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Test Coverage
 * Grid system, flexbox specs

 * @desc takes our gutter-medand total columns and builds us a grid
col-width( $index )
    $first-value = floor( (100% / $columns) * $index )
    $second-value = unit( round( ($gutter-med / ($columns / $index) - $gutter-med) - 1, 3), 'px' )
    $final-value = s( 'calc(%s + %s)', $first-value, $second-value )
    return $final-value

 * columns, duh.
 * all columns will have this class
 * so as to target them better without regex
    position relative

    @media $mob-plus
            margin-right 0

// row = clearfix basically, no flexbox
    @extends $clearfix
    margin-left auto
    margin-right auto
    width 100%

// row + flexbox functionality

 * loops through all columns, outputs grid for all breakpoints
 * @TODO right now there are 4 main breakpoints. mob sm med big
         we could prolly live with 3.
for i in ( 1 )..( $columns )
    // mobile grid
    @media $mob
            width col-width( i )
            order i

    // small tablet grid
    @media $sm
            width col-width( i )
            order i

    // tablet to small laptop/desktop grid
    @media $med
            width col-width( i )
            order i

    // big laptop and above
    @media $big-plus
            width col-width( i )
            order i

     * stuff below this point are height based queries

    // below 800px tall
    @media $short
            order i

    // below 1000px tall
    @media $tall
        .tall-order-{i} // HA HA HA HA HA HA  GET IT
            order i

    // tablet and below 800px tall
    @media $short-tab
            order i

    // tablet and below 1000px tall
    @media $tall-tab
            order i

// mobile only flexbox
@media $mob

// all columns past mobile size float by default
@media $mob-plus
        flex-direction horizontal
        float left
        margin-right $gutter-med
            float right
            margin-left $gutter-med
            margin-right 0

// @TODO i feel like there must be a less verbose way of setting these
// small tablet overrides
@media $sm
        flex-direction horizontal
        margin-right 0 !important
            font-family $exchange

// big tablet overrides
@media $med
        flex-direction horizontal
        margin-right 0 !important
            font-family $exchange

// desktop overrides
@media $big-plus
        flex-direction horizontal
        margin-right 0 !important
            font-family $exchange