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Test Coverage
 * base nav styles and category styling (and paginate nav)
 * @TODO i hate how convoluted this category stuff is getting, simplify if possible

// primary and secondary sections
    transition( all, $fast, true )
    height 30px

    // if nav is open expand
    .nav-active &
        height 185px

        // take over full screen on tablet or mobile
        @media $med-max
            display block
            height 100%
            // @TODO could prolly just make this a class
            padding-bottom $gutter-huge

     // if not at top and scrolling -down- &
        @media $mob-plus
            transform translate3d( 0, -100%, 0 )

// the load more results guy on paginated pages in the footer
    height 62px // 30px for icon + padding
    width 200px

// actual 1..Total page numbers in the footer
    vertical-align top

    .search &
        margin-top 0

// the actual numbers inside loop-pagination in the footer
    &:not( .next ):not( .prev )
        display inline-block
        margin 28px $gutter-med 0 0
        vertical-align top

        color $black

// the 'paddle' arrows to go between sections / articles
    transition( box-shadow, $fast, true )
    cursor: pointer; // @stylint ignore
    cursor zoom-in
    top 50%
    margin-top -30px
        box-shadow $depth-1

    // neg values hide the borders
        left -1px

        right -1px

    @media $huge-max
        display none

// the wp created paginators on paged pages
    @extends $meta