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Test Coverage
// Temporary home for pie chart styles
  cursor: pointer
  height: $chart-donut-size
  margin: 0 auto
  position: relative
  width: $chart-donut-size

    position: absolute

    border-radius: 50%

    background-color: $color-gray-xxxl
    height: $chart-donut-size
    width: $chart-donut-size

    background: $color-white
    height: 70%
    left: 15%
    top: 15%
    width: 70%
    z-index: 2

    font-size: 1.3em
    font-weight: 300
    text-align: center
    top: .7em
    width: 100%

    height: $chart-donut-size
    width: $chart-donut-size

    clip: rect( 0, $chart-donut-size, $chart-donut-size, ( $chart-donut-size / 2 ) )

    clip: rect( 0, ($chart-donut-size / 2), $chart-donut-size, 0 )

    height: $chart-donut-size-mini
    width: $chart-donut-size-mini

      height: $chart-donut-size-mini
      width: $chart-donut-size-mini

      height: 64%
      left: 18%
      top: 18%
      width: 64%

      font-size: .85em
      top: .52em

      height: $chart-donut-size-mini
      width: $chart-donut-size-mini

      clip: rect( 0, $chart-donut-size-mini, $chart-donut-size-mini, ($chart-donut-size-mini / 2) )

      clip: rect( 0, ($chart-donut-size-mini / 2), $chart-donut-size-mini, 0 )

  margin-top: 10px
  min-height: 350px
  // height: 100% not actually a thing outside of flexbox or absolute/fixed

    font-size: 1.3em

    padding: 8px 5px
    vertical-align: middle

      font-size: $font-small
      line-height: 1.1

      vertical-align: bottom

    font-size: 21px
    margin: 0 0 25px

  // $TODO why the specificity? tds always come inside trs
      padding-bottom: 25px
      vertical-align: bottom

  // $TODO overly specific?
    background: $color-gray-xxxxxl
    display: block
    font-weight: 300
    line-height: 1
    padding: 3px
    text-align: center

    color: $color-purple

    color: $color-blue

    color: $color-rose

    color: $color-green

      background: $color-purple-lt

      background: $color-blue

      background: $color-rose

      background: $color-green

  margin-bottom: 50px
  width: 100%

  @media ( min-width: $screen-xs-max )
    margin-bottom: 0
    width: 65%

    min-height: 290px

    transition( all, $slow )
    background: $color-gray-xxxl
    border-radius: 16px
    bottom: -10px
    left: -7px
    padding: 0 10px
    transform-origin: left 50%
    transform: rotate( -45deg )

    + .pill
      margin-top: 12px

      color: $color-white

      background: $color-purple

      background: $color-purple-xl

    bottom: 0

  // .legend
  //   bottom: .1em
  //   font-size: 1em
  //   left: .1em
  //   margin: 0 auto
  //   position: absolute
  //   right: 0

    background: $color-gray-xxxl
    height: 5em
    width: 1px

    color: #F48325

    width: 25%

      margin-left: 50%

    // @extends $shadow-l
    display: none
    height: 18px
    top: -18px
    width: 18px
    z-index: 2

    cursor: pointer

    color: $color-gray-xxl
    font-size: 8px
    transition: color .3 ease-out
    width: 1%

      color: $color-purple-l

        display: block

// c3 charts
  font-size: 13px

    font-family: $font-base

    user-select: none

    fill: none
    stroke: $color-gray-xxxl
    // stroke: #000


    &.e-high text
      fill: $color-blue

    &.e-low text
      fill: $color-blue-xl

    &.h-high text
      fill: $color-rose

    &.h-low text
      fill: $color-rose-xl

    opacity: 1 !important

  padding: 0

    vertical-align: top

  @media ( max-width: $screen-xs-max )
    make-sm-column( 12 )
    text-align: center

  @media ( min-width: $screen-sm-min )
    make-sm-column( 4 )

// base c3.css selectors, not used afaik
// .c3-chart-arcs-title
//     font-size: 1.3em

// .c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-line, .c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-step
//     stroke-width: 2px

// .c3-region
//     fill: steelblue
//     fill-opacity: .1

// .c3-brush
//   .extent
//       fill-opacity: .1

// .c3-legend-item
//   font-size: 12px

// .c3-legend-background
//   opacity: 0.75
//   fill: white
//   stroke: lightgray
//   stroke-width: 1

// .c3-tooltip
//   border-collapse:collapse
//   border-spacing:0
//   background-color:#fff
//   empty-cells:show
//   -webkit-box-shadow: 7px 7px 12px -9px rgb(119,119,119)
//   -moz-box-shadow: 7px 7px 12px -9px rgb(119,119,119)
//   box-shadow: 7px 7px 12px -9px rgb(119,119,119)
//   opacity: 0.9
//   tr
//       border:1px solid #CCC
//   th
//       background-color: #aaa
//       font-size:14px
//       padding:2px 5px
//       text-align:left
//       color:#FFF
//   td
//       font-size:13px
//       padding: 3px 6px
//       background-color:#fff
//       border-left:1px dotted #999
//       & > span
//           display: inline-block
//           width: 10px
//           height: 10px
//           margin-right: 6px
//   td.value
//       text-align: right

// .c3-area
//     stroke-width: 0
//     opacity: 0.2

// .c3-chart-arcs
//   .c3-chart-arcs-background
//       fill: #e0e0e0
//       stroke: none
//   .c3-chart-arcs-gauge-unit
//       fill: #000
//       font-size: 16px
//   .c3-chart-arcs-gauge-max
//       fill: #777
//   .c3-chart-arcs-gauge-min
//       fill: #777