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# express-reaccess
> Express middleware to check user access based on the ressources URIs and
 HTTP methods.

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See [those slides]( to know more about the `reaccess` project principles.

## Usage
var reaccess = require('express-reaccess');

  rightsProps: ['_rights'],
  valuesProps: ['_user'],

Assumming a middleware placed before the above example and adding properties
 like this on the request object for a given authenticated user:
req._user = {
  id: 1,
  login: 'nfroidure',
  organization: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'simplifield',
req._rights = [{
  path: '/users/:login',
  methods: reaccess.METHODS ^ reaccess.DELETE,
}, {
  path: '/organisations/',
  methods: reaccess.OPTIONS | reaccess.HEAD | reaccess.GET,
}, {
  path: 'public/(.*)',
  methods: reaccess.OPTIONS | reaccess.HEAD | reaccess.GET,

Then, the user will be able to access the following URI/method couples:
- OPTIONS/HEAD/GET/PUT/POST - /users/nfroidure
- OPTIONS/HEAD/GET - /organizations/simplifield
- OPTIONS/GET/HEAD - /public/*

**Warning:** Since this middleware is based on RegExp, you have to be aware of
 RegExp special chars. By example, the following rules:
req._rights = [{
  path: '/blog/posts/([0-9]+)/?page=([0-9]+)',
  methods: reaccess.OPTIONS | reaccess.HEAD | reaccess.GET,
Will allow access to 'blog/posts/1page=1' which is probably not what you want.
 So, do not forget to escape special chars:
req._rights = [{
  path: '/blog/posts/([0-9]+)/\\?page=([0-9]+)',
  methods: reaccess.OPTIONS | reaccess.HEAD | reaccess.GET,
The best is to unit test your access rules. Note that the ^ and $ chars are
 respectively added to the begin/end of the regular expression before executing

## API

### reaccess(options)

### options
Type: `Object`

The options of the reaccess middleware.

### options.rightsProps
Type: `Array` of `String`s
Default: `'user.rights'`

The properties in wich the user rights will be read. This property must be filled
on the request object by any other middleware.

This property must contain an `Array` of object of this kind :
req.user.rights = [{
  path: '/organizations/:orgId/users.json'
  methods: reaccess.GET | reaccess.POST

### options.valuesProps
Type: `Array` of `String`s

The properties in which any templated value found in the path must be searched

By example, if the user rights are the following :
req.user.rights = [{
  path: '/organizations/'
  methods: reaccess.GET | reaccess.POST
He will be able to access this URI /organizations/1/users.json if a previously
set middleware have set the `` to `1` and `options.valuesProps` to

### options.errorConstructor
Type: `Error` constructor
Default: `Error`

Allows to use your own Error contructor for reaccess access errors.

### options.accessErrorMessage
Type: `String`
Default: `Unauthorized access!`

Allows to define your own error message. Note this middleware will not throw
 401 responses for you. This is your responsibility to do so in your own error
 handler middleware. Defining a custom access error message could help detect
 when to answer with a 401 status code.

## Static methods
`express-reaccess` comes with some convenience static methods to deal with `methods`

### boolean : reaccess.test(rights, values, method, path)
Return a boolean indicating if the given method/path matches the given rights.

### [objects] : reaccess.getRightsFromReq(rightsProps, req)
Extract rights from the actual request.

### [any] : reaccess.getValuesFromReq(valuesProps, req)
Extract template values from the actual request.

### [strings] : reaccess.methodsAsStrings(methods)
Return an array of strings from the methods property of a right.

### methods : reaccess.stringsToMethods(strings)
Return the methods value of a right from an array of strings.

## Static properties
Reaccess use bitwise operators to match methods. The reaccess function provides
 static constants to help you make cleaner code.

### reaccess.OPTIONS
Type: `Number`
Value: `1`

### reaccess.HEAD
Type: `Number`
Value: `2`

### reaccess.GET
Type: `Number`
Value: `4`

### reaccess.POST
Type: `Number`
Value: `8`

### reaccess.PUT
Type: `Number`
Value: `16`

### reaccess.PATCH
Type: `Number`
Value: `32`

### reaccess.DELETE
Type: `Number`
Value: `64`

### reaccess.READ_MASK
Type: `Number`
Value: `7`

### reaccess.WRITE_MASK
Type: `Number`
Value: `120`

### reaccess.ALL_MASK
Type: `Number`
Value: `127`

## Want more ?

express-reaccess supports multivalued path templates. The following rights/values couple:

req._rights = [{
  path: '/organizations/'
  methods: reaccess.GET | reaccess.POST
req.user.organizations = [{
  id: 1,
  name: 'FranceJS'
}, {
  id: 2,
  name: 'ChtiJS'
}]; = 3;
Will give access to GET/POST /organizations/1/users/3.json and
 GET/POST /organizations/2/users/3.json.

You also can use the express-reaccess middleware several times to bring a
 fine access control of your API to your consumers:
// Access control based on the pricing plan of the user organization
  rightsProps: ['pricingPlan.rights'],
  valuesProps: ['organization']

// Access control based on the user rights set per each organization administrator
  rightsProps: ['user.rights'],
  valuesProps: ['user']

## Debugging

To debug access checks, just use the `DEBUG=express-reaccess` environnement variable.

## Note for AngularJS users

If you use AngularJS for your frontend, you may be interested by the

## Stats
