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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Contributors:
 *     Department Biological Safety - BfR
package org.hsh.bfr.db.imports.custom;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;

import org.hsh.bfr.db.DBKernel;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.MyLogger;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.gui.InfoBox;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.gui.dbtable.MyDBTable;
import org.hsh.bfr.db.imports.MyImporter;

import net.sf.jabref.AuthorList;
import net.sf.jabref.BibtexEntry;
import net.sf.jabref.BibtexEntryType;
import net.sf.jabref.BibtexFields;

 * @author Armin

 * Imports a Biblioscape Tag File. The format is described on
 * Several
 * Biblioscape field types are ignored. Others are only included in the BibTeX
 * field "comment".
public class MyRisImporter extends FileFilter implements MyImporter {
    public boolean accept(File f) {
      if (f.isDirectory()) return true;

      String extension = getExtension(f);
      if (extension.equals("txt") || extension.equals("ris")) return true; 
      return false;
    public String getDescription() {
        return "RIS Datei (*.txt; *.ris)";

    private String getExtension(File f) {
      String s = f.getName();
      int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
      if (i > 0 &&  i < s.length() - 1) return s.substring(i+1).toLowerCase();
      return "";
        private InputStream getIn(String filename) {
            InputStream in = null;
            try {
                if (filename.startsWith("http://")) {
                    URL url = new URL(filename);
                    URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
                    in = uc.getInputStream();
                else if (filename.startsWith("/org/hsh/bfr/db/res/")) {
                        in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);                    
                else {
                    in = new FileInputStream(filename);
            catch (Exception e) {MyLogger.handleException(e);}
            return in;
    public String doImport(final String filename, final JProgressBar progress, final boolean showResults) {
        //filename = "C:/Users/Armin/Documents/private/freelance/BfR/Data/100711/RIS-ExportReferenceManagerTest.txt";
      Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        try {
              if (progress != null) {
                  progress.setString("Importiere RIS Datei...");

