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Test Coverage
package suite

import (



// YAMLSuiteConf will be used for unmarshalling the yaml test suite
type YAMLSuiteConf struct {
    Tests  map[string]YAMLTest     `yaml:"tests"`
    Config YAMLTestConfigConf      `yaml:"config,omitempty"`
    Nodes  map[string]YAMLNodeConf `yaml:"nodes,omitempty"`

// YAMLTestConfigConf is a struct to represent the test config
type YAMLTestConfigConf struct {
    InheritEnv bool              `yaml:"inherit-env,omitempty"`
    Env        map[string]string `yaml:"env,omitempty"`
    Dir        string            `yaml:"dir,omitempty"`
    Timeout    string            `yaml:"timeout,omitempty"`
    Retries    int               `yaml:"retries,omitempty"`
    Interval   string            `yaml:"interval,omitempty"`
    Nodes      []string          `yaml:"nodes,omitempty"`

type YAMLNodeConf struct {
    Name           string `yaml:"-"`
    Type           string `yaml:"type"`
    User           string `yaml:"user,omitempty"`
    Pass           string `yaml:"pass,omitempty"`
    Addr           string `yaml:"addr,omitempty"`
    Image          string `yaml:"image,omitempty"`
    IdentityFile   string `yaml:"identity-file,omitempty"`
    Privileged     bool   `yaml:"privileged,omitempty"`
    DockerExecUser string `yaml:"docker-exec-user,omitempty"`

// YAMLTest represents a test in the yaml test suite
type YAMLTest struct {
    Title    string             `yaml:"-"`
    Command  string             `yaml:"command,omitempty"`
    ExitCode int                `yaml:"exit-code"`
    Stdout   interface{}        `yaml:"stdout,omitempty"`
    Stderr   interface{}        `yaml:"stderr,omitempty"`
    Config   YAMLTestConfigConf `yaml:"config,omitempty"`
    Skip     bool               `yaml:"skip,omitempty"`

// ParseYAML parses the Suite from a yaml byte slice
func ParseYAML(content []byte, fileName string) Suite {
    yamlConfig := YAMLSuiteConf{}

    err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(content, &yamlConfig)
    if err != nil {

    tests := convertYAMLSuiteConfToTestCases(yamlConfig, fileName)

    return Suite{
        TestCases: tests,
        Config: runtime.GlobalTestConfig{
            InheritEnv: yamlConfig.Config.InheritEnv,
            Env:        yamlConfig.Config.Env,
            Dir:        yamlConfig.Config.Dir,
            Timeout:    yamlConfig.Config.Timeout,
            Retries:    yamlConfig.Config.Retries,
            Interval:   yamlConfig.Config.Interval,
            Nodes:      yamlConfig.Config.Nodes,
        Nodes: convertNodes(yamlConfig.Nodes),

func convertNodes(nodeConfs map[string]YAMLNodeConf) []runtime.Node {
    var nodes []runtime.Node
    for _, v := range nodeConfs {
        node := runtime.Node{
            Pass:           v.Pass,
            Type:           v.Type,
            User:           v.User,
            Addr:           v.Addr,
            Name:           v.Name,
            Image:          v.Image,
            IdentityFile:   v.IdentityFile,
            Privileged:     v.Privileged,
            DockerExecUser: v.DockerExecUser,

        nodes = append(nodes, node)
    return nodes

// Convert YAMLSuiteConf to runtime TestCases
func convertYAMLSuiteConfToTestCases(conf YAMLSuiteConf, fileName string) []runtime.TestCase {
    var tests []runtime.TestCase
    for _, t := range conf.Tests {
        tests = append(tests, runtime.TestCase{
            Title: t.Title,
            Command: runtime.CommandUnderTest{
                Cmd:        t.Command,
                InheritEnv: t.Config.InheritEnv,
                Env:        t.Config.Env,
                Dir:        t.Config.Dir,
                Timeout:    t.Config.Timeout,
                Retries:    t.Config.Retries,
                Interval:   t.Config.Interval,
            Expected: runtime.Expected{
                ExitCode: t.ExitCode,
                Stdout:   t.Stdout.(runtime.ExpectedOut),
                Stderr:   t.Stderr.(runtime.ExpectedOut),
            Nodes:    t.Config.Nodes,
            FileName: fileName,
            Skip:     t.Skip,

    return tests

// Convert variable to string and remove trailing blank lines
func toString(s interface{}) string {
    return strings.Trim(fmt.Sprintf("%s", s), "\n")

// UnmarshalYAML unmarshals the yaml
func (y *YAMLSuiteConf) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
    var params struct {
        Tests  map[string]YAMLTest     `yaml:"tests"`
        Config YAMLTestConfigConf      `yaml:"config"`
        Nodes  map[string]YAMLNodeConf `yaml:"nodes"`

    err := unmarshal(&params)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // map key to title property
    y.Tests = make(map[string]YAMLTest)
    for k, v := range params.Tests {
        test := YAMLTest{
            Title:    k,
            Command:  v.Command,
            ExitCode: v.ExitCode,
            Stdout:   y.convertToExpectedOut(v.Stdout),
            Stderr:   y.convertToExpectedOut(v.Stderr),
            Config:   v.Config,
            Skip:     v.Skip,

