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Test Coverage
// all variables will be in this file

$color-blue-xxxl = #ebeffe
$color-blue-xxl = #d1daff
$color-blue-xl = #a5b9ff
$color-blue-l = #7f99ef
$color-blue = #5470bd

$color-blue-neon = rgb( 77, 255, 210 )
$color-green-xxl = #DDF9F8
$color-green-xl = #8EECE7
$color-green-l = #36d8cd
$color-green = #00A39B
$color-green-d = #196666

$tip-2-green = #91d7d9
$tip-3-green = #97bbd9

$color-purple-lt = #a880ef
$color-purple-xl = #c7a6ff
$color-purple-l = #a880ef
$color-purple = #7655bd
$color-purple-d = #4a337a
$color-purple-xd = #4a307b
$color-mauve = #574f77

$color-gray-xxxxxl = #f8f8f8
$color-gray-xxxxl = #f4f4f4
$color-gray-xxxl = #eaeaea
$color-gray-xxl = #ccc
$color-gray-xl = #aaa
$color-gray-l = #999
$color-gray-m = #777
$color-gray-d = #444
$default = #3a3a3a
$color-gray-xd = #222
$color-black = #000
// default gray that firefox uses for outlines
$ff-gray = #212121

$color-gold = #f4b72a
$color-gold-d = #d38a00
$color-gold-xd = #aa7002
$color-yellow = #97a021
$color-yellow-bg = #fef1c9
$color-yellow-bg-d = #fedd98

$color-red = #e74e56
$color-red-d = #b93e45
$color-rose = #bd545c
$color-pink = #e55059
$color-pink-d = #b70e14
$color-rose-xxxl = #fdeaec
$color-rose-xxl = #fec1c5
$color-rose-xl = #ffa5a8
$color-rose-l = #ef7f83

$color-purple-xxxl = #fbf9ff
$color-purple-xxl = #f1ecff
$color-white = #fff
$color-start-white = #D0FFEB

// font and typeface variables
// @TODO make into system
$font-small = 12px
$font-base = 14px
$font-big = 18px
$font-bigger = 21px

// $font-l = 13pt
// $font-xl = 16pt
// $font-xxl = 21pt

$font-source-sans-pro = 'Source Sans Pro', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
$font-museo = MuseoIodine, 'Open Sans', Calibri, sans-serif
$font-icons = 'socicon'

// Directory where font files are located
$font-path = '../fonts/'

// animation stuff.
// keep animations consistent
$timing = cubic-bezier( .33, .66, .66, 1 )

// transition durations
$fast = .15s
$slow = .35s
$very-slow = .5s
$molasses = 1s

// depth vars (dem shadows)
$depth-1 = -1px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .12 )\, 1px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .12 )\, 0 1px 1px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .24 )
$depth-2 = -2px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .16 )\, 2px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .16 )\, 0 2px 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .23 )
$depth-3 = -3px -3px 3px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .19 )\, 3px 0 3px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .19 )\, 0 3px 3px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .23 )

// Grid system
// change this and ~*EVERYTHING CHANGES 4EVA*~
$columns = 12

// Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right.
// @TODO define a gutter system
$gutter = 15px

// max width of site
$max-width = 932px

// maxer, biggerer, wider
$max-width-plus = 1132px

// breakpoints
$mob = '( max-width 480px )'
$mob-plus = '( min-width 481px )'

$tab = '( min-width 768px ) and ( max-width 991px )'
$tab-max = '( max-width 768px )'
$tab-plus = '( min-width 768px )'

$desk = '( min-width 992px ) and ( max-width 1199px )'
$desk-max = '( max-width 1199px )'
$desk-plus = '( min-width 992px )'

$lg = '( min-width 1200px ) and ( max-width 1499px )'
$lg-max = '( max-width 1499px )'
$lg-plus = '( min-width 1200px )'

$huge = '( min-width 1500px )'

$retina = 'only screen and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio 1.5 ), only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio 1.5 ), only screen and ( min-resolution 240dpi )'

// portrait and landscape
$ipad = 'only screen and ( min-device-width 768px ) and ( max-device-width 1024px )'
$ipad-landscape = 'only screen and ( min-device-width 768px ) and ( max-device-width 1024px ) and ( orientation landscape )'
$ipad-portrait = 'only screen and ( min-device-width 768px ) and ( max-device-width 1024px ) and ( orientation portrait )'

// used in compare.less
$compare-width = 420px
$compare-cell = 140px
$compare-cell-height = 140px
$compare-width-xs = 246px
$compare-cell-xs = 82px
$compare-cell-height-xs = 82px

// also used in compare.less
$chart-donut-size = 4.8em
$chart-donut-size-mini = 3em

// bootstrap craziness below
$padding-base-vertical =     6px
$padding-base-horizontal =   12px

$padding-large-vertical =    10px
$padding-large-horizontal =  16px

$padding-small-vertical =    5px
$padding-small-horizontal =  10px

$padding-xs-vertical =       1px
$padding-xs-horizontal =     5px

$line-height-large =         1.33
$line-height-small =         1.5

$border-radius-base =        4px
$border-radius-large =       6px
$border-radius-small =       3px

//** Unit-less `line-height` for use in components like buttons.
$line-height-base = 1.428571429 // 20/14
//** Computed "line-height" (`font-size` * `line-height`) for use with `margin`, `padding`, etc.
$line-height-computed = floor(($font-base * $line-height-base)) // ~20px

