel") + " FROM " + delimitL("ChangeLog") + " WHERE " + where + " ORDER BY " + delimitL("Zeitstempel") + " DESC";
            ResultSet rs = getResultSet(conn, sql, true);
            try {
                if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                    result = rs.getTimestamp(1).getTime();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static void setLastCache(Connection conn, String tablename, long newCacheTime) {
        try {
            boolean ro = conn.isReadOnly();
            if (ro) conn.setReadOnly(false);
            if (!sendRequest(conn, "INSERT INTO \"Infotabelle\" (\"Parameter\",\"Wert\") VALUES ('lastCache_" + tablename + "','" + newCacheTime + "')", true, false)) {
                sendRequest(conn, "UPDATE \"Infotabelle\" SET \"Wert\" = '" + newCacheTime + "' WHERE \"Parameter\" = 'lastCache_" + tablename + "'", false, false);
            if (ro) conn.setReadOnly(ro);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    public static String getDBVersionFromDB() {
        return getDBVersionFromDB(null);

    private static String getDBVersionFromDB(Connection conn) {
        String result = null;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(conn, "SELECT " + delimitL("Wert") + " FROM " + delimitL("Infotabelle") + " WHERE " + delimitL("Parameter") + " = 'DBVersion'", true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                result = rs.getString(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static void setDBVersion(final String dbVersion) {
        setDBVersion(null, dbVersion);

    static void setDBVersion(Connection conn, final String dbVersion) {
        if (!DBKernel.sendRequest(conn, "INSERT INTO \"Infotabelle\" (\"Parameter\",\"Wert\") VALUES ('DBVersion','" + dbVersion + "')", true, false)) {
                    "UPDATE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Infotabelle") + " SET " + DBKernel.delimitL("Wert") + " = '" + dbVersion + "'" + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Parameter")
                            + " = 'DBVersion'", false, false);

    public static long getFileSize(final String filename) {
        File file = new File(filename);
        if (file == null || !file.exists() || !file.isFile()) {
            System.out.println("File doesn\'t exist");
            return -1;
        return file.length();

    static void grantDefaults(final String tableName) {
        DBKernel.sendRequest("GRANT SELECT ON TABLE " + DBKernel.delimitL(tableName) + " TO " + DBKernel.delimitL("PUBLIC"), false);
        if (tableName.startsWith("Codes_")) {
            DBKernel.sendRequest("GRANT SELECT ON TABLE " + DBKernel.delimitL(tableName) + " TO " + DBKernel.delimitL("WRITE_ACCESS"), false);
        } else {
            DBKernel.sendRequest("GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON TABLE " + DBKernel.delimitL(tableName) + " TO " + DBKernel.delimitL("WRITE_ACCESS"), false);
        DBKernel.sendRequest("GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLE " + DBKernel.delimitL(tableName) + " TO " + DBKernel.delimitL("SUPER_WRITE_ACCESS"), false);

    // Still to look at... myDBI...KNIME...Backup...
    public static void openDBGUI() {
        final Connection connection = getLocalConn(true);
        try {
            if (DBKernel.mainFrame != null && DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList() != null && DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList().getMyDBTable() != null) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    public static String getInternalDefaultDBPath() {
        return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString().replace("/", System.getProperty("file.separator")) + System.getProperty("file.separator")
                + (DBKernel.isKrise ? ".fclabDB" : ".pmmlabDB") + System.getProperty("file.separator");

    // Still to look at... myDBI...KNIME...
    private static Connection getInternalKNIMEDB_LoadGui(boolean autoUpdate) {
        Connection result = null;
        //try {
        String internalPath = DBKernel.prefs.get("PMM_LAB_SETTINGS_DB_PATH", getInternalDefaultDBPath());
        CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
        long crc32Out = crc32.getValue();
        String username = DBKernel.prefs.get("PMM_LAB_SETTINGS_DB_USERNAME" + crc32Out, "SA");
        String password = DBKernel.prefs.get("PMM_LAB_SETTINGS_DB_PASSWORD" + crc32Out, "");