        // Set key as command, if command property was empty
        if v.Command == "" {
            test.Command = k

        y.Tests[k] = test

    y.Nodes = make(map[string]YAMLNodeConf)
    for k, v := range params.Nodes {
        node := YAMLNodeConf{
            Name:           k,
            Addr:           v.Addr,
            User:           v.User,
            Type:           v.Type,
            Pass:           v.Pass,
            IdentityFile:   v.IdentityFile,
            Image:          v.Image,
            Privileged:     v.Privileged,
            DockerExecUser: v.DockerExecUser,

        y.Nodes[k] = node

    // Parse global configuration
    y.Config = YAMLTestConfigConf{
        InheritEnv: params.Config.InheritEnv,
        Env:        params.Config.Env,
        Dir:        params.Config.Dir,
        Timeout:    params.Config.Timeout,
        Retries:    params.Config.Retries,
        Interval:   params.Config.Interval,
        Nodes:      params.Config.Nodes,

    return nil

// Converts given value to an ExpectedOut. Especially used for Stdout and Stderr.
func (y *YAMLSuiteConf) convertToExpectedOut(value interface{}) runtime.ExpectedOut {
    exp := runtime.ExpectedOut{
        JSON: make(map[string]string),

    switch value.(type) {
    // If only a string was passed it is assigned to exactly automatically
    case string:
        exp.Contains = []string{toString(value)}

    // If there is nested map set the properties will be assigned to the contains
    case map[interface{}]interface{}:
        v := value.(map[interface{}]interface{})
        // Check if keys are parsable
        // TODO: Could be refactored into a registry maybe which holds all parsers
        for k := range v {
            switch k {
                panic(fmt.Sprintf("Key %s is not allowed.", k))

        // Parse contains key
        if contains := v["contains"]; contains != nil {
            values := contains.([]interface{})
            for _, v := range values {
                exp.Contains = append(exp.Contains, toString(v))

        // Parse exactly key
        if exactly := v["exactly"]; exactly != nil {
            exp.Exactly = toString(exactly)

        // Parse file key
        if file := v["file"]; file != nil {
            exp.File = toString(file)

        // Parse line-count key
        if lc := v["line-count"]; lc != nil {
            exp.LineCount = lc.(int)

        // Parse lines
        if l := v["lines"]; l != nil {
            exp.Lines = make(map[int]string)
            for k, v := range l.(map[interface{}]interface{}) {
                exp.Lines[k.(int)] = toString(v)

        if notContains := v["not-contains"]; notContains != nil {
            values := notContains.([]interface{})
            for _, v := range values {
                exp.NotContains = append(exp.NotContains, toString(v))

        if json := v["json"]; json != nil {
            values := json.(map[interface{}]interface{})
            for k, v := range values {
                exp.JSON[k.(string)] = v.(string)
    case nil:
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse Stdout or Stderr with values: %v", value))

    return exp

// MarshalYAML adds custom logic to the struct to yaml conversion
func (y YAMLSuiteConf) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
    // Detect which values of the stdout/stderr assertions should be filled.
    // If all values are empty except Contains it will convert it to a single string
    // to match the easiest test suite definitions
    for k, t := range y.Tests {
        t.Stdout = convertExpectedOut(t.Stdout.(runtime.ExpectedOut))
        if reflect.ValueOf(t.Stdout).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
            t.Stdout = t.Stdout.(runtime.ExpectedOut)

        t.Stderr = convertExpectedOut(t.Stderr.(runtime.ExpectedOut))
        if reflect.ValueOf(t.Stderr).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
            t.Stderr = t.Stderr.(runtime.ExpectedOut)

        y.Tests[k] = t

    return y, nil

func (y *YAMLSuiteConf) mergeNodes(nodes map[string]YAMLNodeConf, globalNodes map[string]YAMLNodeConf) map[string]YAMLNodeConf {
    return nodes

func convertExpectedOut(out runtime.ExpectedOut) interface{} {
    // If the property contains consists of only one element it will be set without the struct structure
    if isContainsASingleNonEmptyString(out) && propertiesAreEmpty(out) {
        return out.Contains[0]

    // If the contains property only has one empty string element it should not be displayed
    // in the marshaled yaml file
    if len(out.Contains) == 1 && out.Contains[0] == "" {
        out.Contains = nil

    if len(out.Contains) == 0 && propertiesAreEmpty(out) {
        return nil
    return out

func propertiesAreEmpty(out runtime.ExpectedOut) bool {
    return out.Lines == nil &&
        out.Exactly == "" &&
        out.LineCount == 0 &&
        out.NotContains == nil

func isContainsASingleNonEmptyString(out runtime.ExpectedOut) bool {
    return len(out.Contains) == 1 &&
        out.Contains[0] != ""