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Test Coverage
 * Post Header = the area at the start of an article
 * contains the metadata, headline, lead imagery / gallery

// small inset lead art
// @TODO just make this stuff classes
    background $white
    border-top $border-big
    margin $gutter-50 $gutter-50 $gutter-50 -100px
    padding $gutter-med 0 0
    position relative

        border-bottom $border-micro

    @media ( max-width 850px )
        margin $gutter-big 0

 * lead area above body copy
 * metadata, headline, featured img / gallery
    margin-bottom $gutter-50

    // force imgs to be full width inside post-header
    // overriding inline styles... @UGH
    // also this not thing is a bit crazy right @FIXME
    .no-gallery &
        img:not( .photo ):not( .icon ):not( .illo ):not( .creative-commons ):not( .ill-icon )
            min-width 100%

    // space on the right if on normal post
        @media $med-plus
            padding-right 350px

    // this is a fix for a template bug (should not have image in post-header for inset posts) @TODO remove
            display none

    @media $mob
        margin-bottom $gutter-25
        // breaks date and time to new line on mobile
            display block

// post headline defaults to mobile size and scales up big size
// commented out bits will go back in later
#post-title, #review-subtitle
    font-size 45px
    letter-spacing .0075em
    line-height 38px
    margin-bottom $gutter-25

    // bigger headlines on bigger screens
    @media $mob-plus
        font-size 64px
        line-height 55px
        margin-bottom $gutter-50

        // bigger title on wide posts
        .wide &
            font-size 80px
            line-height 65px

    @extends $ambroise

    @extends $tungsten
    color $gray-5
    margin-top $gutter-micro

// if no gallery, make lead img expandable
            cursor pointer // fallback
            cursor zoom-in

            margin-top $gutter-med