        try {
            new Login(internalPath, username, password, DBKernel.isReadOnly(), autoUpdate);
        catch (Exception he) { //HeadlessException
            DBKernel.m_Username = username;
            DBKernel.m_Password = password;
            boolean noDBThere = !DBKernel.isServerConnection && !DBKernel.DBFilesDa(DBKernel.HSHDB_PATH, dbKennung);
            if (noDBThere) {
                File temp = DBKernel.getCopyOfInternalDB();
                if (DBKernel.myDBi != null && DBKernel.myDBi.getConn() != null) {
                    if (BackupMyDBI.doRestore(null, temp, true, false)) {
                        DBKernel.myDBi.addUserInCaseNotThere(username, password);
                } else {
                    if (!Backup.doRestore(null, temp, true)) { // Passwort hat sich verändert innerhalb der 2 beteiligten Datenbanken...
            DBKernel.myDBi = new MyDBTablesNew();
         * DBKernel.isServerConnection = DBKernel.isHsqlServer(internalPath); if
         * (DBKernel.isServerConnection) { HSHDB_PATH = internalPath; try { //
         * DBKernel.getNewServerConnection(login, pw, filename); result =
         * DBKernel.getDBConnection(username, password); createGui(result); }
         * catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { File
         * incFileInternalDBFolder = new File(internalPath); if
         * (!incFileInternalDBFolder.exists()) { if
         * (!incFileInternalDBFolder.mkdirs()) { System.err.println(
         * "Creation of folder for internal database not succeeded."); return
         * null;// throw new IllegalStateException(
         * "Creation of folder for internal database not succeeded.",
         * null);//return null; } } if (incFileInternalDBFolder.list() == null)
         * { System.err.println(
         * "Creation of folderlist for internal database not succeeded.");
         * return null;// throw new IllegalStateException(
         * "Creation of folderlist for internal database not succeeded.",
         * null);//return null; } // folder is empty? Create database! String[]
         * fl = incFileInternalDBFolder.list(); boolean folderEmpty = (fl.length
         * == 0); if (!folderEmpty) { folderEmpty = true; for (String f : fl) {
         * if (f.startsWith("DB.")) { folderEmpty = false; break; } } } if
         * (folderEmpty) { // Get the bundle this class belongs to. Bundle
         * bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(DBKernel.class); URL incURLfirstDB =
         * bundle.getResource("org/hsh/bfr/db/res/firstDB.tar.gz"); if
         * (incURLfirstDB == null) { // incURLInternalDBFolder == null || return
         * null; } File incFilefirstDB = new
         * File(FileLocator.toFileURL(incURLfirstDB).getPath()); try {
         * org.hsqldb.lib.tar.DbBackupMain.main(new String[] { "--extract",
         * incFilefirstDB.getAbsolutePath(),
         * incFileInternalDBFolder.getAbsolutePath() }); JOptionPane pane = new
         * JOptionPane("Internal database created in folder '" +
         * incFileInternalDBFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "'",
         * JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); JDialog dialog =
         * pane.createDialog("Internal database created");
         * dialog.setAlwaysOnTop(true); dialog.setVisible(true); } catch
         * (Exception e) { throw new
         * IllegalStateException("Creation of internal database not succeeded.",
         * e); } }
         * try { HSHDB_PATH = internalPath; String un =
         * DBKernel.prefs.get("PMM_LAB_SETTINGS_DB_USERNAME", null); String pw =
         * DBKernel.prefs.get("PMM_LAB_SETTINGS_DB_PASSWORD", null); result =
         * getDBConnection(un != null ? un : getTempSA(HSHDB_PATH), pw != null ?
         * pw : getTempSAPass(HSHDB_PATH));
         * createGui(result); if (autoUpdate) { checkUpdate(); } else { Thread
         * queryThread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { checkUpdate();
         * } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } };
         * queryThread.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
         * } // DBKernel.saveUP2PrefsTEMP(HSHDB_PATH);
         * DBKernel.getTempSA(HSHDB_PATH); } catch (IOException e) { throw new
         * IllegalStateException
         * ("Cannot locate necessary internal database path.", e); }
        try {
            result = DBKernel.getDBConnection();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