              String log = "";
              int numFailed = 0, numSuccess = 0, numPapers = 0, numPapersFailed = 0, numRisses = 0;
              Vector<String> duplicates = new Vector<>();
              File f = new File(filename);
              InputStream in = null;
            //InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
              in = getIn(filename);
                    if (isRecognizedFormat(in)) { // isRecognizedFormat(in)
                        in = getIn(filename); //new FileInputStream(f);
                        LinkedHashMap<BibtexEntry, String> risses = importEntries(in);
                        if (progress != null) {
                    try {
                        String sql = "INSERT INTO " + DBKernel.delimitL("Literatur") +
                          " (" + DBKernel.delimitL("Erstautor") + ", " + DBKernel.delimitL("Jahr") + ", " +
                          DBKernel.delimitL("Titel") + ", " +    DBKernel.delimitL("Abstract") + ", " +    DBKernel.delimitL("Journal") + ", " +
                          DBKernel.delimitL("Volume") + ", " + DBKernel.delimitL("Issue") + ", " + DBKernel.delimitL("Seite") +
                          ", " + DBKernel.delimitL("Webseite") + ", " + DBKernel.delimitL("Literaturtyp") +
                          ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        PreparedStatement psmt = DBKernel.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                        int lfd=0;
                            for (BibtexEntry bibitem : risses.keySet()) {
                                if (progress != null) {lfd++;progress.setValue(lfd);}
                                psmt.setString(1, bibitem.getField("erstautor"));
                                int year = 0;
                                if (bibitem.getField("title") != null) System.err.println("title: " + bibitem.getField("title").length() + "\t" + bibitem.getField("title"));
                                if (bibitem.getField("journal") != null) System.err.println("journal: " + bibitem.getField("journal").length() + "\t" + bibitem.getField("journal"));
                                if (bibitem.getField("volume") != null) System.err.println("volume: " + bibitem.getField("volume").length() + "\t" + bibitem.getField("volume"));
                                if (bibitem.getField("number") != null) System.err.println("number: " + bibitem.getField("number").length() + "\t" + bibitem.getField("number"));
                                if (bibitem.getField("url") != null) System.err.println("url: " + bibitem.getField("url").length() + "\t" + bibitem.getField("url"));
                                if (bibitem.getField("abstract") != null) System.err.println("abstract: " + bibitem.getField("abstract").length());
                                if (bibitem.getField("year") != null) {year = Integer.parseInt(bibitem.getField("year")); psmt.setInt(2, year);}
                                else psmt.setNull(2, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                                if (bibitem.getField("title") != null) psmt.setString(3, bibitem.getField("title"));
                                else psmt.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
                                if (bibitem.getField("abstract") != null) psmt.setString(4, bibitem.getField("abstract"));
                                else psmt.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
                                if (bibitem.getField("journal") != null) psmt.setString(5, bibitem.getField("journal"));
                                else psmt.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
                                if (bibitem.getField("volume") != null) psmt.setString(6, bibitem.getField("volume"));
                                else psmt.setNull(6, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
                                if (bibitem.getField("number") != null) psmt.setString(7, bibitem.getField("number"));
                                else psmt.setNull(7, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
                                if (bibitem.getField("startPage") != null && DBKernel.isDouble(bibitem.getField("startPage"))) psmt.setInt(8, Integer.parseInt(bibitem.getField("startPage")));
                                else psmt.setNull(8, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                                if (bibitem.getField("url") != null) psmt.setString(9, bibitem.getField("url"));
                                else psmt.setNull(9, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
                                lt.put(new Integer(1), "Paper");
                                lt.put(new Integer(2), "SOP");
                                lt.put(new Integer(3), "LA");
                                lt.put(new Integer(4), "Handbuch");
                                lt.put(new Integer(5), "Laborbuch");
                                lt.put(new Integer(6), "Buch");
                                if (bibitem.getType() == BibtexEntryType.ARTICLE) psmt.setInt(10, 1);
                                else if (bibitem.getType() == BibtexEntryType.BOOK) psmt.setInt(10, 6);
                                else if (bibitem.getType() == BibtexEntryType.BOOKLET) psmt.setInt(10, 6);
                                else if (bibitem.getType() == BibtexEntryType.INBOOK) psmt.setInt(10, 6);
                                else if (bibitem.getType() == BibtexEntryType.MANUAL) psmt.setInt(10, 4);
                                else psmt.setNull(10, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                                int psexup = 0;
                                try {psexup = psmt.executeUpdate();}
                                catch (SQLException e1) {
                                    if (e1.getErrorCode() == -104) duplicates.add(bibitem.getField("erstautor") + " " + bibitem.getField("year"));
                                    else {System.err.println(bibitem.getField("erstautor") + " " + bibitem.getField("year")); e1.printStackTrace();}
                                } //e1.printStackTrace(); 
                                if (psexup > 0) {
                                    // Get lastInsertedID
                                    int lastInsertedID = 0;
                                    ResultSet rs = psmt.getGeneratedKeys();
                                  if ( {
                                      lastInsertedID = rs.getInt(1);
                                  else {
                                      MyLogger.handleMessage("getGeneratedKeys failed!");
                                  if (lastInsertedID > 0) {
                                      // Wir wollen aber dennoch die gesamte RIS Datei abspeichern - zur Sicherheit
                                        DBKernel.insertBLOB("Literatur", "ID", risses.get(bibitem), bibitem.getField("erstautor") + "_" + year + ".ris", lastInsertedID);
                                        // Das Paper wird natürlich auch abgespeichert, falls verfügbar
                                        if (bibitem.getField("fulltext") != null || bibitem.getField("pdf") != null) {
                                            String strURL = (bibitem.getField("pdf") != null) ? bibitem.getField("pdf") : bibitem.getField("fulltext");
                                            URL myUrl = getMyURL(strURL);
                                            if (strURL != null) {
                                                  MyLogger.handleMessage(myUrl.getProtocol() + "\t" + myUrl.getHost() + ":" + myUrl.getPath());
                                                  if (myUrl.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
                                                      String newFile;
                                                      if (myUrl.getPath().length() == 0) {
                                                          newFile = f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + System.getProperty("file.separator") + myUrl.getHost();
                                                          MyLogger.handleMessage("Wasn das eigentlich fürn komischer Fall????\t" + newFile + "\t" + myUrl);
                                                      else if (myUrl.getHost().length() == 0) {
                                                          newFile = myUrl.getPath();
                                                      else {
                                                          newFile = myUrl.getHost() + ":" + myUrl.getPath();                                                  
                                                      //System.out.println(newFile + "\t" + urlToFile(myUrl).exists());
                                                      File fl = new File(newFile);
                                                      if (fl.exists()) { // Hier dauerts evtl. sehr lange, wenn das Netzlaufwerk nicht verfügbar ist
                                                          DBKernel.insertBLOB("Literatur", "Paper", fl, lastInsertedID);
                                                          DBKernel.getDBConnection().createStatement().execute("UPDATE " + DBKernel.delimitL("Literatur") + " SET " + DBKernel.delimitL("Paper") + "='" + fl.getName() + "' WHERE " + DBKernel.delimitL("ID") + "=" + lastInsertedID);
                                                      else {
                                                          MyLogger.handleMessage("File for Import not found!");
                                            else {
                                                MyLogger.handleMessage("Wasn das fürn URL Format??? " + strURL);
                                else {
                    catch (Exception e) {
                else {
                    log = "Unbekanntes Format! RIS? Oder Autor nicht angegeben??\n";

