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Test Coverage
 * All extends, code bits that are reused a lot, don't generate extra css
 * mostly alphabetical, some re-jiggering cause of dependencies

// ambroise defaults, no size set
    font-family $ambroise
    font-style normal
    font-weight 400
    text-transform uppercase

        display inline-block
        font-family inherit
        font-style inherit
        line-height inherit
        transform skew( -5deg ) // dont have italic font...

// default ambroise header (header tags in a post, card headers)
    @extends $ambroise
    font-size 45px
    line-height 40px

    .card &
        line-height 37px

// default body copy
    font-family $exchange
    font-size 18px
    line-height 28px

        font-family $exchange-ital
        font-style normal

// brandon defaults
    font-family $brandon
    font-style normal
    font-weight 400

        display inline-block
        font-family inherit
        font-style inherit
        line-height inherit
        transform skew( -5deg ) // dont have italic font...

// default button and input styles, appliable anywherez
    background $gray-5
    border 0
    border-radius 3px
    box-shadow none
    color $white
    font-family $oxide
    font-size 10px
    letter-spacing .08em
    padding 11px $gutter-med 9px
    transition background $fast $timing
        background $black

 * default card style. make unto antyhing a card
 * 1 fixes box-shadow not working on retina, ios8
    background $white
    border-radius 1px // 1
    border-top 3px solid $black
    box-shadow $depth-1
    margin-bottom $gutter-med
    position relative
    width 100%

// center a thing safely (without messing up top or bottom margin)
    display block
    margin-left auto
    margin-right auto

// extendable clearfix
    clear both
    display block
        content ''
        display table

        clear both

// italic exchange
    font-family $exchange-ital
    font-style normal

// small exchange spec for smart cards
    color $gray-6
    font-family $exchange
    font-size 13px
    line-height 16px

        @extends $exchange-italic

// hopefully temp extension for nav icons
    background-repeat no-repeat
    display block
    overflow hidden

// blue underlines under text
    border-bottom 3px solid $light-blue
    box-shadow inset 0 -5px 0 $light-blue
    color inherit
    transition background $fast $timing
        background $light-blue

    border-bottom 1px solid $light-blue
    box-shadow inset 0 -5px 0 $light-blue
    color inherit
    transition background $fast $timing
        background $light-blue

// dark blue underline for dark bg
    border-bottom 3px solid $dark-blue
    box-shadow inset 0 -5px 0 $dark-blue
    color inherit
    transition background $fast $timing
        background $dark-blue

    border-bottom 1px solid $dark-blue
    box-shadow inset 0 -4px 0 $dark-blue
    color inherit
    transition background $fast $timing
        background $light-blue

// remove list styles from article lists, the extend version
    list-style none

        content ''
        margin 0
        width 0

// oxide defaults
    font-family $oxide
    font-style normal
    font-weight 400
    letter-spacing .08em
    text-transform uppercase

        font-family inherit
        font-style italic
        line-height inherit

// first 3 words in an article usually
    @extends $oxide
    font-size 14px
    line-height 14px

 * slightly out of order cause dependency on oxide
 * meta text (time, bylines, sections, tags, all metadata basically)
    @extends $oxide
    color $gray-5
    display block
    font-size 10px
    line-height 12px
    transition color $fast $timing
        display none

        color black

// remove blue underline under links
    border-bottom 0
    box-shadow none
    outline 0

        background none

// well its proxima
    font-family $proxima
    font-style normal
    font-weight 400

        color inherit

        font-family inherit
        font-style italic
        line-height inherit

// captions, dependent on proxima
    @extends $proxima
    color $gray-4
    font-size 14px
    line-height 20px

// tungsten is the big loud angry typeface
    font-family $tungsten
    font-size 45px
    font-style normal
    font-weight normal
    line-height 36px
    text-transform uppercase

        display inline-block
        font-family inherit
        font-style inherit
        line-height inherit
        transform skew( -5deg )

    // this could be better... @TODO
    .text &
        color $gray-5
        margin-top 2px // same for you

 * Hide element visually, but leave it available for screenreaders
 * anything that gets toggled but needs to be accessible
 * is a good candidate for this instead of display none
    border 0
    clip rect( 0 0 0 0 )
    height 1px
    margin -1px
    overflow hidden
    padding 0
    position absolute
    width 1px