     * private static void checkUpdate() throws Exception { // UpdateChecker
     * String dbVersion = DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB(); if
     * (!DBKernel.isServerConnection && (dbVersion == null ||
     * !dbVersion.equals(DBKernel.softwareVersion))) { boolean dl =
     * MainKernel.dontLog; MainKernel.dontLog = true; boolean isAdmin =
     * DBKernel.isAdmin(); if (!isAdmin) { DBKernel.closeDBConnections(false);
     * DBKernel.getDefaultAdminConn(); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.0")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_170_171(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.1"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.1")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_171_172(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.2"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.2")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_172_173(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.3"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.3")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_173_174(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.4"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.4")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_174_175(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.5"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.5")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_175_176(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.6"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.6")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_176_177(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.7"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.7")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_177_178(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.8"); }
     * if (DBKernel.getDBVersionFromDB().equals("1.7.8")) {
     * UpdateChecker.check4Updates_178_179(); DBKernel.setDBVersion("1.7.9"); }
     * DBKernel.sendRequest("DROP TABLE " + DBKernel.delimitL("CACHE_TS") +
     * " IF EXISTS", false, true); DBKernel.sendRequest("DROP TABLE " +
     * DBKernel.delimitL("CACHE_selectEstModel") + " IF EXISTS", false, true);
     * DBKernel.sendRequest("DROP TABLE " +
     * DBKernel.delimitL("CACHE_selectEstModel1") + " IF EXISTS", false, true);
     * DBKernel.sendRequest("DROP TABLE " +
     * DBKernel.delimitL("CACHE_selectEstModel2") + " IF EXISTS", false, true);
     * if (!isAdmin) { DBKernel.closeDBConnections(false);
     * DBKernel.getDBConnection(); if (DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList() != null &&
     * DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList().getMyDBTable() != null) {
     * DBKernel.mainFrame
     * .getMyList().getMyDBTable().setConnection(DBKernel.getDBConnection()); }
     * } MainKernel.dontLog = dl;
     * } }
     * public static void createGui(Connection conn) { //
     * MyDBTables.loadMyTables(); DBKernel.myDBi = new MyDBTablesNew(); try { if
     * ((DBKernel.mainFrame == null || DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList() == null)
     * && conn != null) { // Login login = new Login(); MyDBTable myDB = new
     * MyDBTable(); myDB.initConn(conn); MyDBTree myDBTree = new MyDBTree();
     * MyList myList = new MyList(myDB, myDBTree);
     * if (myList != null && myList.getMyDBTable() != null) { if
     * (myDB.getConnection() == null || myDB.getConnection().isClosed()) {
     * myList.getMyDBTable().setConnection(DBKernel.getDBConnection()); } }
     * myList.addAllTables(); // login.loadMyTables(myList, null);
     * MainFrame mf = new MainFrame(myList); DBKernel.mainFrame = mf;
     * myList.setSelection(DBKernel.prefs.get("LAST_SELECTED_TABLE",
     * "Versuchsbedingungen")); try { boolean full =
     * Boolean.parseBoolean(DBKernel.prefs.get("LAST_MainFrame_FULL", "FALSE"));
     * int w = Integer.parseInt(DBKernel.prefs.get("LAST_MainFrame_WIDTH",
     * "1020")); int h =
     * Integer.parseInt(DBKernel.prefs.get("LAST_MainFrame_HEIGHT", "700")); int
     * x = Integer.parseInt(DBKernel.prefs.get("LAST_MainFrame_X", "0")); int y
     * = Integer.parseInt(DBKernel.prefs.get("LAST_MainFrame_Y", "0"));
     * mf.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h)); mf.setBounds(x, y, w, h);
     * mf.pack(); mf.setLocationRelativeTo(null); if (full)
     * mf.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
     * catch (Exception he) { he.printStackTrace(); } // HeadlessException }
    public static String[] getItemListMisc(Connection conn) {
        HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<>();
        try {
            ResultSet rs = null;
            String sql = "SELECT " + DBKernel.delimitL("Parameter") + " FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL("SonstigeParameter");
            rs = DBKernel.getResultSet(conn, sql, false);
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                do {
                    if (rs.getObject("Parameter") != null) hs.add(rs.getString("Parameter"));
                } while (;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return hs.toArray(new String[] {});

    public static boolean mergeIDs(Connection conn, final String tableName, int oldID, int newID) {
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            rs = DBKernel.getResultSet(conn, sql, false);
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                do {
                    String fkt = rs.getObject("FKTABLE_NAME") != null ? rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME") : "";
                    String fkc = rs.getObject("FKCOLUMN_NAME") != null ? rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME") : "";
                    // System.err.println(tableName + " wird in " + fkt + "->" +
                    // fkc + " referenziert");
                    if (!DBKernel.sendRequest(conn, "UPDATE " + DBKernel.delimitL(fkt) + " SET " + DBKernel.delimitL(fkc) + "=" + newID + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL(fkc) + "="
                            + oldID, false, false)) return false;
                } while (;
                if (DBKernel.sendRequest(conn, "DELETE FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL(tableName) + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID") + "=" + oldID, false, false)) {
                    return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;