                if (progress != null) {
                    // Refreshen:
                    MyDBTable myDB = DBKernel.mainFrame.getMyList().getMyDBTable();
                    if (myDB.getActualTable() != null) {
                        String tablename = myDB.getActualTable().getTablename();
                        if (tablename.equals("Literatur")) {
                log += numSuccess + " erfolgreiche Importe.\n";
                log += numFailed + " fehlgeschlagene Importe.\n";
                log += numPapers + " erfolgreich importierte Datei(en).";
                if (numPapersFailed > 0) log += "\n" + numPapersFailed + " nicht gefundene Datei(en).";
                if (numRisses < numSuccess) log += "\n" + (numSuccess - numRisses) + " fehlgeschlagene Importe der RIS Datei.";
                if (duplicates.size() > 0) {
                    log += "\nSchon drin in DB:\n\n";
                    for (int iii=0;iii<duplicates.size();iii++) {
                        log += duplicates.get(iii) + "\n";
                if (showResults) {
                    InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(log, true, new Dimension(400, 300), null);
                else {
                    System.out.println("MyRisImporter (" + filename + "):\n" + log);
            catch (Exception e) {
      Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
    try {
    catch (InterruptedException e) {
    return "";
     * Imports a Biblioscape Tag File. The format is described on
     * Several
     * Biblioscape field types are ignored. Others are only included in the BibTeX
     * field "comment".

