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Test Coverage
 * General vars, colors, fonts, block vars, hashes, etc

// section colors
$business = #009F5E// #6dc8b7
$design = #A0C9CC // #28a3ab
$entertainment = #41274B// #40264d
$gear = #1F849F // #956771
$science = #FFC036 // #fabf0b
$security = #621200 // #f33946
$uncategorized = #CCCCCC // #f33946

// other colors
$dark-blue = #12679b
$old-blue = #00aeef
$light-blue = #b4e7f8

// grays are in a hash at the bottom cause i loop through em in places
$black = #000
$white = #fff

// i know white 2 is a weird name but oh well. white but transparent
$white-2 = rgba( 255, 255, 255, .98 )

$gray-1 = rgba( 0, 0, 0, .035 ) // lightest gray
$gray-2 = rgba( 0, 0, 0, .06 ) // equivalent to #efefef (old lightest gray)
$gray-3 = rgba( 0, 0, 0, .2 ) // equivalent to #ccc
$gray-4 = rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) // equivalent to #999
$gray-5 = rgba( 0, 0, 0, .5 ) // equivalent to #666
$gray-6 = rgba( 0, 0, 0, .8 ) // equivalent to #333
$gray-7 = rgba( 0, 0, 0, .98 ) // basically, black but slightly transparent

// vars for grid system and helpers
$gutter-nano = 2px
$gutter-micro = unit( $gutter-nano * 2, 'px' ) // 4
$gutter-sm = unit( $gutter-micro * 2, 'px' ) // 8
$gutter-med = unit( $gutter-sm * 2, 'px' ) // 16
$gutter-big = unit( $gutter-med * 2, 'px' ) // 32
$gutter-huge = unit( $gutter-big * 2, 'px' ) // 64

// not part of the 'system' but still used
$gutter-25 = 25px
$gutter-50 = 50px

// borders
$border-micro = 1px solid rgba( 0, 0, 0, .18 )
$border-micro-white = 1px solid rgba( 255, 255, 255, .18 )
$border-sm = 1px solid $black
$border = 3px solid $black
$border-big = 10px solid $black

// change this and ~*EVERYTHING CHANGES 4EVA*~
$columns = 18

// max width of site
$max-width = 932px

// depth vars
$depth-1 = -1px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .12 )\, 1px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .12 )\, 0 1px 1px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .24 )
$depth-2 = -2px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .16 )\, 2px 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .16 )\, 0 2px 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .23 )
$depth-3 = -3px -3px 3px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .19 )\, 3px 0 3px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .19 )\, 0 3px 3px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, .23 )

// animation stuff.
// used for every transition, to keep our animations consistent
$timing = cubic-bezier( .33, .66, .66, 1 )

// most animations are $fast, but a few are $slow and a couple are $very-slow
$fast = .15s
$slow = .35s
$very-slow = .5s
$molasses = 1s

 * fonts
 * ambroise = newspapery headline font
 * proxima = captions
 * exchange = the serif font used for body copy
 * exchange ital = same as above but italic
 * oxide = metadata font
 * tungsten = special case headline for da big stories
$ambroise = ambroise-francois-std, 'Bodoni 72', Didot, 'Hoe­fler Text', serif
$brandon = brandon-text, 'Gill Sans', $helveticaBold
$helveticaBold = HelveticaNeue-Bold, 'Helvetica Neue Bold', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif
$proxima = proxima-nova, $helveticaBold
$exchange = 'Exchange SSm 4r', Georgia, serif
$exchangeItal = 'Exchange SSm 4i', $exchange
$oxide = ff-oxide-solid-web, $helveticaBold
$tungsten = 'tungsten', $proxima

// breakpoints
$mob = '( max-width 660px )'
$mob-plus = '( min-width 661px )'

$sm = '( min-width 661px ) and ( max-width 768px )'

$med = '( min-width 769px ) and ( max-width 960px )'
$med-max = '( max-width 768px )'
$med-plus = '( min-width 769px )'

$big = '( min-width 961px ) and ( max-width 1199px )'
$big-max = '( max-width 960px )'
$big-plus = '( min-width 961px )'