    public static int getUsagecountOfID(final String tableName, int id) {
        int result = 0;
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                do {
                    String fkt = rs.getObject("FKTABLE_NAME") != null ? rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME") : "";
                    String fkc = rs.getObject("FKCOLUMN_NAME") != null ? rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME") : "";
                    // System.err.println(tableName + " wird in " + fkt + "->" +
                    // fkc + " referenziert");
                    ResultSet rs2 = DBKernel.getResultSet("SELECT " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID") + " FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL(fkt) + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL(fkc) + "=" + id,
                    if (rs2 != null && rs2.last()) {
                        result += rs2.getRow();
                } while (;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static List<String> getUsageListOfID(final String tableName, int id) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                do {
                    String fkt = rs.getObject("FKTABLE_NAME") != null ? rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME") : "";
                    String fkc = rs.getObject("FKCOLUMN_NAME") != null ? rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME") : "";
                    // System.err.println(tableName + " wird in " + fkt + "->" +
                    // fkc + " referenziert");
                    ResultSet rs2 = DBKernel.getResultSet("SELECT " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID") + " FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL(fkt) + " WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL(fkc) + "=" + id,
                    if (rs2 != null && rs2.first()) {
                        do {
                            result.add(fkt + ": " + rs2.getInt("ID"));
                        } while (;
                } while (;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

    public static File getCopyOfInternalDB() {
        File temp = null;
        try {
            Bundle bundle = null;
            try {
                bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(DBKernel.class);
            catch (Exception e) {}
            if (bundle != null) {
                URL incURLfirstDB = bundle.getResource("org/hsh/bfr/db/res/firstDB.tar.gz");
                if (incURLfirstDB == null) {
                    return null;
                temp = new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(incURLfirstDB).getPath());
            } else {
                temp = File.createTempFile("firstDB", ".tar.gz");
                InputStream in = DBKernel.class.getResourceAsStream("/org/hsh/bfr/db/res/firstDB.tar.gz");
                BufferedInputStream bufIn = new BufferedInputStream(in);
                BufferedOutputStream bufOut = null;
                try {
                    bufOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(temp));
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {

                byte[] inByte = new byte[4096];
                int count = -1;
                try {
                    while ((count = != -1) {
                        bufOut.write(inByte, 0, count);
                } catch (IOException e) {

                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (IOException e2) {
        return temp;

    public static Integer openPrimModelDBWindow(Component parent, Integer id) {
        MyTable myT = DBKernel.myDBi.getTable("Modellkatalog");
        MyStringFilter mf = new MyStringFilter(myT, "Level", "1");
        Object newVal = DBKernel.mainFrame.openNewWindow(myT, id, "Modellkatalog", null, null, null, null, true, mf, parent);

        if (newVal instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) newVal;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static Integer openSecModelDBWindow(Component parent, Integer id) {
        MyTable myT = DBKernel.myDBi.getTable("Modellkatalog");
        MyStringFilter mf = new MyStringFilter(myT, "Level", "2");
        Object newVal = DBKernel.mainFrame.openNewWindow(myT, id, "Modellkatalog", null, null, null, null, true, mf, parent);

        if (newVal instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) newVal;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static Integer openMiscDBWindow(Component parent, Integer id) {
        MyTable myT = DBKernel.myDBi.getTable("SonstigeParameter");
        Object newVal = mainFrame.openNewWindow(myT, id, "SonstigeParameter", null, null, null, null, true, null, parent);

        if (newVal instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) newVal;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static Integer openAgentDBWindow(Component parent, Integer id) {
        MyTable myT = DBKernel.myDBi.getTable("Agenzien");
        Object newVal = mainFrame.openNewWindow(myT, id, "Agenzien", null, null, null, null, true, null, parent);

        if (newVal instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) newVal;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static Integer openMatrixDBWindow(Component parent, Integer id) {
        MyTable myT = DBKernel.myDBi.getTable("Matrices");
        Object newVal = mainFrame.openNewWindow(myT, id, "Matrices", null, null, null, null, true, null, parent);