     * Return the name of this import format.
    public String getFormatName() {
        return "RIS";
     *  (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.sf.jabref.imports.ImportFormat#getCLIId()
    public String getCLIId() {
      return "ris";
     * Check whether the source is in the correct format for this importer.
    private boolean isRecognizedFormat(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
        // Our strategy is to look for the "AU  - *" line.
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(getReaderDefaultEncoding(stream));
        Pattern pat1 = Pattern.compile("AU  - .*"),
            pat2 = Pattern.compile("A1  - .*"),
            pat3 = Pattern.compile("A2  - .*");
        String str;
        while ((str = in.readLine()) != null){
            if (pat1.matcher(str).find() || pat2.matcher(str).find() || pat3.matcher(str).find())
                return true;
        return false;
     * Parse the entries in the source, and return a List of BibtexEntry
     * objects.
    private LinkedHashMap<BibtexEntry, String> importEntries(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
        LinkedHashMap<BibtexEntry, String> bibitems = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(getReaderDefaultEncoding(stream));
        String str;
        while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
            if (str.length() > 0) { // Komischerweise sind hier alle zwei Zeilen empty... Also weg damit, wird ja eh nicht benötigt
        String[] entries = sb.toString().split("ER  -");
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
            if (entries[i].trim().length() == 0) {
        String type = "", author = "", editor = "", startPage = "", endPage = "", comment = "";
        String erstautor = "";
        HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
            String[] fields = entries[i].split("\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
            StringBuffer current = new StringBuffer(fields[j]);
            boolean done = false;
            while (!done && (j < fields.length-1)) {
                if ((fields[j+1].length() >= 6) && !fields[j+1].substring(2, 6).equals("  - ")) {
                    if ((current.length() > 0)
                            && !Character.isWhitespace(current.charAt(current.length()-1))
                            && !Character.isWhitespace(fields[j+1].charAt(0)))
                        current.append(' ');
                } else
                    done = true;
            String entry = current.toString();
            if (entry.length() < 6) {
            else {
            String lab = entry.substring(0, 2);
            String val = entry.substring(6).trim();
            if (lab.equals("TY")) {
                if (val.equals("BOOK")) type = "book";
                else if (val.equals("JOUR") || val.equals("MGZN")) type = "article";
                else if (val.equals("THES")) type = "phdthesis";
                else if (val.equals("UNPB")) type = "unpublished";
                else if (val.equals("RPRT")) type = "techreport";
                else if (val.equals("CONF")) type = "inproceedings";
                else if (val.equals("CHAP")) type = "incollection";//"inbook";        
                else type = "other";
            else if (lab.equals("T1") || lab.equals("TI")) hm.put("title", val);//Title
            // =
            // val;
            else if (lab.equals("T2") || lab.equals("T3") || lab.equals("BT")) {
                hm.put("booktitle", val);
            else if (lab.equals("AU") || lab.equals("A1")) {
                if (author.equals("")) // don't add " and " for the first author
                    author = val;
                else author += " and " + val;
                if (lab.equals("A1") && erstautor.length() == 0) erstautor = val;
              else if (lab.equals("A2")) {
                    if (editor.equals("")) // don't add " and " for the first editor
                        editor = val;
                    else editor += " and " + val;
              else if (lab.equals("JA") || lab.equals("JF") || lab.equals("JO")) {
              if (type.equals("inproceedings"))
                  hm.put("booktitle", val);
                  hm.put("journal", val);
               else if (lab.equals("SP"))
                   startPage = val;
               else if (lab.equals("PB")) {
                   if (type.equals("phdthesis"))
                       hm.put("school", val);
                   hm.put("publisher", val);
               else if (lab.equals("AD") || lab.equals("CY"))
                 hm.put("address", val);
               else if (lab.equals("EP"))
                   endPage = val;
               else if (lab.equals("SN"))
                 hm.put("issn", val);
               else if (lab.equals("VL"))
                   hm.put("volume", val);
               else if (lab.equals("IS"))
                   hm.put("number", val);
               else if (lab.equals("L1"))
                   hm.put("pdf", val);
               else if (lab.equals("L2"))
                   hm.put("fulltext", val);
               else if (lab.equals("N2") || lab.equals("AB")) {
                   String oldAb = hm.get("abstract");
                 if (oldAb == null)
                   hm.put("abstract", val);
                     hm.put("abstract", oldAb+"\n"+val);
               else if (lab.equals("UR")) hm.put("url", val);
               else if ((lab.equals("Y1") || lab.equals("PY")) && val.length() >= 4) {
                   String[] parts = val.split("/");
                       hm.put("year", parts[0]);
                       if ((parts.length > 1) && (parts[1].length() > 0)) {
                            try {
                                int month = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
                                if ((month > 0) && (month <= 12)) {
                                    hm.put("month", "#"+MONTHS[month-1]+"#");
                            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                                // The month part is unparseable, so we ignore it.
               else if (lab.equals("KW")) {
                   if (!hm.containsKey("keywords")) hm.put("keywords", val);
                 else {
                    String kw = hm.get("keywords");
                    hm.put("keywords", kw + ", " + val);
               else if (lab.equals("U1") || lab.equals("U2") || lab.equals("N1")) {
                  if (comment.length() > 0)
                      comment = comment+"\n";
                  comment = comment+val;
               // Added ID import 2005.12.01, Morten Alver:
               else if (lab.equals("ID"))
                   hm.put("refid", val);
            // fix authors
            if (author.length() > 0) {
                int index = author.indexOf(" and ");
                if (erstautor.trim().length() == 0) erstautor = index < 0 ? author : author.substring(0, index);                    
                author = AuthorList.fixAuthor_lastNameFirst(author);
                hm.put("author", author);
            if (erstautor.length() > 0) {
                erstautor = AuthorList.fixAuthor_lastNameFirst(erstautor);
                hm.put("erstautor", erstautor);
            if (editor.length() > 0) {
                editor = AuthorList.fixAuthor_lastNameFirst(editor);
                hm.put("editor", editor);
            if (comment.length() > 0) {
                hm.put("comment", comment);
            hm.put("startPage", startPage);
            hm.put("pages", startPage + "--" + endPage);
            BibtexEntry b = new BibtexEntry(BibtexFields.DEFAULT_BIBTEXENTRY_ID, getEntryType(type)); // id assumes an existing database so don't
            // Remove empty fields:
            ArrayList<Object> toRemove = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Iterator<String> it = hm.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Object key =;
                String content = hm.get(key);
                if ((content == null) || (content.trim().length() == 0))
            for (Iterator<Object> iterator = toRemove.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            // create one here
            bibitems.put(b, entries[i]);                
        return bibitems;
    private String[] MONTHS = new String[] { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec" };