$huge = '( min-width 1200px )'
$huge-max = '( max-width 1200px )'

$short = '( min-width 961px ) and ( max-height 900px )'
$tall = '( min-width 961px ) and ( max-height 1200px )'
$short-tab = '( min-width 769px ) and ( max-width 960px ) and ( max-height 900px )'
$tall-tab = '( min-width 769px ) and ( max-width 960px ) and ( max-height 1200px )'

// this crazy block is just for nav-icons
// auto generated, dont bother editing it
$business-color-sm = -63px -7px 40px 40px
$business-white-sm = -113px -7px 40px 40px
$design-color-sm = -213px -7px 40px 40px
$design-white-sm = -313px -7px 40px 40px
$entertainment-color-sm = -413px -7px 40px 40px
$entertainment-white-sm = -513px -7px 40px 40px
$gear-color-sm = -12px -7px 40px 40px
$gear-white-sm = -560px -7px 40px 40px
$science-color-sm = -460px -7px 40px 40px
$science-white-sm = -360px -7px 40px 40px
$security-color-sm = -263px -7px 40px 40px
$security-white-sm = -163px -7px 40px 40px

$business-color = -687px -5px 72px 72px
$business-white = -1425px -5px 72px 72px
$design-color = -1261px -5px 72px 72px
$design-white = -605px -5px 72px 72px
$entertainment-color = -933px -5px 72px 72px
$entertainment-white = -769px -5px 72px 72px
$gear-color = -1097px -5px 72px 72px
$gear-white = -851px -5px 72px 72px
$science-color = -1015px -5px 72px 72px
$science-white = -1179px -5px 72px 72px
$security-color = -1343px -5px 72px 72px
$security-white = -1507px -5px 72px 72px

 * @description All re-usable blocks, just adding them as needed for now
 * @reference
big-title = @block
    font-size 24px
    line-height 26px
    margin 5px

 * make unto a thing a basic card
card = @block
    background $white
    border-top $border
    border-radius 1px // fixes drop shadow problem on mob
    margin-bottom $gutter-med
    position relative
    width 100%

 * sets max-width of site
site-container = @block
    margin-left auto
    margin-right auto
    max-width $max-width
    position relative
    width s( 'calc(100% - (%s * 2))', $gutter-med )

 * collapses smart cards to only 3 stories
 * @see helpers.styl for use
 * @note so, pending design changes to list cards we might not need this
squish = @block
    max-height 465px
    overflow hidden

        display none

 * @description All hashes, just adding them as needed for now
 * @reference

 * handy dandy directions hash
 * see helpers.styl for an example
$directions = {
    t: top,
    r: right,
    b: bottom,
    l: left

// hash for the various grays in use
$grays = {
    '1': rgba( 0, 0, 0, .035 ),
    '2': rgba( 0, 0, 0, .06 ),
    '3': rgba( 0, 0, 0, .2 ),
    '4': rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ),
    '5': rgba( 0, 0, 0, .5 ),
    '6': rgba( 0, 0, 0, .8 ),

// everything is multiplied by 2 (except for the 25 and 50).  2 : 4 : 8 : 16 : 32 : 64
$sizes = {
    nano: $gutter-nano,
    micro: $gutter-micro,
    sm: $gutter-sm,
    med: $gutter-med,
    big: $gutter-big,
    huge: $gutter-huge

 * color hash for header category loopin'
 * includes child category color fallback
 * nav-base.styl has an example use case of this
$section-colors = {
    business: $business, // parent
    wiredenterprise: $business,
    enterprise: $business,
    insights: $business,
    business-conference: $business,
    design: $design, // parent
    rawfile: $design,
    entertainment: $entertainment, // parent
    opinion: $entertainment,
    underwire: $entertainment,
    gamelife: $entertainment,
    entertainment-apps: $entertainment,
    gear: $gear, // parent
    gadgetlab: $gear,
    autopia: $gear,
    reviews: $gear,
    science: $science, // parent
    wiredscience: $science,
    science-blogs: $science,
    security: $security, // parent
    dangerroom: $security,
    threatlevel: $security,
    uncategorized: $uncategorized // used for article without a primary category (e.g., Geek Dad)