        if (newVal instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) newVal;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static Integer openLiteratureDBWindow(Component parent, Integer id) {
        MyTable myT = DBKernel.myDBi.getTable("Literatur");
        Object newVal = mainFrame.openNewWindow(myT, id, "Literatur", null, null, null, null, true, null, parent);

        if (newVal instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) newVal;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static String getLocalDBUUID() {
        try {
            return getDBUUID(getLocalConn(true), true);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            return null;

    private static String getDBUUID(Connection conn, boolean tryOnceAgain) throws SQLException {
        String result = null;
        ResultSet rs = getResultSet(conn, "SELECT \"Wert\" FROM \"Infotabelle\" WHERE \"Parameter\" = 'DBuuid'", false);
        if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
            result = rs.getString(1);
        if (tryOnceAgain && result == null) {
            setDBUUID(conn, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
            result = getDBUUID(conn, false);
        return result;

    public static boolean isReadOnly() {
        return DBKernel.isKNIME && DBKernel.prefs.getBoolean("PMM_LAB_SETTINGS_DB_RO", false) || !DBKernel.isKNIME && DBKernel.prefs.getBoolean("DB_READONLY", true);

    private static void setDBUUID(Connection conn, final String uuid) throws SQLException {
        //sendRequest(conn, "INSERT INTO \"Infotabelle\" (\"Parameter\",\"Wert\") VALUES ('DBuuid','" + uuid + "')", false, false);
        if (!sendRequest(conn, "INSERT INTO \"Infotabelle\" (\"Parameter\",\"Wert\") VALUES ('DBuuid','" + uuid + "')", true, false)) {
            sendRequest(conn, "UPDATE \"Infotabelle\" SET \"Wert\" = '" + uuid + "' WHERE \"Parameter\" = 'DBuuid'", false, false);

    public static void getKnownIDs4PMM(Connection conn, HashMap<Integer, Integer> foreignDbIds, String tablename, String rowuuid) {
        String sql = "SELECT " + DBKernel.delimitL("TableID") + "," + DBKernel.delimitL("SourceID") + " FROM " + DBKernel.delimitL("DataSource") + " WHERE ";
        sql += DBKernel.delimitL("Table") + "=" + "'" + tablename + "' AND";
        sql += DBKernel.delimitL("SourceDBUUID") + "=" + "'" + rowuuid + "';";

        ResultSet rs = DBKernel.getResultSet(conn, sql, true);
        try {
            if (rs != null && rs.first()) {
                do {
                    if (rs.getObject("SourceID") != null && rs.getObject("TableID") != null) {
                        foreignDbIds.put(rs.getInt("SourceID"), rs.getInt("TableID"));
                } while (;
        } catch (Exception e) {

    private static void setKnownIDs4PMM(Connection conn, HashMap<Integer, Integer> foreignDbIds, String tablename, String rowuuid) {
        for (Integer sID : foreignDbIds.keySet()) {
            Object id = DBKernel.getValue(conn, "DataSource", new String[] { "Table", "SourceDBUUID", "SourceID" }, new String[] { tablename, rowuuid, sID + "" }, "TableID");
            if (id == null) {
                String sql = "INSERT INTO " + DBKernel.delimitL("DataSource") + " (" + DBKernel.delimitL("Table") + "," + DBKernel.delimitL("TableID") + ","
                        + DBKernel.delimitL("SourceDBUUID") + "," + DBKernel.delimitL("SourceID") + ") VALUES ('" + tablename + "'," + foreignDbIds.get(sID) + ",'" + rowuuid
                        + "'," + sID + ");";
                DBKernel.sendRequest(conn, sql, true, false);
    public static void setKnownIDs4PMM(Connection conn, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, Integer>>> foreignDbIds) {
        for (String rowuuid : foreignDbIds.keySet()) {
            HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> hm = foreignDbIds.get(rowuuid);
            for (String tableName : hm.keySet()) {
                DBKernel.setKnownIDs4PMM(conn, hm.get(tableName), tableName, rowuuid);
    public static void copyFiles2NewKennung(String path, String oldKennung, String newKennung, boolean doMove) throws IOException { f = new;
        String fileKennung = oldKennung + ".";[] files = f.listFiles();
        if (files != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                if (files[i].getName().startsWith(fileKennung)) {
                    Path from = files[i].toPath();
                    Path to = new File(files[i].getParent() + File.separator + newKennung + files[i].getName().substring(oldKennung.length())).toPath();
                    if (doMove) Files.move(from, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
                    else Files.copy(from, to, StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES);