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# OH - CSV
Simple and highly configurable CSV/TSV parser and encoder.

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## Usage
var csv = require('oh-csv');

### Parsing CSV

var parser = new csv.Parser({
  sep: ',',
  linesep: ['\n', '\r', '\r\n'],
  quote: '"',
  esc: '\\'

parser.on('readable', function() {
  var row;
  while(row = {

parser.write('1,Nicolas Froidure,');
// [1, 'Nicolas Froidure', '']


Alternatively, you can specify fields to map them to an object properties:
var parser = new csv.Parser({
  fields: ['id', 'name', 'email'], // fields are required for this mode
  sep: ',',
  linesep: ['\n', '\r', '\r\n'],
  quote: '"',
  esc: '\\'

parser.on('readable', function() {
  var row;
  while(row = {

parser.write('1,Nicolas Froidure,');
// {
//  id: 1,
//  name: 'Nicolas Froidure',
//  email: ''
// }


### Encoding to CSV

var encoder = new csv.Encoder({
  fields: ['id', 'name', 'email']


// Array form
encoder.write([1, 'Nicolas Froidure', '']);
// '1,Nicolas Froidure,'

// Object form (you need to specify fields)
  email: '',
  name: 'Nicolas Froidure'
// '1,Nicolas Froidure,'

### Transforming CSV on the fly

No library needed, DIY !

var fs = require('fs');
var parser = new csv.Parser();
var encoder = new csv.Encoder();

var Transform = require('stream').Transform;
var transformer = new Transform({objectMode: true});
transformer._transform = function(row, unused, cb) {
  row[name] = row[name].toLowerCase();


### Excel compatible CSV
We've added a simple wrapper to get a CSV stream compatible with Excel for
 both OSX and Windows from a csv.encoder instance:

  var encoder = new csv.Encoder(csv.tsvOpts);

### Predefined options
There are some CSV and TSV predefined objects in order to allow you to choose
 your format in a simpler manner.

#### csv.csvOpts

[CSV (Comma-Separated Values)](
 as it's commonly found.

#### csv.tsvOpts

[TSV (Tabulation-Separated Values)](

#### csv.csvRFCOpts

The [RFC 4180]( CSV format.

## API

### csv.Parser(options:Object)

Create a new CSV Parser transform stream with `options` as defined in the
 options section.

### csv.Encoder(options:Object)

Create a new CSV Encoder transform stream with `options` as defined in
 the options section.

### Options

The options object is meant to be usable either with the Parser and the Encoder.

#### options.sep:Array
Default: `[',']`

The strings used for separating values. The first string is used to encode CSV.
 Separators can have several chars (useless thus essential).

#### options.linesep:Array
Default: `['\r\n', '\r', '\n']`

The strings used for separating lines. The first string is used to encode CSV.

#### options.quote:Array
Default: `['"']`

The strings used for quoting values. The first string is used to encode CSV.

#### options.toQuote:Array
Default: An array containing `options.sep`, `options.linesep` strings.

If a field contains any occurrence of the given strings, it must be quoted.

#### options.esc:Array
Default: `['\\']`

The strings used for escaping special chars. The first string is used to encode CSV.

#### options.toEsc:Array
Default: If `options.esc` is empty, an empty array. If `options.quote` is empty,
 an array containing `options.sep`, `options.linesep`, `options.quote` and
 `options.esc` strings, otherwise, an array containing `options.quote` and

The strings that must be escaped.