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Test Coverage
Theme Name: Strip

Adding support for language written in a Right To Left (RTL) direction is easy -
it's just a matter of overwriting all the horizontal positioning attributes
of your CSS stylesheet in a separate stylesheet file named rtl.css.


 * 1.0 - Normalize
body {
    direction: rtl;
    unicode-bidi: embed;

3.0 Elements

td {
    text-align: right;

10.4 Comics
.comic .entry-title {
    font-family: Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 24px;
    font-size: 1.5rem;
    font-weight: 400;
    line-height: 1.2;
    color: #f3e7e7;
    margin-bottom: 0.75em; /* 1em = 24px */
.archive .entry-comic {
    margin-bottom: 2em;
.comic .categories-links a {
    color: #422424;
.comic .post-edit-link {
    padding: 9px 6px 6px 6px;
    font-family: Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-size: 0.625rem;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    letter-spacing: 0.1em;
    color: black;
    background-color: #ffff00;
    text-align: left;
.comic .entry-meta {
    float: right; /* aligns horizontally with categories-links */    
    text-align: right;
    vertical-align: bottom;
    height: 0;
.single-comic .entry-meta {
    display: none;
.navigation-comic a {
    text-decoration: none; /* accessibility: remove to highlight link on hover */
.navigation-comic {
    display: box; /* Fallback for pre 2009 browsers syntax */
    display: -webkit-box;      /* OLD - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6 */
    display: -moz-box;         /* OLD - Firefox 19- (buggy but mostly works) */
    display: -ms-flexbox;      /* TWEENER - IE 10 */
    display: -webkit-flex;     /* NEW - Chrome */         
    display: flex; /* NEW, Spec - Opera 12.1, Firefox 20+ */
    justify-content: space-between;
    width: 100%;
.navigation-comic .nav-first,
.navigation-comic .nav-previous {
    text-align: right;
    width: 19.9%;
.navigation-comic .nav-last,
.navigation-comic .nav-next {
    text-align: left;
    width: 19.9%;
.navigation-comic .nav-title,
.navigation-comic .nav-title a {
    text-align: center;
      color: black;
    font-family: Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-size: 0.75rem;
    letter-spacing: 0.12em;
    text-transform: uppercase;
.navigation-comic .nav-title a:hover,
.comic-episode, .comic-episode a:hover {
  color: #ff7369;
.navigation-comic .nav-previous a,
.navigation-comic .nav-next a,
.navigation-comic .nav-first a,
.navigation-comic .nav-last a {
    background: #faf4f4;
    border-radius: 3px;
    color: #c9a6ab;
    display: inline-block;
    font-family: Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-size: 0.75rem;
    letter-spacing: 0.12em;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 0.6em;
    width: 96px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
.navigation-comic .nav-previous a:hover,
.navigation-comic .nav-next a:hover,
.navigation-comic .nav-first a:hover,
.navigation-comic .nav-last a:hover {
    background: #ff7369;
    color: #fff;
.series-title, .series-title a, .series-title li,
.post-parent-title, .post-parent-title a {
    font-family: Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
    color: black;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-size: 0.75rem;
    line-height: 1.2;
    letter-spacing: 0.12em;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 12px;
.post-parent-title {
    display: inline-block; /* rather than inline-block */
    margin: 0 auto; 
    width: 100%;
/* the comic page title */
.taxonomy-description {
    font: italic 400 24px/1 Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
    margin-bottom: 0.6em;
    text-align: center;
.taxonomy-description a {
    font: 400 24px/1 Futura, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;
    color: white;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    background-color: #EFE9EA;
    padding: 4px;
/* comics blurb */
.author-description {
    margin: auto;
    max-width: 696px;
    background-color: #faf4f4;
    font-family:'Fenix', Georgia, serif;
    text-align: left;
    padding: 1.2em;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-size: 1rem;
    line-height: 1.2;