$font-size-large = ceil( unit( $font-base * 1.25, 'px' ) ) // ~18px
$font-size-small = ceil( unit($font-base * .85, 'px' ) ) // ~12px

//** Default `.form-control` height
$input-height-base = ( $line-height-computed + ($padding-base-vertical * 2) + 2 )
//** Large `.form-control` height
$input-height-large = ( ceil($font-size-large * $line-height-large) + ($padding-large-vertical * 2) + 2 )
//** Small `.form-control` height
$input-height-small = ( floor($font-size-small * $line-height-small) + ($padding-small-vertical * 2) + 2 )

//== Alerts
//## Define alert colors, border radius, and padding.
$alert-padding =               15px
$alert-border-radius =         $border-radius-base
$alert-link-font-weight =      bold

$alert-success-bg =            $state-success-bg
$alert-success-text =          $state-success-text
$alert-success-border =        $state-success-border

$alert-info-bg =               $state-info-bg
$alert-info-text =             $state-info-text
$alert-info-border =           $state-info-border

$alert-warning-bg =            $state-warning-bg
$alert-warning-text =          $state-warning-text
$alert-warning-border =        $state-warning-border

$alert-danger-bg =             $state-danger-bg
$alert-danger-text =           $state-danger-text
$alert-danger-border =         $state-danger-border

//== Form states and alerts
//## Define colors for form feedback states and, by default, alerts.

$state-success-text =             #3c763d
$state-success-bg =               #dff0d8
$state-success-border =           darken(spin($state-success-bg, -10), 5%)

$state-info-text =                #31708f
$state-info-bg =                  #d9edf7
$state-info-border =              darken(spin($state-info-bg, -10), 7%)

$state-warning-text =             #8a6d3b
$state-warning-bg =               #fcf8e3
$state-warning-border =           darken(spin($state-warning-bg, -10), 5%)

$state-danger-text =              #a94442
$state-danger-bg =                #f2dede
$state-danger-border =            darken(spin($state-danger-bg, -10), 5%)

//== Progress bars

//** Background color of the whole progress component
$progress-bg =                 #f5f5f5
//** Progress bar text color
$progress-bar-color =          #fff

//** Default progress bar color
$progress-bar-bg =             $brand-primary
//** Success progress bar color
$progress-bar-success-bg =     $brand-success
//** Warning progress bar color
$progress-bar-warning-bg =     $brand-warning
//** Danger progress bar color
$progress-bar-danger-bg =      $brand-danger
//** Info progress bar color
$progress-bar-info-bg =        $brand-info

//== Buttons
//## For each of Bootstrap's buttons, define text, background and border color.

$btn-font-weight =                normal
$brand-primary =         #428bca
$brand-success =         #5cb85c
$brand-info =            #5bc0de
$brand-warning =         #f0ad4e
$brand-danger =          #d9534f

$gray-darker =            lighten(#000, 13.5%) // #222
$gray-dark =              lighten(#000, 20%)   // #333
$gray =                   lighten(#000, 33.5%) // #555
$gray-light =             lighten(#000, 60%)   // #999
$gray-lighter =           lighten(#000, 93.5%) // #eee

$btn-default-color = #333
$btn-default-bg = #fff
$btn-default-border = #ccc

$btn-primary-color = #fff
$btn-primary-bg = $brand-primary
$btn-primary-border = darken($btn-primary-bg, 5%)

$btn-success-color = #fff
$btn-success-bg = $brand-success
$btn-success-border = darken($btn-success-bg, 5%)

$btn-info-color = #fff
$btn-info-bg = $brand-info
$btn-info-border = darken($btn-info-bg, 5%)

$btn-warning-color = #fff
$btn-warning-bg = $brand-warning
$btn-warning-border = darken($btn-warning-bg, 5%)

$btn-danger-color = #fff
$btn-danger-bg = $brand-danger
$btn-danger-border =  darken($btn-danger-bg, 5%)

$btn-link-disabled-col = $gray-light

$user-bar-button-padding = 1.25em
$account-popup-height = 2.5em

$font-print-large = 16pt
$font-print-small = 11pt
$timeline-print-height = 13pt

// Extra small screen / phone
// $screen-xs = 480px
// $screen-xs-min = $screen-xs
// $screen-phone =  $screen-xs-min

// // Small screen / tablet
// $screen-sm = 768px
// $screen-sm-min = $screen-sm
// $screen-tablet = $screen-sm-min

// // Medium screen / desktop
// $screen-md = 992px
// $screen-md-min = $screen-md
// $screen-desktop = $screen-md-min

// // Large screen / wide desktop
// $screen-lg = 1200px
// $screen-lg-min = $screen-lg
// $screen-lg-desktop = $screen-lg-min

// // So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum
// $screen-xs-max = ($screen-sm-min - 1)
// $screen-sm-max = ($screen-md-min - 1)
// $screen-md-max = ($screen-lg-min - 1)

// // Change bootstrap breakpoints
// $screen-sm = 800px
// $container-tablet = 740px + $grid-gutter-width

// $screen-md = 1000px
// $container-desktop = 940px + $grid-gutter-width

// $screen-lg = 1300px
// $container-large-desktop = 1240px + $grid-gutter-width

// // Bootstrap grid extension for extra-large screen
// $screen-xl = 1500px
// $screen-xl-min = $screen-xl
// $screen-xl-desktop = $screen-xl-min
// $screen-lg-max = $screen-xl-min - 1

// $container-xl-desktop = 1440px + $grid-gutter-width
// $container-xl = $container-xl-desktop