    private Reader getReaderDefaultEncoding(InputStream in) throws IOException {
      InputStreamReader reader;
      String encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
      if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("Cp1252")) encoding = "Cp850"; // Cp1252 bekommt die Umlaute nicht so gut hin. ReferenceManager scheint in Cp850 abzuspeichern (OEM vs. ANSI)
      else MyLogger.handleMessage("Was gibts denn noch so für Encodings????? Anderes OS?");
      reader = new InputStreamReader(in, encoding); // "Cp850" oder System.getProperty("file.encoding")
      return reader;
    private BibtexEntryType getEntryType(String type) {
        // decide which entryType object to return
      Object o = BibtexEntryType.ALL_TYPES.get(type);
      if (o != null) {
              return (BibtexEntryType) o;
      } else {
              return BibtexEntryType.OTHER;
       * if(type.equals("article")) return BibtexEntryType.ARTICLE; else
       * if(type.equals("book")) return BibtexEntryType.BOOK; else
       * if(type.equals("inproceedings")) return
       * BibtexEntryType.INPROCEEDINGS;
    private File urlToFile(URL url) { 
        File file = null; 
        try { 
          file = new File(url.toURI()); 
        catch(Exception e) { 
          file = new File(url.getPath()); 
        return file; 
    private URL getMyURL(String strURL) {
        URL myUrl = null;
        try {
              myUrl = new URL(strURL);                                                
          catch (Exception e) {
              if (!strURL.startsWith("file://")) myUrl = getMyURL("file://" + strURL);
          return myUrl;

 * aus
TY  - Type of reference (must be the first tag)
ID  - Reference ID (not imported to reference software)
T1  - Primary title
TI  - Book title
CT  - Title of unpublished reference
A1  - Primary author
A2  - Secondary author (each name on separate line)
AU  - Author (syntax. Last name, First name, Suffix)
Y1  - Primary date
PY  - Publication year (YYYY/MM/DD)
N1  - Notes 
KW  - Keywords (each keyword must be on separate line preceded KW -)
RP  - Reprint status (IN FILE, NOT IN FILE, ON REQUEST (MM/DD/YY))
SP  - Start page number
EP  - Ending page number
JF  - Periodical full name
JO  - Periodical standard abbreviation
JA  - Periodical in which article was published
J1  - Periodical name - User abbreviation 1
J2  - Periodical name - User abbreviation 2
VL  - Volume number
IS  - Issue number
T2  - Title secondary
CY  - City of Publication
PB  - Publisher
U1  - User definable 1
U5  - User definable 5
T3  - Title series
N2  - Abstract
AV  - Availability
M1  - Misc. 1
M3  - Misc. 3
AD  - Address
UR  - Web/URL
L1  - Link to PDF
L2  - Link to Full-text
L3  - Related records
L4  - Images
ER  - End of Reference (must be the last tag)